More respect on the mat or your day job?

Funny, I have been getting more respect at work since I started martial arts. My energy level is higher and have been more force full with my integrity. My staff are in much better spirits, even though I took away alot of the shortcuts they were taking.
Right off the bat, in the dojo you are learning the art of respect and this key element may be a missing ingredient in the day/night job.

That's a real good point. We also were taught to show respect for our teachers and fellow students from the very beginning. Of course, they say that true respect needs to be earned and I'm finding my verbal dispalys of respect in the dojo have a lot more sincerity now than they did when I first started a year ago.

I find the habit of giving respect that I learned in our dojo has carried over into my non-MA life as well. I have always talked to the various people I interact with in a service environment (like cafeteria and cleaning people), but I find that using simple words like 'sir' and 'mam' along with 'thank you' have transformed these normal business interaction into something a little deaper. The greatings and smiles are more sincere and friendlier. We talk about non-business topics if time permits. Regardless of whether or not I receive respect, I find the act of giving respect to be a good habit for human interaction. But I suspect that giving respect also earns respect.
I'm bout equal on & off. I don't generally speak unless I have a decent grasp of the subject material so I rarely open myself up to be knocked down. :)

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