Photos from your Studio

MGM said:
I think any one can post a photo, you just need to have it hosted on the web it can't only be on your computer.

sunset at my house as example

Beautiful sunset--thanks for sharing it with us! :ultracool
Technopunk said:
These arent from my studio, but from a Seminar my studio attended... And a Group Photo after the Seminar.
Cool--are you in the group photo, Technopunk? If so, which one are you?
Gin-Gin said:
Oh, he turned his cloaking device on.... ;)
No, you all got it wrong... he's so awesome that the camera isn't adequate to pick up his fantastico aura, thus Inviso-Techno
Im the guy in the back row with the glasses and the black bandana.
Sarah said:
Great Photos Technopunk, I like your new Avatar.

You have some really cool photo's of yourself, any more MA related ones that you can share??
These are from early 2003... At my photographers house.



Sarah said:
They are truly fantastic photos!!
Thanks, I have a good photographer.

I wish I actually looked 1/2 as good as she can make me look.

Chronuss said:
John, is your hakama cotton or a blend? oh, btw, great poses, dude. :D
I'm pretty sure Its a blend... The Hakama was the cheapest one the MA store here had... I think I paid like 45-50 bucks for it.
Chronuss said:
...I've been thinking about it...maybe getting one, just to see what it would be like. :)

Ohhhhhhh Good Grief~!!! Well if ya do.. I'm gonna borrow it for my costume *snorts*

Randy, you and Rob will be triplets..........

John, Great shots~!!!
Pure Cotton Hakammas are pure hell to care for (and really expensive)

A big guy at our school wears Hakama often. He used to get razzed about wearing a skirt.

I think they look kewl.
I've got pics of myself on my computer (don't worry, they are 'clean').
How do I go about getting them on here???
Don't think I've ever shown my mug on MT before.

Might scare ya, even you my Brother Technopunk...

your Brother
Brother John said:
I've got pics of myself on my computer (don't worry, they are 'clean').
How do I go about getting them on here???
Don't think I've ever shown my mug on MT before.

Might scare ya, even you my Brother Technopunk...

your Brother

John, You would have to upload them to a website and then link them via the
or URL link box above. Supporting members have the ability to upload directly from their hard drive.
There are a few free photo storage areas on the net :)
but the easiest way is to go here

Hope this helps~!


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