Likelyhood of a trained attacker

While these are all valuable points to consider and perhaps we were hyperfocusing I think we were just postulating the worst case scenario. In that case the attacker is a career criminal with the ability to nogitate violence.

The cracked out drug user with a knife isn't likely to have been trained he's likely to be hopped up and thus dangerious or not hopped up and thus dangerious.

The kid who is doing it to join a gang on the other hand. They are going to teach him to fight.

So the question is who are we likely to run into and have to worry about?


Agreed! I work with teens (and their older family members/homies) that many people would cross the street to avoid, yet I don't see them that way at all when we're together. Doesn't mean some of them haven't/won't do something ugly to someone at some point in life--maybe to one of us or our loved ones, if we haven't prepared.

So while I certainly don't ever want to stereotype, don't want to be naive either. Categories have their limitations, but can be useful at times. :)
It's because I train this way and am a student of violence, that I do not walk around paranoid, but I do feel it is foolish to be out in public and not have some level of awarness up.
This has served me well.

Durring times when I was away from the arts,and not training, I was definatly more weary and a bit Paranoid when around elements that were shady.

Not to be cocky or underestimate people, as that can mean a nasty surprise, but because I train the way I do, I feel tthat I am useually the most dangerous guy in the room when around shady types. I train to maim or kill such people.

It's also easier to remain calm and get out of a situation, or turn on the look and convence them I am not to be messed with, because I train this way.

But no I do not think about this 24/7, but as a Nidan, who's Sensei expects to pass on what I have learned, I think about it more than most would need to.

Be hard to protect what is soft,kind and gentle, from those who are malevolent. They are Legeon.

Rickson Gracie says something in Choke that I really liked, especially when you get those types who say " You do that s$%# because you are really affraid.
It was something like " I fear everything and everyone. That's why I do Jujutsu." I have kids that need me, I fear some Thug will try to kill me once more, so I train to kill him.
It's because I train this way and am a student of violence, that I do not walk around paranoid, but I do feel it is foolish to be out in public and not have some level of awarness up.
This has served me well.

Durring times when I was away from the arts,and not training, I was definatly more weary and a bit Paranoid when around elements that were shady.

Not to be cocky or underestimate people, as that can mean a nasty surprise, but because I train the way I do, I feel tthat I am useually the most dangerous guy in the room when around shady types. I train to maim or kill such people.

It's also easier to remain calm and get out of a situation, or turn on the look and convence them I am not to be messed with, because I train this way.

But no I do not think about this 24/7, but as a Nidan, who's Sensei expects to pass on what I have learned, I think about it more than most would need to.

Be hard to protect what is soft,kind and gentle, from those who are malevolent. They are Legeon.

Rickson Gracie says something in Choke that I really liked, especially when you get those types who say " You do that s$%# because you are really affraid.
It was something like " I fear everything and everyone. That's why I do Jujutsu." I have kids that need me, I fear some Thug will try to kill me once more, so I train to kill him.

Well when you put it like that :ultracool . This time around, I'm with you on every point (those same guys I mentioned earlier always believe [right or wrong] that I'm 'not to be messed with', as you say). I think it was the 24/7 take I read into(?) your previous entry that worried me. Good post, eloquent clarification. :)

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