ok everybody check in

YiliQuan is your first kung fu experience then?

We have one or two other practitioners of it on the board.

Don't forget to close your tags: [ size=1]text[ /size] (without the extra spaces).
Yilishifu is the Headmaster of our system and founder of Yili (who losted it, I don't know, but he founded it! :roflmao: )

Chufeng is the second most senior student in the Yiliquan Association, and supervises the training of Yili students in the Pacific Northwest (in and around Puyallup, Tacoma, SeaTac, Seattle and Fort Lewis/McChord AFB).

ECYili is one of our senior students from Omaha, who will be moving to PA soon and opening a club there (we hope! :D ).

YiLiJingLei is a newly promoted Yili senior under Chufeng in Seattle.

Wormtail is the annoying guy at the airport that I spoke about in another thread, and who was later commented on by Chufeng as having the right spirit and attitude for a beginning student. He has been with the Northwest Yiliquan Association school for over a year and a half now, just took one of his first examinations, and is showing great promise with his training. A good guy I am glad to call friend...

And then there is lil' ol' me, the Fatboy of Yili, currently of Japan, en route to Fort Lewis, WA (and looking forward to the move!)


:samurai: :tank: :samurai:
Yip Man Wing Chun for several yrs. , Wudang Mtn. 108 Taiji for almost a year, ive decided to stop actively attending the W.C. kwoon due to time conflicts and concentrate on my Taiji........respects
Kinda, though I am trying to get more of our folks involved in the internet community...

Great place to meet folks, exchange ideas, and grow in knowledge in general...

I may not like some of the things people do, and I may not like some of what some folks have to say, but I grow by hearing about all of it...


:samurai: :tank: :samurai:
That would be highly cool! I am hoping that, upon my return to the US, I will be able to get several articles penned and published to the major rags... *ahem* publications, and there is rumor of a book on Yili in the works...

I will keep in touch with you on this one!
If you can't go the traditional route, remember that e-books on CD-ROM are relatively inexpensive to produce.

I am NOT the second most senior in the system.

Bobbo was promoted before either Jim Burgess or myself.
Jim Burgess is my senior and always will be.

That makes me fourth, at best...

My guess is that the warehouse gang are probably better tecnically...

My strong point is more in the esoteric realm.

...and Fatboy, by indicating my status in the system is really just pointing out that I'm a fat, gray-haired, old fart...:biggrin:

Sir.. with all due respect, :asian: you move pretty fast and precise for a fat, old gray man!!!
And you're not 100 percent yet...

(this observation is based on last Saturday's training)
Speed is relative - timing is everything.

That "old man" has timing that borders on precognition...

Not to mention being a sneaky bastard to boot...
Item #1)

Both my mother and my father were married to each other.

Item #2)


I live in Washington; if you telegraph your technique, from Cleveland, I simply won't be there when it "lands."

Item #3)


Well, OK, maybe a little, but that's to compensate for my age;)

Item #4)

If you are FORTUNATE enough to walk into one of my "special" techniques...you should rejoice..."What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!!!"

Item #5)

I would never do to you what I haven't done to myself, or been foolish enough to let one of my seniors do to me... so there.

Item #6)

In the old days, no one would question the method of instruction...you young guys got it easy....

I think the whole point was that one of your "special" techniques may well fell a full grown bull elephant in rut coming at you at a dead run after having mistaken you for a receptive female.

I seem to remember an encounter with a simple reverse punch once upon a time... :D

I can't wait to get back up to Washington to train with you guys... Of course, I am planning on staying out of the way of the "special" techniques as much as possible... Internal bleeding never was my favorite activity.

Well, I can certainly understand your reference to bull elephants mistaking me for a female in heat...but the stuff I leak behind me is a result of age and NOT a desire to procreate !!!

My ability to fell a bull elephant is GROSSLY overstated (I wouldn't even try it on a BillyGoat)...

Go back to your post in the General area...

Let's keep it real...the few "amazing" things I can do (which are few) are not magic, nor trickery...but the result of HARD training.

I actually paid attention when Nishiyama Sensei made Smaby Sensei look foolish at the seminar in Cedar rapids, Iowa in 1984...

Just started Wing Tsun 1/2 Year ago....


Originally posted by arnisador

Which lineage is this?

Hi arnisador,

its the Leung Ting linage - which i study in salzburg/austria


Hi, all,
Started with (about) a couple years of Judo, then started studying Yiliquan in 1986, though my ongoing training in the sysem's been pretty sporadic, at best. Also did a couple years of Aikido in the interim, and most recently have been studying Cheng Ting Hua's Bagua Zhang for the last couple years.
I moderate a Yiliquan forum in the Yahoo.com Groups section, which includes some fairly extensive reference material about the system & it's background, for interested parties.