Ive Given Up the Filthy Habit!!!!!


Master Black Belt
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hi all

After 21 years of smoking my life finally became smoke free on Monday the 4th April 2005. Please feel free if you wish to post some support here. I know I can do this on my own but a little bit of help would not go astray.

Thanks Sarah for the pic of that horrendous lookin lung, sure did the trick!!!!!
You have made that first hard step. My sister quit smoking 3 years ago, and that first step, the detimination to quit was the hardest for her. There is no stopping you now.

Stay strong and best of luck.
Stay strong Raisin! That is simply and completely awesome that you took that first step. Congrats honey! :D
Good for you Raisin!! Stay dedicated to your decision.......think how much more healthy you will be for martial arts and all the other things you enjoy doing!! Remember the little engine who could........I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can and finally.......I thought I could, I thought I could!!

Best of luck to you friend!

Stay strong Raisin and GOOD LUCK!!!
That's wonderful news, Raisin!! :partyon: :partyon: As I've posted in the LLR, you should be very proud of yourself. I too smoked for years (a pack a day for 10 yrs, to be exact) so I know what you're going through, and believe it or not, it will be 7 years since I quit smoking on May 15th! :supcool: It's a good idea to have a lot of chewing gum &/or hard candy around; that's what helped me get through it. And of course, staying busy: cleaning the house, the car, working overtime, etc. As soon as you get through the first two weeks (& I'm sure you will)--you're home free!!

Keep up the good work - I know you can do it!!! :ultracool
As always, we're here if you need us.

Big Hugs to you,
Gin-Gin :)
That is great news Raisin! I guess I saw a picture of a diseased lung full too when I was younger. Glad you kicked it! The gum, keeping busy is good, also exercise of course! Congrats! and keep it up!! TW
Awesome job, anyone who is quitting smoking gets my support. I laugh at the smokers who say, "Mama didn't raise no quitter" ha ha. I challenge you to smell the flowers outside then smell the clothes in your closet, wash them all and keep them smelling fresh. Wash your car interior with detail and keep in smelling like a new car, find a new habit that will counter the years of abuse your lungs took, Keep at it Raisin, you are awesome!!! You can do it! Oh and food will taste so much better now, just keep a good diet

Farang - Larry
Do what ever it takes to keep away from them. I never smoked but grew up in a house were both parents were chain smokers. They finally went cold turkey but the damage was done. I lost my mom 2 yrs ago this month and lost dad 3 weeks ago both from complications brought on by the smoking. Save the money you would have spent on cigeretts and buy your self something nice instead.
Raisin ~

That's, like, the best thing you could do for yourself! And super-sniffer people like me will love being around you EVEN MORE now that you will smell fabulous, as well as feel fabulous!

Good for you, hon.
Good luck! Great move. This'll do more to extend your life than studying self-defense, in all likelihood.
Welcome To day FIVE of being a non smoker....WOOHOO

Now you will be able to smell me at training...hehehehe
You're already through the toughest part, but it's easy to relapse. I did, plenty of times. Here's what helped me finally do it:

Drink LOTS of water. It helps flush your system as well as satisfy oral fixation.

Don't drink caffeine or alcohol for the first 10-12 days, or at least keep the doses low. Nicotine helps to metabolize caffeine at twice the rate of a nonsmoker, so you'll get more jittery than normal.

Exercise more than normal.

Get plenty of sleep.

Boot knockin'.


Deep breathing.

Unfortunately, at least for me, bad smells were the first to become really pronounced after I quit. Maybe in beautiful New Zealand you'll only have nice things to smell. :)
Congrats Raisin! I need to join you in this,don't I?
Oh, that Filthy habit I was thinking of something else

Just kidding-Hang tough
Raisin said:
Hi all

After 21 years of smoking my life finally became smoke free on Monday the 4th April 2005. Please feel free if you wish to post some support here. I know I can do this on my own but a little bit of help would not go astray.

Thanks Sarah for the pic of that horrendous lookin lung, sure did the trick!!!!!
You aren't alone. I am only 2 months removed from both tobacco and "other" smokable substances.

Doesn't the air taste better?