My perspective...

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Mou Meng Gung Fu

Purple Belt
Apr 11, 2017
Reaction score
I woke up today with 25 alerts, all from one person who thinks it's okay to call people names and trashtalk me on my own style which he knows nothing about (he bashed the way I use my elbows because it's apparently different from his "superior" style I guess). I was called a liar about things I never lied about. I was given the 3rd degree and then my thread was locked so that I didn't have a chance to reply or even defend myself. He bashed my brothers and my teachers before me. I was told that I have crappy kungfu, and I was name bashed, and told I suck. I even tried to meet with this individual in person to resolve these issues peacefully, but he refused to meetup and instead continued to run his mouth about me on the forum after he made some disrespectful comments about another martial artist who died many years ago. The staff says they're going to review the thread, but my kungfu tells me they have an inner circle connection and that justice is highly unlikely. So I most likely will not be making any more posts on this forum. However, just for the record, I am not too phased by other people's opinions. I am a honest person despite being called a liar. I am a good person despite being called several names (he even called me delusional lol). I'm going to continue to practice my kungfu regardless of what anyone thinks. Not one thing that was said about me or my style is going to make it go away. I don't care what people say. I'm not interested in trying to prove anything. I do what I do and it works for me. But just for the record, this individual is supposed to be a high-level master with 30+ years of experience, yet he can't even practice respect at a beginner level (Gichin Funakoshi would laugh). So I have no comment in regards to his claims. I'm just letting it be known that I'm not going to stop teaching kungfu. Let them say what they want. I am not effected one bit, because I'm just too busy training and learning new things. I can not be bothered with MA trolls at this time. I'm on a mission for self-improvement. Thank you for at least giving me this chance to speak and for allowing me to at least share my point of view. That being said, I hope you all have a great day. Train hard. Listen to those who know. Ignore the hype and pay attention. Sometimes, the students here are more advanced than the teachers. Personally, I would listen to some of what the mentors say, like Buka or Jenna, they are more passionate and have a more beautiful perspective of martial arts. Take care and good luck.
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you need to work on your chi. Trash talk on the internet is what its all about, it seems . You need to toughen up or keep off forums. Of course they won't meet you in person, it more difficult to be very mean when your face to face.but its the opinion of someone you will never meet, who lives hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles away, it really is of no consequence
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Well for what it's worth:

If you are gonna present your style as a new Martial Arts on a Martial Arts forum you and your style should expect to be fully vetted.

Had he just come on the board as another poster and not tried to introduce his new style it probably wouldn't have been a problem.
Well for what it's worth:

If you are gonna present your style as a new Martial Arts on a Martial Arts forum you and your style should expect to be fully vetted.

Had he just come on the board as another poster and not tried to introduce his new style it probably wouldn't have been a problem.
I'm not sure vetting was what was going on, that need an open mind
I'm not sure what the point of principal was,al the styles are made up and all just borrow from the others.why someone cant do that with out being roasted I'm not sure

for instance I'm currently developing my own style, its called jo fu, it borrows heavily from white crane kung fu has some judo in and a bit of street fighting. Its designed mostly for us against much bigger opponents' The philosophy is when attacked, be very meek and beg to be to be left alone, then when they turn round hit them with a chair or other handy heavy object, then they are concussed beat them up or leave quickly
. It's quite effective, going to be running classes soon
I'm not sure vetting was what was going on, that need an open mind
I'm not sure what the point of principal was,al the styles are made up and all just borrow from the others.why someone cant do that with out being roasted I'm not sure

for instance I'm currently developing my own style, its called jo fu, it borrows heavily from white crane kung fu has some judo in and a bit of street fighting. Its designed mostly for us against much bigger opponents' The philosophy is when attacked, be very meek and beg to be to be left alone, then when they turn round hit them with a chair or other handy heavy object, then they are concussed beat them up or leave quickly
. It's quite effective, going to be running classes soon

I don't have a problem with anyone creating his own style, but if you are going to present that style to others you need to be willing to give your background and credentials to validate you and your style.

When I present our course to others in my field, I would do so knowing I'm going to have to answer questions about my background, former training received, and experience along with being able to discuss tactics and philosophy of our course.
You're upset about strangers say about you? Yeah the internets probably not the place for you to be if you take it personally
I don't have a problem with anyone creating his own style, but if you are going to present that style to others you need to be willing to give your background and credentials to validate you and your style.

When I present our course to others in my field, I would do so knowing I'm going to have to answer questions about my background, former training received, and experience along with being able to discuss tactics and philosophy of our course.
why is back ground and credentials important, it either works or it doesn't. The best person to design a fight system is someone who can fight, why does it matter if he has a black best 30 years experience and studied under so and so. It's a bogus arguments, lord longsdale couldn't box to safe to safe his life, but it caught on well enough
Well you choose to "promote" your art on a public forum so you put yourself to criticism even if its a hard truth. my opinion is there are so many holes, misuse of Chinese language(seriously dude the whole wumingquan and your name is Wu Wei just sounds just like a bad movie) when you presented your art it was well not presented well just a mess of everything but not everything then it's nothing.
Well you choose to "promote" your art on a public forum so you put yourself to criticism even if its a hard truth. my opinion is there are so many holes, misuse of Chinese language(seriously dude the whole wumingquan and your name is Wu Wei just sounds just like a bad movie) when you presented your art it was well not presented well just a mess of everything but not everything then it's nothing.
are you talking gung fu, if its "not everything, then its nothing"" maybe it made,sense in mandarin
Just had a look at the thread and quite honestly it looks like simply people asked questions you got defensive
why is back ground and credentials important, it either works or it doesn't. The best person to design a fight system is someone who can fight, why does it matter if he has a black best 30 years experience and studied under so and so. It's a bogus arguments, lord longsdale couldn't box to safe to safe his life, but it caught on well enough

Ok. You are in luck then allow me to introduce Jones-itsu-who-hit-u. It is the perfect fighting system that has been proven over and over.

Just send me 200 dollars and I will send you the complete system (DVDs, manuals, etc...)

This is less about the OP's style and more about how we treat people here. We cannot represent ourselves as 'the friendly martial arts site' if we have people who are actually blatantly rude and confrontational, not just to the OP I must add.
I read the through the thread that was locked and it was getting very angry and quite nasty.
I don't know whether the OP's style is good, bad or indifferent, I don't actually care but I do think the way he was treated by one poster in particular was in need of the mods. attention.
While yes, this is the 'internet', this is also a site that is supposed to be against bullying and the sort of behaviour we see on certain other martial arts sites. If there's nastiness here then yes people should be upset and the rest of us should be saying, no that's enough not saying 'suck it up' as they would on at least one site I know. We are better than that surely?
Yes discuss whether the style is a viable one, discuss origins, techniques etc etc but I don't come on here to see someone having a hissy fit because he doesn't like someone else's style, if it's that offensive to you put it on ignore, don't click on or just skim and move on. Personal attacks are never nice, trust me, I know, being targeted as I can tell you is never nice.

If you are gonna present your style as a new Martial Arts on a Martial Arts forum you and your style should expect to be fully vetted.

Vetted? who are we the martial arts police? We discuss, we don't vet.

This is a place where we all have our idiosyncrasies, this is a place where they are usually tolerated, I'd hate to lose that.
Ok. You are in luck then allow me to introduce Jones-itsu-who-hit-u. It is the perfect fighting system that has been proven over and over.

Just send me 200 dollars and I will send you the complete system (DVDs, manuals, etc...)


I suspect Master Ken will opine. :)
Ok. You are in luck then allow me to introduce Jones-itsu-who-hit-u. It is the perfect fighting system that has been proven over and over.

Just send me 200 dollars and I will send you the complete system (DVDs, manuals, etc...)

but I'm sure its better than any number of establishments that claim linage, if you open a uk branch book me in
I just looked at that other thread, the one that was locked. I don't quite know what to say, never experienced that kind of thing on our site before.
but I'm sure its better than any number of establishments that claim linage, if you open a uk branch book me in

Tell you what....I'll give you a 20% Martial Talk discount and an autograph picture
I just looked at that other thread, the one that was locked. I don't quite know what to say, never experienced that kind of thing on our site before.
Is there something I can't see on there or something because I genuinely don't see any insults on there. I saw a guy who disliked every post the op made but no comments by him...

Edit: never mind I just looked and I'd actually already put that person on ignore so I didn't see it
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