Last Person #5

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Welcome back.....lets see what did you miss.... well someone posted the secret to Wing Chun, and it was awesome, we are all now experts now...but sadly due to a Russian hack of MT that post was lost forever...other than that...not much :D

Dangit. guess I will have to learn the hard way: by going back to class. LOL
I'm not getting it all done because they should have two Agency Program Aides here. Within the space of 3 weeks, they DID have two, but the young lady training me transferred back to her old agency.

And two weeks from tomorrow, I transfer back to they'll have ZERO APA's.

Does that mean you are doing the work of zero people then?:)
I'm not getting it all done because they should have two Agency Program Aides here. Within the space of 3 weeks, they DID have two, but the young lady training me transferred back to her old agency.

And two weeks from tomorrow, I transfer back to they'll have ZERO APA's.
Wasn't this a significant promotion for you? Sorry to hear that.
I have a backup plan though. Next Saturday I am taking a test that makes me eligible for literally hundreds of titles. Bound to find something better through that. :)
You lost power? and if you think the washing machine draws a lot of energy, wait until you flip on the electric dryer.

I am happy to have the water back on. Yeah anything with a heating element apparently. I have a little gas barbecue for coffee.
I have a backup plan though. Next Saturday I am taking a test that makes me eligible for literally hundreds of titles. Bound to find something better through that. :)

A while back We had to fake an online training class on preventing sexual harassment. After passing the test it prompts you to type in your name and title for the certificate. The certificate is then sent to public resources to be filed in my file as completing the course.

I asked my supervisor what he wanted me to put as my title (rank or job title).

He told me it didn't matter just what ever I wanted to be on the certificate....

So I turned in my certificate awarded to LORD CB Jones of **** MANOR.

Apparently my definition of what ever you want on the certificate and his definition is two separate things.

A while back We had to fake an online training class on preventing sexual harassment. After passing the test it prompts you to type in your name and title for the certificate. The certificate is then sent to public resources to be filed in my file as completing the course.

I asked my supervisor what he wanted me to put as my title (rank or job title).

He told me it didn't matter just what ever I wanted to be on the certificate....

So I turned in my certificate awarded to LORD CB Jones of **** MANOR.

Apparently my definition of what ever you want on the certificate and his definition is two separate things.


the dangers of being vague with a smart<donkey>......
one reason I am rather precise with my son.....(and he in turn with me....:D)
Watched Bertha emerge from the depths. A few years late, but impressive nonetheless. Some screen grabs from the live feed.




I am happy to have the water back on. Yeah anything with a heating element apparently. I have a little gas barbecue for coffee.
We lose power a couple of times every winter. We have a gas stove now, but used to have electric. I kept a couple of propane camp stoves handy, along with a stovetop percolator. Coffee must always be possible.
Hard start to the day for my wife. She got an email from her dad back in Ukraine that one of her cousins died. He was 46 - younger than me - and basically drank himself into kidney failure.
I heard something about this on NPR yesterday. Somehow I hadn't heard of Bertha until then.
It's been something of a debacle, really. The project was funded way back in 2009. The plan was originally to start in Summer, 2013 and be done by Fall, 3014. Everything was going pretty well until it hit a pipe in December, and that's when the finger pointing began. First of all, we have giant machine stuck under Seattle, and the contractors were like, "Not our fault Bertha is broken. The plans we got didn't show a pipe there." The government was like, "Whoa, there, cowboy. You need to pay." In May, 2015, the State was determined to be to blame, and the tax payers footed the bill.

Ultimately, it wasn't until the governor started fining the contractors that they "figured it out." It sat under Seattle for over 2 years.

But, it's done now. Hopefully, it will do what it was supposed to do, which is to create a seismically sensible route through downtown that opens up the waterfront.
Welcome back.....lets see what did you miss.... well someone posted the secret to Wing Chun, and it was awesome, we are all now experts now...but sadly due to a Russian hack of MT that post was lost forever...other than that...not much :D
Nooo... you must be imagining it. Thats probably it! Besides why would russians want wingchun secrets anyway? :eek:

(Он слишком много знает)
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