If you had to defend yourself, what technique would you use?

gee, if we're not waiting to see what the person does as he approaches, why not a "double tap":jediduel:
Agreed, though I felt that the question already presupposes that, as he asks which technique we'd use. I was going on the scenario of the average untrained and unarmed assailant coming at me either to grab or punch.

I suppose also that I should have asked which art's techniques were permissible. If using iaito techniques, I'd disembowel him, of course.:D

Seems that there are a lot of people who have never been in a real street brawl running around here. first thing to decide is can I leave and not get hurt in leaving? If you cant, then its time to decide what type of situation you are in. Is it an I'm going to get hurt real bad if I dont do something now situation, or is it a this ******* isnt going to touch or push me or one of my family around and I need to stop or subdue him now situation.

Then you decide how bad do you want to hurt who ever it is that is attacking you. Are you putting them down so they cant get back up. If that is your intent then throat, groin, knees are the order of stike points I usually like to do, and use them in a combination ending with an elbow or knee strike to a major joint or head to finish with maybe a stomp if they really have me pissed off. Or if I am going to submit them its: a sweep, armbar, or joint lock, ending in a throw or sweep to get them on the ground and then into some sort of submission hold to a major joint or the throat to explain why messing with me is a bad idea.

But no matter which situation I'm in I never give them a chance or a warning, You make your decision and then take them out using which ever method you decide on. There is no being fair in a street fight because no matter who you are or how good you are anyone can get their butt kicked on any given day, so if you are going to defend yourself you make your decision and take them down till they cannot hurt you back. No warnings, no talking, save the talking till they cant hurt you. Then you can talk all you want to or better yet get the hell out of there as fast as you can and dont look back. Count your self lucky your the one walking away.
Noting first that this comment is coming from someone who has never been in a fight in his entire life... :)

I would probably try and keep it fairly simple and direct. A snap kick to the groin, stomach, or solar plexus in an attempt to disable him long enough to get out of there.

Of course, if he were going after my son or fiancee... Well, let's just say that the few times I've been in a position where I could have lost control of the situation and gone hand-to-hand, there's a reason I took note of exactly where his knees were relative to my feet. Primary targets.

But, again, that's coming from someone with 0 experience. :)
Depends on the attack. Truthfully a lot of people freeze up and the best plans that we have don't always go as expected. Thats why some people punch wildly. We freeze up. I personally haven't had a brawl and do everything to avoid it. But if I had to pick a counter I would do the side kick to the knee and hope that the guy doesn't get back up. If the guy grabs me, I'm doing a palm hand strike to the nose. Nothing fancy, just something to get loose and get away from the situation. I reserve the turning hook kick for sparring night