It's called google...if you can only handle monosyllabic


Master of Arts
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
This is a quick rant/piece of advice I would like throw out there. For people wanting to quote anything of historic value when discussing/debating about TKD, for the love whatever you hold holy, do some damn research before you post it.

I have grown tired of the "my great grandmaster told me this is how it was so it has to be true" or, "it is written in the book so it must be true" type of mentality when they are talking about anything historical. Then get upset when you question the statement.

There is this thing called the internet...with them there are these things called search engines. So instead of going off of what your GM has told you or what is written on a page somewhere just do a little research. I know it is easy to just spit out what has been spoon fed to you for many years, but just try it. I promise not to tell your GM that you went behind his back to question him on his statement.
At one point I wrote a voluntary quiz for our kenpo upperbelts and asked several questions that if answered correctly pointed out errors in much of the more official literature. I also cautioned them that 3/4 of what was on the internet was also garbage. :D It was designed to provoke thought and for the few that did it, I think was successful.
I find it funny that you say using a search engine leads to better information than word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth can be found on the internet too--any idiot can have a web page and post their rants there. There's no guarantee of scholarship without evaluating the source, so the internet is not necessarily any more than word-of-mouth exponentially increased. I suggest considering the source wherever you get your info.
Hmmmm.... I wonder what thread sparked this:rofl:
I find it funny that you say using a search engine leads to better information than word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth can be found on the internet too--any idiot can have a web page and post their rants there. There's no guarantee of scholarship without evaluating the source, so the internet is not necessarily any more than word-of-mouth exponentially increased. I suggest considering the source wherever you get your info.

Maybe I should be more clear. If you are hitting one site and taking all you information from that site, that is not research. Dealing in historic references you need to also compare to actual history. So if they say that TKD founders defeated Japanese in some fight, you should be able to look that up and find that out. You actually have to look around the different areas and sift through things.

Yes, but how many of us were told about a 2000 year old art called TKD? We all trust or trusted our GM's on this. So you can consider the source, but still have enough sense to just go out on a limb and verify it.
This is a quick rant/piece of advice I would like throw out there. For people wanting to quote anything of historic value when discussing/debating about TKD, for the love whatever you hold holy, do some damn research before you post it.

I have grown tired of the "my great grandmaster told me this is how it was so it has to be true" or, "it is written in the book so it must be true" type of mentality when they are talking about anything historical. Then get upset when you question the statement.

You mean we have to study, read something and think? In this day and age? We actually have to debate and use reason? This is asking too much.
You mean we have to study, read something and think? In this day and age? We actually have to debate and use reason? This is asking too much.
I know...and I'm sorry, but still...a few more wrinkles in the brain won't kill you....unless those wrinkles are several tumors lined up to feel like wrinkles, then it will kill you.