Protecting The Other Person


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Jun 21, 2003
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Many times when we're out, its very possible that we could be traveling with someone else. This other person could be our spouse, brother/sister, bf/gf, kids, elderly family members. Its also very possible that the other people who we're with, do not have any martial arts training.

Now, usually when we hear people talk about self defense, running or leaving the area comes up and while its certainly a good idea, its not always an option. Its also possible that if we are attacked, it may involve more than one attacker.

So my question is this...what do you do to protect the other party that may be with you? Do you attempt to position yourself between them and the bad guy? Do you leave them to fend for themselves? What is your plan to protect them, while at the same time defending?

Shoot first, ask questions later....

Actually, MJS, here in Texas the law shows you have the same legal protection (or lack of it) if you see a third party that needs to be defended. It pretty much is the same requirements for yourself (except you can't use lethal force to stop someone from comitting suicide.. wonder why?)

If I'm packing heat, I'm more willing to intervine if the odds are against me(do you really want to fight 4 Crips at once with H2H?)

How I defend them will depend alot on what they cannot do (like run.) Some people are physicaly incapable of running or even walking fast.

So alot will depend on what the other person, or persons, can do. If I'm with 5 or 6 IDPA competitors who are armed, well I'll just sink below the table and let them handle it. If it's alot of old folks, different matter.

So it just depends on the circumstances.

For me Mike it is about protection period, I have always been trained to protect those with you first and foremost and if that means putting myself in between the fight I would. I guess I have to much of my father in me. Protect those that cannot protect themself.
Here are some ideas I have heard:

1) Code word or signal to indicate that you are in color ORANGE/RED (clap hands, a weird phrase).

2) Have the other person touch your lower back so you are aware of his/her position.

3) Have the other person drop to the ground, anyone standing is a hostile target (assuming you have a weapon on you).

In real life I had to make a decision on the spot. I walked ahead of my lady friend into the crowd of guys to get a feel for them. They felt safe.

When walking with my lady friends I walk as a buffer. If we see a corner I give that corner a wide breadth so I can have more time in case we need it.

Good thread. Looking forward to read the thoughts of other forum members.
So my question is this...what do you do to protect the other party that may be with you? Do you attempt to position yourself between them and the bad guy?

Yep...To get to them ya gota get through me..

Do you leave them to fend for themselves?


What is your plan to protect them, while at the same time defending?Mike

Make sure that the person you're protecting says outta the suspects reach and that they DO NOT try to help and jepordize their safety and mine...
Q. Do you leave them to fend for themselves?

A. Never leave anyone behind.

As a martial artist I feel it is a unspoken code to act in defense of someone who is unable to fend for themselves. I would do anything to keep my loved ones and friends safe.
Q. Do you leave them to fend for themselves?

A. Never leave anyone behind.

As a martial artist I feel it is a unspoken code to act in defense of someone who is unable to fend for themselves. I would do anything to keep my loved ones and friends safe.

Bravo, well said....
As always this is a good thread MJS!

When training or teaching I always try to incorporate training geared towards if you are out with your wife, girlfriend, children, etc. How do you position yourself so that they are not in the line of fire whether it be with a handgun, knife, empty hand, etc. Many disarms are not so good if your loved ones are in the way or vulnerable during the disarm. Imagine doing something that would cause them to be killed. So this type of training is very important.

It is also equally important that they know (loved ones) not to grab you out of fear or attempt to restrain. That could lead to a fatal situation for you if one arm is now encumbered.

My wife has been around me long enough to know my peculiar habits and where she should sit, stand, walk, etc. The kid's are learning.

In the end though in the moment I will do whatever is necessary to protect them including dieing on the spot so that they can get to safety and live. That is what any father/husband should do!
Though if I can prevent that in anyway I will.
My wife has been around me long enough to know my peculiar habits and where she should sit, stand, walk, etc. The kid's are learning.

My wife is the same way and I am very thankful for it. I had an encounter with her ex years ago and only a week or so before hand we had that "talk" of what she should do if there was/is trouble. Sadly the kids would rather defend dad then let me defend them :lol2:
Great thread! This is the situation of nightmares really where the option of running just isn't there! There is no way I could forgive myself if I left someone to be attacked whether it be a loved one or someone I've only just met. I believe that if I were in this situation where I was with vulnerable people it would all be about keeping them out of the attackers range as much as possible and if that meant me putting myself between them and the attackers so be it. Hard, decisive action is called for to neutralise the threat as soon as possible.

I have also had the discussion with my fiance that if ever we are in a situation where I am having to fight somebody the most helpful thing that she could do for me would be to get as far away as quickly as possible and call the police! I have drilled into her that she should not try and help me or get in the way as her being around would be a hinderance and distraction and give me another person to worry about other than my self!

I think that is the safest option however I do worry that for multiple attackers this could be more risky as some or one of them may pursue her leaving her more vulnerable. It is a really tricky question and all I know for definate is that the best thing would be to not pull any punches and go in really hard.
Hell yes I would defend my family and friends. Probably a stranger, too, if they were elderly or infirm.

I would think twice about getting in the middle of a domestic conflict: chances are they might BOTH turn on ya ;)

"With great power comes great responsibility..." :D
Many times when we're out, its very possible that we could be traveling with someone else. This other person could be our spouse, brother/sister, bf/gf, kids, elderly family members. Its also very possible that the other people who we're with, do not have any martial arts training.

Now, usually when we hear people talk about self defense, running or leaving the area comes up and while its certainly a good idea, its not always an option. Its also possible that if we are attacked, it may involve more than one attacker.

So my question is this...what do you do to protect the other party that may be with you? Do you attempt to position yourself between them and the bad guy? Do you leave them to fend for themselves? What is your plan to protect them, while at the same time defending?


if some one I love and respect is threatened I will place myself between them and the threatener if I can before it starts! if not then I will attack with extreme force! All that will count to me is their safety and the survival of the attacker is something I could not care less about one way or the other! I will stop them or die trying, no quarter given or expected.

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