Middle age


White Belt
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Everyone.
I am 43 and am trying to find the time to train. I have a 16 month old son and find my training opportunities are quite a bit less these days. When I do have time, I am freaking tired! I want to be able to pass martial arts on to my son when he is old enough to start training. This is a frustrating time for me. Wish me luck. LOL

Take care
Welcome to MT and good luck with your training. Hope you will find more opportunities to train. :)
Welcome to MT

Been there, done that, still doing it

Got up earlier and went to bed earlier and I had more time. However not much more, but more... oh and I'm still tired
I hear that, fortunately my son is just getting old enough to go and hang out while I train or teach. The not quite potty-trained issue has reared its head a couple of times. :D
Greetings and Welcome to MT....Keep us posted on your training efforts..
Hey Kali Hand,

FMA is a great art.

Welcome to MT.
Welcome, and good luck. The kids will always come first, and that's okay. You'll gradually get more time as they get older - I enjoy practicing with 2 of my kids in the park when the weather's nice.
Hey there kalihand! Nice to have you here. Remember, we all have the same numer of hours in the day. If it`s important to you (and fun) you`ll find the time for it. Hang in there......but don`t be afraid to grab a nap with your boy sometimes.
Welcome to Martial Talk. Training with your son will be the most rewarding experience ever, good luck.

The most important thing is not the pace........but simply never quitting.

Thank you for all of your wonderful support and advice. I am happy to say that I have resumed my training. I am getting into the gym 3 to 4 times a week. I just had to make up my mind to "git er dun". I am also happy to say that my energy level is improving so that when I get home, I still have time and fuel to play with my family. Eating organic has been a big key as well. I just can't say enough good things about eating healthy.
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