Newest bombshell to drop at USAT

Ok, so he followed you then. :)

No I believe he made up his own mind, just like alot of people. You have some good insight on everything. Maybe you need to find a way to get this point a cross to the masses.
You have some good insight on everything. Maybe you need to find a way to get this point a cross to the masses.

The word is out there already. The problem, which you touched on, is that there are a lot of people in USAT that act only with their self interest in mind. The hard part is convincing them that having USAT crash is in their self interest, because they see all of the seniors leaving as an opportunity for advancement or whatever.
The word is out there already. The problem, which you touched on, is that there are a lot of people in USAT that act only with their self interest in mind. The hard part is convincing them that having USAT crash is in their self interest, because they see all of the seniors leaving as an opportunity for advancement or whatever.

agreed :asian:
The word is out there already. The problem, which you touched on, is that there are a lot of people in USAT that act only with their self interest in mind. The hard part is convincing them that having USAT crash is in their self interest, because they see all of the seniors leaving as an opportunity for advancement or whatever.
Seniors leaving is generally considered a bad sign everywhere else. Rather warped and short sighted that it is viewed as opportunity.

Seniors leaving is generally considered a bad sign everywhere else. Rather warped and short sighted that it is viewed as opportunity.

It is because the ego takes over and the thought being head honcho or becoming the "senior" that everyone else puts on a pedistol appeals to them. It amuses me that martial arts has more ego driven individuals than most activities out there.
It is because the ego takes over and the thought being head honcho or becoming the "senior" that everyone else puts on a pedistol appeals to them. It amuses me that martial arts has more ego driven individuals than most activities out there.
The problem is that becoming a senior in the art has nothing to do with who clears out at the top. Those seniors are still seniors. They simply chose not to participate in the USAT club. But them clearing out does not make those who move into their positions any more senior than they were before.

The problem is that becoming a senior in the art has nothing to do with who clears out at the top. Those seniors are still seniors. They simply chose not to participate in the USAT club. But them clearing out does not make those who move into their positions any more senior than they were before. Daniel

From their point of view, if the seniors leave the organization, then the positions that were previously held by them, such as referee chair or referee vice chairs, Ring TAs, International Referee at US Open, those spots open up and it becomes an opportunity for them. That is just the referee spots. There are other positions as well.
2 days after Hal sent the message regarding the sheriff's incident report to the BOD for their reaction, they held a meeting. In the minutes of that meeting, the 3rd board member this year resigned - Ron Getto, independent resigned his position.
The problem is that becoming a senior in the art has nothing to do with who clears out at the top. Those seniors are still seniors. They simply chose not to participate in the USAT club. But them clearing out does not make those who move into their positions any more senior than they were before.

It does and it doesn't. Technically speaking those moving out our the real seniors. However, those staying become the "seniors" in the organization. They fluff up the juniors by promising how they are going to better than those that left, because they obviously know more, and how they will not halt the progression of Taekwondo like they feel those before them did.

Let's see which saying best fits them? They want to be the big fish in their little pond or it is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven?
2 days after Hal sent the message regarding the sheriff's incident report to the BOD for their reaction, they held a meeting. In the minutes of that meeting, the 3rd board member this year resigned - Ron Getto, independent resigned his position.

not sure if that is a good thing or bad. doesn't that just open another position for another good ole boy?
not sure if that is a good thing or bad. doesn't that just open another position for another good ole boy?

Exactly. If all the "good" directors keep resigning, then how are the "good" people ever going to get a majority? That isn't the latest bombshell, that is the latest win for USAT and the people who are presently in control.
The USAT is leaving a trail of ex Bod members, the club is surely going to get worst before it gets any better. They need to fix the cracks before the whole things come down in pieces.
The USAT is leaving a trail of ex Bod members, the club is surely going to get worst before it gets any better. They need to fix the cracks before the whole things come down in pieces.

But how do you fix something when the people running it want it exactly how it is....

And we obviously see that the members dont run it!
But how do you fix something when the people running it want it exactly how it is....

And we obviously see that the members dont run it!

You do not fix it, you desolve it and start over again like they did before with the USTU. The biggest problem I see is greed, plain and simple those that finally get there forget what it was that pissed them off once they got there. We need strong people that will do what is best for the athlete and not what is best for the people running it. We all know it is about money, but without those beginners and mid belts going to tournaments the elite would have none. So we need leadership that would love to see what is best for TKD and finally we need real TKD people running it, those that know what it takes to run a successful school.
But how do you fix something when the people running it want it exactly how it is....

And we obviously see that the members dont run it!
Glenn, has already given the best answer to that question. Boycott it. Boycott the vendors, boycott the events, do not re-up your membership. The only way to effectively take them down is financially. Besides who would want to be in an organization that just sits back as one of their main people gets accused of sexual misconduct with a team member and now domestic violence charges and still really don't do anything about it.

Is a gold medal really worth affiliating with such a group?
This question is for Rhonda, what was it that got you to believe in USAT for that little time frame? How come you could not get any of these BOD people to join you when you was there trying to make changes? See I do not believe anybody really tried to join and fight the leaders but instead just went though the motions and was happy with little things. I believe that if you and all these people that are leaving now would have voiced your complaints together as a whole you might have been able to get stuff out to the members and explain the inside dealing with USAT, but then again I could be wrong and all of you tried and was not successful at it.
This question is for Rhonda, what was it that got you to believe in USAT for that little time frame? How come you could not get any of these BOD people to join you when you was there trying to make changes?

I asked Ronda the same thing, with no response. Maybe she will respond here, and we can talk about her time at USAT.
I asked Ronda the same thing, with no response. Maybe she will respond here, and we can talk about her time at USAT.

Well I hear these people leaving, but you never hear about them while they are there. I cannot believe they fought hard to get anything done while they was there like they are fighting now when the cannot really do anything. I would imagine if you did not like things before you became on board with USAT why sit back and be quite about it.
Glenn, has already given the best answer to that question. Boycott it. Boycott the vendors, boycott the events, do not re-up your membership. The only way to effectively take them down is financially. Besides who would want to be in an organization that just sits back as one of their main people gets accused of sexual misconduct with a team member and now domestic violence charges and still really don't do anything about it.

Is a gold medal really worth affiliating with such a group?

I completely agree.

I guess my point, if I had one, was that USAT itself does not see a problem so they will make NO attempt to fix it. Therefore, people resigning from the board has no effect on the org. because the Org is not run by the members, the members voices fall on def ears.

I agree the only real way to get a point across is stop attending. But that too has its negative effects such as people who dont desrve or otherwise would never had a chance to gain positions (on a team OR Board seat) GET those positions while others may loose out on their only oppurtunity.
I completely agree.

I guess my point, if I had one, was that USAT itself does not see a problem so they will make NO attempt to fix it. Therefore, people resigning from the board has no effect on the org. because the Org is not run by the members, the members voices fall on def ears.

I agree the only real way to get a point across is stop attending. But that too has its negative effects such as people who dont desrve or otherwise would never had a chance to gain positions (on a team OR Board seat) GET those positions while others may loose out on their only oppurtunity.

But as it is now, undeserving people are still getting those spots. However, as Glenn suggested, throw your membership support to the AAU and when it comes to events that are needed to get into the Olympics, support with minimum effort. You, your player and that is it. At least then a deserving fighter will make the team.

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