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Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
After careful analysis of his many insightful threads, I've come to the conclusion that he has won.
We are feeding him the attention he craves. It's the "Hey, look at me" thing over and over again. He's been given the same advice many times over. He's been criticized and even ridiculed.
He really doesn't care, because he's getting the attention he craves. He's not a martial artist, and has no intentions of becoming one.
I think his threads are entertaining, and I will keep reading them and enjoying it. :cigar:

This is my ignore button.
2nd place in the all-time loser contest is far worse than 1st place. Think about it - the 2nd place guy couldn't even win that contest.
Yeah I get that. But I actually thought your answer was going to be "that Tames D dude" :shamefullyembarrased:
Kehcorpz is still on here? I 'ignored' him a while back, and just assumed he had left.

Something tells me his tenure here will be quite long. He'll easily achieve grand master post status here before he steps foot into a dojo.
Something tells me his tenure here will be quite long. He'll easily achieve grand master post status here before he steps foot into a dojo.
I'm just amazed at how effective the ignore button appears to be. he's the only one I have on the list, and I had no idea at all he was still posting. Honestly, I forgot about him.
What do you mean with I won?!

You sound as if I was malign or something. I have no bad intentions. I simply have a lot of questions and a hard time
to make decisions. That's all.
What do you mean with I won?!

You sound as if I was malign or something. I have no bad intentions. I simply have a lot of questions and a hard time
to make decisions. That's all.
I explained in post #4 how you won. But apparently I was wrong and you came in 2nd place.
This is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a win win for all of us.
He's not a martial artist, and has no intentions of becoming one.

Not true. Do you think I'd watch videos if it didn't interest me?

If I knew what's good and what's also suitable for me cause I'm fragile then I'd start it.

I wish I wasn't so fragile. I really don't know if there are many martial arts which I could even do cause of this. :(
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