Judo: Sport or martial art?

Patrick Skerry said:
Hi Andy,

There is a differece between a game, a sport, and a martial art, a contest, and physical fitness. Jumping jacks is physical fitness, can be turned into a contest, but is not a sport.
A game can have contests, but is not a sport or physical fitness.
A martial art can contain a contest, but is neither a game nor a sport, but definately contains physical fitness.
Ju-jutsu is not a game, it is not a sport, it does have physical fitness, and it does have contests.
Judo is not a game, it is not a sport, it does have contests, and it does have physical fitness.
Wrestling is a sport, it is not a game, it does have contests, it does have physical fitness, but it is not judo.
Karate is not a game, it is not a sport, it is a martial art, it does have contests, and it does have physical fitness.
A waltz is not a game, it is not a sport, it does have contests, and it does contain a minimum of physical fitness.
So, therefore, judo is not a sport!

Wow, thats some powerful logic "Patrick"! I'm so glad we have a judo god on the board!
Hollywood1340 said:
Wow, thats some powerful logic "Patrick"! I'm so glad we have a judo god on the board!
It is not a syllogism, but a sorite.

So judo is not a sport because: 1) Dr. Kano never referred to it as a sport nor did he treat it as such; and, 2.) ancient Japan practiced sports totally independently of its martial arts.
Oh, drinks! He put in the sport department of Tokyo University. HE did. Along with Soccer, baseball and gymnastics. Miss that did you?
Patrick Skerry said:
It is not a syllogism, but a sorite.(edit- means we're wrong)

So judo is not a sport because: 1) Dr. Kano never referred to it as a sport nor did he treat it as such; and, 2.) ancient Japan practiced sports totally independently of its martial arts.

i'm about ready to pass out
bignick said:

i'm about ready to pass out
So again, if had organized sports, and competed in them independent of its martial arts, that leads me to conclude that the martial arts, which includes judo, are not sports - therefore, judo is not a sport!
face it...i also lament about the direction judo takes in today's world...but for the majority of competitions and competitors...judo has become a sport...whether you like it or not...myself, my instructors and the rest of my judo club had a very indepth discussion about this subject last night....

i was gonna post some of their thoughts....but why bring intelligence to this thread now?
bignick said:
face it...i also lament about the direction judo takes in today's world...but for the majority of competitions and competitors...judo has become a sport...whether you like it or not...myself, my instructors and the rest of my judo club had a very indepth discussion about this subject last night....

i was gonna post some of their thoughts....but why bring intelligence to this thread now?
Because you fear the truth?

Consider what you just typed - "judo has become a sport...whether you like it or not..." is so very fatalistic that it cannot be valid. Always challenge the status quo!

Judo has not become a sport yet! It is in the process of becoming one, and we can disrupt that process by simple non-compliance - just like the KANO SOCIETY, just the the KODOKAN, and just like the ALL JAPAN JUDO ASSOCIATION, judoka do not have to mindlessly conform to the dictates of the Olympic Committee or the International Judo Federation. That is all I've been pointing out. Very simple non-compliance.
Patrick Skerry said:
It is not a syllogism, but a sorite.

So judo is not a sport because: 1) Dr. Kano never referred to it as a sport nor did he treat it as such; and, 2.) ancient Japan practiced sports totally independently of its martial arts.
Kano never used the internet. Why do you? I mean, if Kano didn't say it, it must be impure or something. I know I feel dirty just typing on this naughty newfangled keyboard.
not wearing a blue gi and sidestepping questions are not the type of non-compliance that are going to save judo...the problem it faces deal with players attitudes toward shiai and their focus of training
Patrick Skerry said:
So again, if had organized sports, and competed in them independent of its martial arts, that leads me to conclude that the martial arts, which includes judo, are not sports - therefore, judo is not a sport!

Or maybe judo was a sport to begin with? Why did kano include it?

Patrick, you started this thread with your mind made up. If your mind is made up, what is the point of this thread?

What is your judo education and who are your judo instructors?
Because you fear the truth?
Oh, dude - BRING IT!

And if you would be so kind to answer Hollywood's questions, although I have a feeling you will not....
Hollywood1340 said:
Or maybe judo was a sport to begin with? Why did kano include it?
You are aware that judo was derived from ju-jutsu, a martial art? Judo was clearly stated by Dr. Kano in his paper: 'The Contribution of Judo to Education', that judo was a form of physical education, not a sport! And since Japan practiced its own indiginous sports independent of its martial arts, Dr. Kano surely knew the difference.

I feel that Dr. Kano strove to include his judo into the Olympics to promulgate his creation worldwide. The simple inclusion of judo as an Olympic event does not automatically turn a martial art into a sport.

If you honestly think there is a problem with Judo, then why don't you do something to fix it. There are organizations like www.Bullshido.com who make it their purpose to fight bs in the martial arts. The guys at bullshido are great at finding frauds and fakes.
IamBaytor said:

If you honestly think there is a problem with Judo, then why don't you do something to fix it. There are organizations like www.Bullshido.com who make it their purpose to fight bs in the martial arts. The guys at bullshido are great at finding frauds and fakes.
Judo is neither a sport nor a fraud. Judo is the real deal.
I'm not saying Judo is a fraud. But if you feel that organizations within the Judo community are frauds or not keeping with the ideals of Judo, maybe you would want to get some advice from a group that is known for dealing with frauds.
Because frankly for the most part...we..really don't care to have "Disscussions" when there is nothing to discuss. I'm just increasing my post count and having fun. What have you accomplished today? Hmm...I wonder if I can use the qouting of a paper in the drinking game? Hmmm...
Judo is the real deal...but your not helping it's image much

and yes he said kano so drink up :drinkbeer
bignick said:
Judo is the real deal...but your not helping it's image much

and yes he said kano so drink up :drinkbeer
methingins nooffffffusss iss.....err... I meenn isdat wes all googeet... go get stomakkk pump *hic* nooww...

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