Last Person #5

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The thing I like about the left coast is that I can get up so darn early. Last time I got up early and went out on the balcony and did taijiquan, it was great.
The thing I like about the left coast is that I can get up so darn early. Last time I got up early and went out on the balcony and did taijiquan, it was great.
Yeah, when I was in Phoenix on business (they were 3 hours behind Eastern), I always got up at 7:30 Eastern to go for a run - much later than I usually get up. But I called it 4:30, which sounded much more hard core.
We do the opposite. When we go to Disney world, we can stay up til the parks close. I'm usually in bed by 10pm, but that's 1am Disney time. :)
I'm a big NFL fan. When I first lived here in 1994 it was odd watching the 1P.M game at seven in the morning. But after a few weeks, it was seriously the balls. Feet up on the coffee table, eating scrambled eggs and bacon with a nice cup of Kona Joe, yelling at your team on the TV. Then the four P.M game comes on at 10 A.M - then it's on with your day.

What I find really odd is that twice a year, 300 million people change the time on their clocks by an hour. It has no real effect on them because everyone does it and it's official. It has no real effect here, because nobody does it and it's still official. But it blows my mind anyway.
What I find really odd is that twice a year, 300 million people change the time on their clocks by an hour. It has no real effect on them because everyone does it and it's official. It has no real effect here, because nobody does it and it's still official. But it blows my mind anyway.

Living where we change the time all I can say is...I don't get it either....and it messes me up dealing with relatives in China
The point of changing is Daylight savings time gives people more time after work and school to do stuff outdoors.

But in the winter the days shorten and you have kids waiting for their buses in the dark....from my understanding this is one of the main reasons why we don't stay in Daylight Savings time.
Just took down a burgeoning hornets nest outside the living room window.
Tactic - spray, then run like hell.
Just took down a burgeoning hornets nest outside the living room window.
Tactic - spray, then run like hell.

After 3 yellow jacket nests (1 I found when they started stinking me) multiple run-ins with carpenter bees and 1 wasps nest..... I can tell you your tactic is a sound one....and I only beat the carpenter bees when I took the deck off my house and replaced it with Trex decking.... although I got one Carpenter bee without spraying....I knock one out of the air with a rake..... it charged :D.
After 3 yellow jacket nests (1 I found when they started stinking me) multiple run-ins with carpenter bees and 1 wasps nest..... I can tell you your tactic is a sound one....and I only beat the carpenter bees when I took the deck off my house and replaced it with Trex decking.... although I got one Carpenter bee without spraying....I knock one out of the air with a rake..... it charged :D.

Ever tried Talstar P.....does a great job of getting rid of insects......all insects.

Talstar P (Talstar One)
After 3 yellow jacket nests (1 I found when they started stinking me) multiple run-ins with carpenter bees and 1 wasps nest..... I can tell you your tactic is a sound one....and I only beat the carpenter bees when I took the deck off my house and replaced it with Trex decking.... although I got one Carpenter bee without spraying....I knock one out of the air with a rake..... it charged :D.
I've let the carpenter bees alone. They seem to stick to one area, and aren't continuing to bore. I've found 3 yellow jacket nests - one of them absolutely HUGE. I took two down with glass bowls (much more effective than it sounds) and a bear ate the other. Had some hornet problems - once in the attic (bug bomb for that one) and once around the gap in a conduit (just sprayed that with an entire can while they tried to get out). In all cases, when I first discovered them, I also discovered I can still run like I did in college.
I've let the carpenter bees alone. They seem to stick to one area, and aren't continuing to bore. I've found 3 yellow jacket nests - one of them absolutely HUGE. I took two down with glass bowls (much more effective than it sounds) and a bear ate the other. Had some hornet problems - once in the attic (bug bomb for that one) and once around the gap in a conduit (just sprayed that with an entire can while they tried to get out). In all cases, when I first discovered them, I also discovered I can still run like I did in college.

I'd leave them alone too, if they were not trying to take over my back they are now gone....besides...the one charged me...and he had EVIL in his was him or me.....I had to hit him with a rake :D
No 4th of July gathering at my step-brother's place this year. That means no launching of DIY model rockets until they fall apart.
Hadn't heard of this. But after reading all that - sounds terrific. Sounds like just what I need here.

it works great. Once it dries it is safe for humans and pets. I spray every 2-3 months.

Barrier around the bottom of my house, around the bottom of the eves of my roof, my hedge bushes, porch and deck lighting, and then spot spray inside my house.
My dad headed home (well, not really - a stop for a week or so at my uncle's first). It was nice to hang out with him for a couple of days. Haven't had that luxury in about 3 or 4 years.

Slo-mo of the pizza oven roaring at full made pizzas, a skillet of thighs and veggies and skillet of cornbread......then we had ribs, drumsticks, a london broil, black beans and rice, jalapeno poppers and hotdogs.....and way too much beer....urgh

Slo-mo of the pizza oven roaring at full made pizzas, a skillet of thighs and veggies and skillet of cornbread......then we had ribs, drumsticks, a london broil, black beans and rice, jalapeno poppers and hotdogs.....and way too much beer....urgh
How do you control the heat in that thing?
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