Just another newbie saying hi


Yellow Belt
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hickory Hills, Il.
Greetings to all,
I'm new to the forum, and I go by the tag of metaldad. I'm a 39 yr old truck driver, husband and father of two awesome children whom I hope inspire to become martial artists.Though my familiarity with the martial arts stretches back to 3rd grade, I didn't get my first "official" lesson until I was 18. I was taught enough to get my rear kicked soundly. At least that is what my first instructor told me. Wing Chun kung fu was my starting point in actual lessons. Financial and military commitments would not allow me to continue but I always practice sil lum tao whenever I can. I had the pleasure and honor of taking a few lessons in Uechi Ryu karate in Okinawa and being one of two only Americans in the class. That was an experience I will not forget just due to the fact that the senior students were actually quite helpful in spite of cultural and language differences. I've also had lessons in Goju Ryu but here in America, as well as Miyama Ryu Jiu Jitsu, some Tai Chi, Philipino stick fighting, Kick boxing and presently boxing. My only regret is that my experience is very limited. I've only learned the basics of each art that I've tried.Time and finances always were an issue. I'm a former Marine and Army National Guardsmen. Though I may not be a skilled martial artist, my interest has never died and I truly hope to inspire my kids to learn. My son imitates me shadow boxing and my daughter has imitated sil lum tao watching me.Though training in an actual class with an experienced instructor is the way to go, I 'm limited to training alone. at least I get some aerobic benefits. I'm hoping to gain more inspiration and learn some good advice and meet new friends.My introduction is quite long winded so it's time to stop. God bless and peace to all!!!!
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey: It sounds like you have some good experiences to share, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to Martial Talk! Enjoy your stay! :)

Hey metaldad, nice to have you with us---love your view of how your MA is a point of connection between you and your kids (plus your obvious pride and pleasure in them, more power to you!) If you're looking for a place to nurture your long-held love of the MAs, and encourage you to go on with them as far as you can... well, this is it, sir!
Greetings and Welcome to MT...Impressive backround...
Welcome to MT, Metaldad :wavey:
never move back to move forward
Welcome MT & happy posting! I'm originally from Elgin, IL. I miss home. Do me a favor, eat a Vienna Hot Dog for me.:)

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