I'm a little baffled


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Dec 4, 2004
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Newport News
Last night, after weeding through the misinformation that 1st-graders seem to create naturally, I discovered I couldn't attend class because our 1st-grader's holiday program was at 7 pm.

So, I called Sensei.

'Sensei', sez me, 'I can't come. Holiday show.'
'That's too bad, man', sez Sensei, 'I was gonna have you teach class.'
'Whu?,' I said.
'I'm real sick,' he sez, 'been in bed for about 28 hours.'

Needless to say, I was a little baffled by this. I'm still a white belt (technically speaking) and, though I've warmed up the class before, didn't think I was ready to run a class. I mean, there are few adults (and fewer higher belts) and the class format is simple and I do know it fairly well.

The question I have for the board is this:

Instructors: given the circumstances, would you feel comfortable handing class over to such a low-belt student


Students: ever have something like this happen to you?

Well onlyanegg in all of my forty years, I have never had a under belt try and run a class for me. If I was sick and had nobody, them the class would just be cancel. No good could ever come from a lower belt running class. Helping maybe but not running.
terryl965 said:
Well onlyanegg in all of my forty years, I have never had a under belt try and run a class for me. If I was sick and had nobody, them the class would just be cancel. No good could ever come from a lower belt running class. Helping maybe but not running.

I felt the same way when he said that. I'm in no way prepared to be responsible for a class...even just one class. I felt a little honored, a little uncomfortable and a lot unnerved by it.
Well he likely had a fever at the time ;)

White is a little early, If someone had a year or two AND was interested I might let them run a class, I'd be there though.

Unless you got some other skill set he was going to ask you to bring in? Yoga? Pilates? another style? anything?
Andrew Green said:
Well he likely had a fever at the time ;)

White is a little early, If someone had a year or two AND was interested I might let them run a class, I'd be there though.

Unless you got some other skill set he was going to ask you to bring in? Yoga? Pilates?

Nope...no other skills beyond raising 4 kids (and the class is mainly kids).

I do Tae-Bo...think that might've been it?
Well, maybe he was planning on you running a more games orientated class. They don't take a lot of technical knowledge, but do take some ability controlling a group of kids.
Andrew Green said:
Well, maybe he was planning on you running a more games orientated class. They don't take a lot of technical knowledge, but do take some ability controlling a group of kids.

All I can say is, if it would've happened, I would've copied his class in it's entirety, adding nothing. I got an ego, sure; but, not that big a one. Honestly, though, I'm rather glad it didn't happen. I feel too inexperienced, at this juncture.
OnlyAnEgg said:
I got an ego, sure; but, not that big a one.

Really?? :p

It is quite possible that he felt you have the maturity and integrity needed to run the class in his absence. I've known many skilled martial artists of high rank that I would never let teach my class.

Teaching is a skill unto itself. Like a substitute teacher in public school, one doesn't always have to "teach" or even know the material extensively.

They just have to be able to maintain order and run some sort of organized program. He probably didn't want the students to miss class and felt you had the best overall ability to facilitate a smooth class in his absence.

That being said though, I think that I too would wait a while beyond your belt rank before allowing this to occur. My reasoning would have to do with how others would react to your leadership role and your ability to handle training questions.

But it speaks highly of you that he considered you for the honor. I've often had a correct gut instinct about some of my lower ranks as to the kind of Artist and teacher they will be in the future. I think he has a good feeling about you as well.
White belt? No way. Could he have been making a jest that fell flat? Perhaps he meant that he'd watch from the sidelines and ask you to relay his instructions.
arnisador said:
White belt? No way. Could he have been making a jest that fell flat? Perhaps he meant that he'd watch from the sidelines and ask you to relay his instructions.

I questioned him on whether or not he was yanking my chain. He said, twice, he was serious. Strong possibility he may have been there to oversee; but, that was not stated.

navarre said:
Teaching is a skill unto itself. Like a substitute teacher in public school, one doesn't always have to "teach" or even know the material extensively.

They just have to be able to maintain order and run some sort of organized program.

That is the mindset I have, as well. I certainly could not do anything over my own skill level; just keep the little scamps in line and avoid any blood spillage.
I figured you'd kick in the dojo door and introduce them to Dark Egg. Fear the lawn dart!
I have neglected to promote myself to GrandMaster Soke in Whammdo; so, I still cannot teach it...only allude to it.
OnlyAnEgg said:
I have neglected to promote myself to GrandMaster Soke in Whammdo; so, I still cannot teach it...only allude to it.

I understand (even though I'm probably the only person who has any idea what the heck you're talking about).

It's okay. There's nothing wrong with regular Egg, student of Seiei Kan.
Yeah, I'm a little thrown by this too. I can't imagine ever being in a situation where I'd have a white belt run a class for me. It just seems way too early. I think Andrew Green's fever induced delusion theory is starting to look really good right now. :)
The fever theory is good, to a point. It's true that, among students that consistantly attend class, there is almost no one to draw on in such circumstances. I can't get over the idea, though, that class would be run by a little whitey like me, rather than cancelling.
OnlyAnEgg said:
I can't get over the idea, though, that class would be run by a little whitey like me, rather than cancelling.

Would there have been an ecomomic issue if class had been cancelled? Could your instructor have been concerned that students had paid for a class that wasn't being held and was looking for an alternative to dealing with any refund/class credit issues?
Navarre said:
Would there have been an ecomomic issue if class had been cancelled? Could your instructor have been concerned that students had paid for a class that wasn't being held and was looking for an alternative to dealing with any refund/class credit issues?

Unlikely. He's a poor bookkeeper by his own admission. Fees (outside of AKJU monies) are loosely monitored.
OnlyAnEgg just for the sake of argument let just say great I did not have to be in that prostition at this time in my training. The respect that would have been lost by the students that have a belt already would have been a mindset that the school might not ben able to come back from.
terryl965 said:
(...)The respect that would have been lost by the students that have a belt already would have been a mindset that the school might not ben able to come back from.

I can certainly see the point there, terry. Placing this responsibility (honor) onto such a low belt could cause a degree of contempt in those that are significantly farther along. More and more, I'm happy this passed by me.
On the other hand, if your basics are strong compared to the others in the class, maybe you could just spend the class working on those. No new material, no complex skill sets, just running a workout, basically. While the situation is unusual, I guess I could see it happening if he trusts you.