Is there Shaolin practitioners on this forum?


Yellow Belt
May 1, 2013
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I am a Zen Instructor and practitioner of Martial arts from Finland and I seek to achieve a deeper spiritual understanding in different kinds of MA. I have been trained in Kobushikai Shorinjiryu Karatedo, Iaido (Japanise swordsmanship) and Bujutsu amongst them. I also practice traditional Okinawan Kobudo, Ashtanga Yoga and Chanmeditation. I have received Boddhisattva precepts as a Mahayana Buddhist practitioner and serve as a Buddhist instructor in my home town Zen community. I have received the refuge in both Zen (Chan) and Tibetan Vajrayna/Tantrayna Buddhist tradition also known by the name Nyingma.

The reason I started this thread is because I have asked to become a Shaolin Practitioner and would like to share some discussion with others who have been practicing under that formal tradition. I am 36 year old entrepreneur from Finland. Vegetarian, pacifist and follower of Bodhisattva path. So is there any formal students of Shaolin tradition on this forum
I'm not that aware of that many Songshan people around here.

I'm Shaolin origins with Choy Lay Fut & Tibetan with Lama Pai, but no Songshan & only the martial aspect. Sorry.
Thank you for your response. I am also a practitioner of Tibetan tradition and have been studying both Nyingma- and Kagyu sects of that tradition. Songshan tradition interests me in the reason I told already. I have asked to become their Buddhist student and wanted to discuss with others who have got some education in that tradition.

Though your experience is not about Songshan, it would be nice to hear your experiences as well, cause it is always pleasure to change some experiences!
Thank you for your response. I am also a practitioner of Tibetan tradition and have been studying both Nyingma- and Kagyu sects of that tradition. Songshan tradition interests me in the reason I told already. I have asked to become their Buddhist student and wanted to discuss with others who have got some education in that tradition.

Though your experience is not about Songshan, it would be nice to hear your experiences as well, cause it is always pleasure to change some experiences!

Ok... like what? My experience has been mostly directed & centered only on martial. Not much else. I've been to Songshan Shaolin Si. Again martial in content for me & that was pretty much as a spectator not participant. I've been to Tibet & visited a couple of monastaries (Sera, Jorkorum) but this was strictly tourist only.
Though my interest is directed to Shaolin Chan tradition I think that all the views and opinions about MA, meditation and Buddhism are valuable. That was what I meant by my last post. Also your experiences with Choy Lay Fut gives you some view, no matter is it purely on martial arts or more spiritual practices..
I have asked to become their Buddhist student and wanted to discuss with others who have got some education in that tradition.
You asked a Zhu chi at Xiaolin si miao on Songshan to be a Di zi? Why Xiaolin why do you need so many different Buddhist traditions? If you are going to do all that you should learn Mandarin at least.
Though my interest is directed to Shaolin Chan tradition I think that all the views and opinions about MA, meditation and Buddhism are valuable. That was what I meant by my last post. Also your experiences with Choy Lay Fut gives you some view, no matter is it purely on martial arts or more spiritual practices..

My experience with CLF?? Hehe... fun. To sum up the past years... lots of circles & straight lines, angles & stepping to keep one entertained & annoyed, tying people up like pretzels & clubbing them like baby seals. All in all... a rocking good time!!
You asked a Zhu chi at Xiaolin si miao on Songshan to be a Di zi? Why Xiaolin why do you need so many different Buddhist traditions? If you are going to do all that you should learn Mandarin at least.

Thank you for your good advices. I will keep them on my mind.. :)
My experience with CLF?? Hehe... fun. To sum up the past years... lots of circles & straight lines, angles & stepping to keep one entertained & annoyed, tying people up like pretzels & clubbing them like baby seals. All in all... a rocking good time!!

Sounds like a lot of fun to me!
There are many priests from songshan and people who train around
And at xiaolin on weibo but they only speak chinese.
I have spoken to some. There also other Buddhist sects in china
So thats why I asked why xiaolin. Xiaolin is not the same as it was before.
There are many priests from songshan and people who train around
And at xiaolin on weibo but they only speak chinese.
I have spoken to some. There also other Buddhist sects in china
So thats why I asked why xiaolin. Xiaolin is not the same as it was before.

The Shaolin or Xiaolin, like you said, interests specifically because of the Chan-tradition they teach as part of their Martial education. I personally use my practice of Martial techniques as part of my daily meditation, like Yoga and sitting as well, so I feel that the way monks practice Kungfu as their ´Dharma Gate´ and mix it to the formal spiritual lifestyle is something which resonates with my mentality.

Why I ask about practitioners on this forum is simply that I like to have these discussions on this forum and like to change thoughts with others. This forum is vast setting of different traditions and styles, so I thought if there were any Shaolin´s here also..
I have asked to become a Shaolin Practitioner
Do you mean that you asked a Xiaolin monk if you can be one as well?
The Shaolin or Xiaolin, like you said, interests specifically because of the Chan-tradition they teach as part of their Martial education
They also teach each one seperate as well last time I heard. Meaning they sometimes have people just study Chan or just Wushu.
so I feel that the way monks practice Kungfu as their ´Dharma Gate
I don't know how much of the martial side was used to cultivate some spiritual sense most likely Qigong and meditation was used for that at least if we are going by the different a Xiaolin Qigong sets and theory.
I don't think there are any Xiaolin monks on here like I said Weibo has them but without knowing how to speak Chinese or someone who can for you impossible to ask the questions. Anyway good luck to you on your Xiaolin monk quest.
Do you mean that you asked a Xiaolin monk if you can be one as well? .

I am going to study there in Shaolin Temple their Kungfu, Chan and Chanting, and thought if somebody who practices with the tradition would share some thoughts about the tradition with me..

They also teach each one seperate as well last time I heard. Meaning they sometimes have people just study Chan or just Wushu. .

I am aware of this. They also teach Chinese medicine and acupuncture and so on.

Anyway good luck to you on your Xiaolin monk quest.

Thank you very much, and thank´s for your great response!
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I thought it was 少林寺 shaolin si not 小林寺 xiaolin si. I know it's pretty close meaning and sounding, but the characters are fairly does make a difference which way you spell it. 小林 is a village in Taiwan, not the temple on Songshan.
Thank you for the correction. I have seen it written using both ways. I always thought shaolin was from wade Giles and xiaolin from pin yin.
sometimes I think just using hanzi is easier then pin yin.
I'm studying Shaolin Kung Fu.
I know the form; Se Meng T'ao Lian.