Joining a class of participants older than you


White Belt
Sep 12, 2014
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So I wanted lately to join a taiji quan class in my area, and I looked into several of them. The thing is- the only classes I could find included only people much older than myself. I'm 29, and they were all in their 40's to 60's.
Now, don't get me wrong- I have no problem with older people taking part in the classes, I'm all up for a diverse group. But I don't think I feel comfortable, socially speaking, training with no one around my age. It just makes me feel...out of place.

Have anyone else experienced this kind of issue? Any suggestions?
If they are in a martial arts class I'm betting you will find these people far younger than you in outlook if not body. You might even end up feeling older than they are.
Try it and see.
So I wanted lately to join a taiji quan class in my area, and I looked into several of them. The thing is- the only classes I could find included only people much older than myself. I'm 29, and they were all in their 40's to 60's.
Now, don't get me wrong- I have no problem with older people taking part in the classes, I'm all up for a diverse group. But I don't think I feel comfortable, socially speaking, training with no one around my age. It just makes me feel...out of place.

Have anyone else experienced this kind of issue? Any suggestions?
Do you know what is it about the other participants in particular make you feel not so comfortable?
What I wanted was just a really easy meme to suggest you should harden up princess.

What i got was probably the most complicated line dance I have ever seen. I mean who would even do that?

Anyway. Just do the class. If you want to do the class.
Do you know what is it about the other participants in particular make you feel not so comfortable?

It's just the fact that the're all not my age. Feels weird to be the only one under 40 years old.
What so you can't be friends with people who aren't the same age as you? What a silly attitude. Do you think they'll care? Do you think they think oh I can't talk to that guy because he's so much younger of course not dont be so ridiculous you want to train there go train
It's just the fact that the're all not my age. Feels weird to be the only one under 40 years old.

I can see that. I am now mid-40's but it would have been a bit odd to be in a class of only over-40's when I was training in my young 20's.

I still say give it a shot and see how it goes.

Like someone said earlier, if they are doing MA's in their 40's+, they probably have either been doing it for a long time or are young enough in spirit that it will not be too odd.
It's just the fact that the're all not my age. Feels weird to be the only one under 40 years old.
Hey there.. is it ok you can you say what you mean by weird? Like do they not talk to you or make you feel welcome? Or maybe is it you do not like to talk to them?? Maybe you can say :)
Hey there.. is it ok you can you say what you mean by weird? Like do they not talk to you or make you feel welcome? Or maybe is it you do not like to talk to them?? Maybe you can say :)

He thinks the creaking of their bones and incontinence pads leaking will put him off! Oh and all the repetitive teaching as it's well know us oldies forget everything. :cool:
On the flip side, most of my training partners are 20-30 years younger than I am and it doesn't seem to be an issue. Give it a try. You might find you enjoy having your social horizons expanded.
So I wanted lately to join a taiji quan class in my area, and I looked into several of them. The thing is- the only classes I could find included only people much older than myself. I'm 29, and they were all in their 40's to 60's.
Now, don't get me wrong- I have no problem with older people taking part in the classes, I'm all up for a diverse group. But I don't think I feel comfortable, socially speaking, training with no one around my age. It just makes me feel...out of place.

Have anyone else experienced this kind of issue? Any suggestions?
Age is but a number.
Just think of how life experience you get to associate and draw from with such a group. It is about learning. Go have fun. Won't be long before you will be in that age range as well.
Actually, that art is one of, if not the, most perfect arts for your particular set of personal feelings concerning social comfort.

Within a very short period of time, maybe even from day one or two, you will be in a zone. A zone different than anything else you've likely experienced. As you focus on, and feel, a flow of energy, which you've never experience before, and casually concentrate on breathing - your surroundings will disappear, they'll be, for all intents and purposes, invisible. Please trust me on this. The rest of the class could be zombie clowns and giraffes in mini skirts and heels - and you won't even know they are there.
Honestly if there isn't much physical difference (contrary to my situation) it should be fine. (In MMA) I roll and spar with people ranging from 6-10 years older than me, which is a pretty significant gap (click on my picture). I do well in light sparring, but I get destroyed in rolling thanks to experience difference.
I've trained and continue to train with people much older and much, much younger..
when I first started, I had 3 consecutive belt tests where I was - by far - the tallest one testing..
what matters to me - is attitude.
If they are in a martial arts class I'm betting you will find these people far younger than you in outlook if not body. You might even end up feeling older than they are.
Try it and see.

This I will have to agree with.
Why do you feel uncomfortable? You have conversations with people here who are 40 - 60. I don't know why it would be any different in person. Are you afraid you are going to hurt them?
The best way to find out is to try a few classes. You may clique with them, you may might not.

At the end of the day, the dojo is far more important than the art. If you tried it and aren't 100% comfortable for whatever reason, look elsewhere. You have the right to choose wherever you train and a big part of that is who you train alongside. If you have to force yourself to go after a few classes, chances are pretty good that you won't be around for long.

But us old guys (I'm 40, do I count?) like to mix it up pretty good. We're not made out of glass. I honestly feel stronger, faster and tougher now than when I was 25 (my flexibility sucks now though). The 50+ year old guys are another matter :)

Give the place the old college try. You may be pleasantly surprised. Or you might confirm your apprehensions. Most people I train with are a few years older than me. Honestly, I'd have trained with them (and gotten beat up by them) if I was my college aged self. But that doesn't mean every group would have been the same.
I honestly feel stronger, faster and tougher now than when I was 25

and you know so many more techniques, sneaky attacks and things that really work! :D
It's just the fact that the're all not my age. Feels weird to be the only one under 40 years old.
I get that in reverse sometimes. I'll join a group and be the oldest person in the room, by a significant number of years.

You're all there for a common cause. Find unity in that.

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