Kenpo Belts



What is the best company to get your belts embroided? Specifically red stripes. I know alot of people just use tape but I have seen some pretty nice ones on some of the Masters.:idunno:
embroided? Is that actually a word? My spelling sucks.:iws:

Greetings! I just recently bought a specialty belt and the work was excellant! I would love to recommend you to check out Eosin Panther.

I believe the website address is as follows:

They have a phone number listed, but I was unable to contact them through that number, I used e-mail I believe.

Hope all is well. Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
Mr. Billings had reccomended a company to me. I think it is in Dallas. Mr. Sepulveda had an embroidered 8th degree belt on once and so I got him to help me get a 7th for Mr. Duffy. I think Mr. Billings knows where that was done.

I will email Mr. Sepulveda and find out though. I'll put the results here when I get them. The bar is not all embroidery it is that "bias tape" that we use for stripes but I guess it is 5 inches high. It is embroidered on the edges and then the stripes above it are 100% embroidered stitching. That is how Mr. Duffy's came in. I assume Mr. Sepulveda's is the same. I have not looked closely at it in perhaps 2years.

Very nice though. Caught Mr. Duffy's attention initially.
KI does the belt work you are looking for. You can also contact Mr. Billings like Doug Hall suggested as he may have or know of other sources for that type of stuff. KI I know for certain does excellent work.


Mr. Billings:
his web site is also listed in my profile as I am his student.

Hope that this helps some.

Originally posted by True2Kenpo

Greetings! I just recently bought a specialty belt and the work was excellant! I would love to recommend you to check out Eosin Panther.


I love the American Flag Belt they have, talk about over kill

American Flag Belt

It's been posted on here before, I think someone suggested Mr. O'Bryant get one to have his Stars and Stripes Gi. ;)
Thanks for the info guys. Kenpogirl, maybe one of us Canuks should make a Canadian not.
Originally posted by Ginsu
KI does the belt work you are looking for. You can also contact Mr. Billings like Doug Hall suggested as he may have or know of other sources for that type of stuff. KI I know for certain does excellent work.


Yes Kroy,
I think
is where Mr. Billings sent me, but I will have to check with Mr. Sepulveda to see where we got the one for Mr. Duffy.

I am almost certain Mr. Billings said that the KI ™ DELUXE EMBROIDERED BLACK BELT Package was the one I should look at.

Mr. Billings said that for Kenpo anyway, you want to be sure that if you have stripes added later, that they will be the same color of red.

I'll let you know if I get different info from Mr. Sepulveda. Thanks Kroy.

P.S. I just realized that Mr. Billings is now with Mr. Sepulveda so I will not try to contact Mr. Sepulveda myself. I'll let Mr. Billings answer you about the belt situation. I am curious myself as to whether they have the same source.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
I had mine done through Lang Son Traders in Dallas. They do a very respectable job.

I have also ordered stripes on belts from KI directly (excellent job) and through Doshin Martial Arts.



Do you mean the Belt you have on when I see you, the one with 4 stripes came from Lang Son?

And do you mean that you have also sent KI a Black Belt with Red Stripes and asked them to add a stripe and they did this well?

I will ask if you can show me these next time I come by.

If you could post a picture of each here that would be excellent.

Thank you for the info. :asian:

Note to Kaith: This is an example of a post/thread something that might be worth a small donation.

It has never ocurred to me to take pictures of my own belts ... or anyone else's. Sorry about that.

KI did belts for me and Mike Durkin. Lang Son did Tommy Burks 6th Black for me. I had one done locally that did not turn out well, so you will probably need to send it off. They can and do match stripes at either place, although I might get a new belt to "Date" the promotion. More trouble that it is worth if you are doing a Brown Belt and adding stipes 8 - 12 months apart. I figure it would be a month total turn around time, and most Brown Belts don't have another belt. For Black, most of us do have more than one belt, so no big deal.

Originally posted by Michael Billings

It has never ocurred to me to take pictures of my own belts ... or anyone else's. Sorry about that.

Thank you, sir. I thought that pictures might help these guys go shopping.

My Brown Belt is...old enough to have been embroidered, but I'm looking forward to getting rid of it some day.

I don't need a belt for me right now, but you seem to have found a good place and I thought a picture might help these guys know what we were talking about. I had never seen an embroidered "Parker Kenpo" belt before. Sifu Swan used bias tape as far as I know. Mr. Duffy had the same bias tape until we got him the 7th via Mr. Sepulveda.

Note to all: Take me out of the "Groupie Belt Stalker" category if you had put me in there.

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