If you had to defend yourself, what technique would you use?

Well, not really, I CAN explain it, I choose not to because it would be rather lengthy. I can show you easily, as in "A picture is worth a thousand words." A demonstration is worth 10,000 words.

Really, not only have I seen it performed, I can perform it at will. I'm not going to call it "the proper technique," because your technique is just as valid as mine, not really mine, I didn't invent it..

To perform it the way I am talking about, is to turn as in a turning back kick, you body does not bend to the sides at all, but to the back, or from the perspective of the kicker, forward, remember he is now facing away from the target, shoot you fo out to a little more than off center and hook the leg and continuing turning the hips to generate torque, returning to your original position. Done properly, you will not hit a person to either side. Yes, I am positive it can be done this way.!

Sorry it keep telling me to add one more character.
That is not the description of a spinning back kick. IT is the description of what you have modified the technique to fit your practice to. There is a difference.

I am not describing a spinning back kick, but a spinning hook kick. I didn't modify it, Olympic contenders did. It is effective. Instead of doubting, you should try it, the make a decision.
well, more power to you doing a spin.
(and I think we are in agreement on the Olympic style - just because it works in sparring does not mean it works in a brawl!)

but like I said...it depends on the situation, aggression level etc...by the time you whip around, you could be in the ground..then what?

I know I have a few more tools at hand, but I am also not very big... so staying on my feet to get ready to run is essential...

There are also a few nice grabs and holds...excrusiatingly painful if on the receiving end...

Or as this one old Boxing ref would tell his fighter: Punch and get out! %-}
Check this out, it's what is traditionally seen as a spinning back kick.
Chuck Norris, who "made this kick famous" and is an 8th degree Black Belt Grand Master in the Tae Kwon Do system (1997), perfoms it this way.
I am not describing a spinning back kick, but a spinning hook kick. I didn't modify it, Olympic contenders did. It is effective. Instead of doubting, you should try it, the make a decision.

An even better video of this technique can be found at

As for the remainder of your post; after nearly four decades in the arts, I think I've got it to where I can make a decision.:soapbox:
I personally do not like to turn my back on an opponent. I think a spinning whip kick would probably not be a good choice either. This from my stand point would be a disaster. My flexibility and many others would not allow this type of kick to be effective under any circumstance either in the gym totally warmed up or after sitting all day at work stiff as a board. The attack is very unspecific. Is this a straight punch, is it a hook, upper cut. These are all variables that must be discussed to make an intelligent decision. My approach is to keep a short list of what would be effective under most circumstances. Keeping in mind AMC air, mobility, conscious. Take one of these from your opponent and walk/run away fancy stuff could get you killed.
Fights don't happen in a vaccume. If it's on the street, any bottle, car antenne, rock, stick, piece of glass, sides of cars, brick, pencil, handfull of sand, environmental weapons, ops.... that don't sound like a fair fight does it?

I don't think 'TKD' or 'SBD' or Shotokan, or any particular style. I think WIN. For in a fight winning isn't everything, it's the only thing (kudos to Vincent L.)

If in the house, lamps, chairs, books, drinking glasses, etc...

Hands and feet? Oh, fair fight then. Ok, just side step and run a palm right on his nose. Add a cross (reverse punch) and kick his legs out from under him and stomp him good. Don't sound real TKD does it? Don't sound nice either, does it?

That's cause I'm out to win, what ever the method (kudos to Miyamoto M.)

To be honest with you, i was curious as to what all everybody would say. But now I see that there are way to many variables to decide before a decision would be made.

I guess my real thought was whether you would use something you have learned, or just start swinging (assuming that there was no escape or avoidance) I was watching a video the other day and the guy was a 3rd dan black belt and he started just swinging his fists, no technique at all. I guess thats what I was wondering.
An even better video of this technique can be found at

As for the remainder of your post; after nearly four decades in the arts, I think I've got it to where I can make a decision.:soapbox:

My description seemed pretty much spot on. I'm really not sure what you are arguing with me about.

As for using a spinning kick in a real fight, well, I didn't comment on that at all. The only thing I said was that you could throw the spinning hook kick in a tighter place than one poster thought, not that you should do the kick.

So, this has been a big ado about nothing.
relax guys, we are here to share info, not fight about it.
Well to counter if someone came at me i would use a reverse jumping side kick.
If it is a right handed punch (mirror if left), I (hope) would step left with left foot, turn perpendicular to attacker, intercept punch wrist with right knife hand block, convert to an armbar and take to the ground. That assumes it is a "friendly" attacker...maybe someone I know and don't want to hurt.

If I was scared and wanted to end it quickly, I would use a left knife hand to punching wrist, step in with right foot and do a right elbow smash to the face, temple, and follow-up with whatever is available.

Good question...thanks for making me think...
I guess my real thought was whether you would use something you have learned, or just start swinging (assuming that there was no escape or avoidance) I was watching a video the other day and the guy was a 3rd dan black belt and he started just swinging his fists, no technique at all. I guess thats what I was wondering.

I would use what I have been taught up to a certain point. TKD is focused on kicking and I have been taught a lot of different kicks. As long as the attack stayed long range then I would use my kicking moves. However, if it got to short range or ground fighting then I would fall back on stuff I know from other things. There are a couple of close in hand techniques that I have been taught at our self defence classes at TKD that would come in handy.

There is no one move or magic combination to defeat anything. The key is to be able to adapt to the situation, know your strengths and get them fighting on your terms instead of you fighting on their terms. I would try to keep them at a distance unless they showed me that they can kick better than me.
In a self defense situation, say bare handed, a guy comes at you, what technique would you use to defend yourself?

It would depend on how I was attacked...
I don't think you can ever say "this is how I would react". You might find yourself, in the moment, doing something quite unlike you because it happened to fit. I guess when the time comes I'll find out.
I don't think you can ever say "this is how I would react". You might find yourself, in the moment, doing something quite unlike you because it happened to fit. I guess when the time comes I'll find out.

Lets hope that situation never happens! I was just curious, I guess to see what everyone else thought.
In a self defense situation, say bare handed, a guy comes at you, what technique would you use to defend yourself?

I would probably use a spinning back kick. Its simple, powerful, and most importantly, it feels comfortable.

I've seen a lot of videos on guys claiming to be martial artists that when in this situation, they revert to swinging fists wildly. After all that training, they go back to just slugging. :(
Leading side kick to the knee followed up with a knee to the solar plexus and an elbow to the chin, parrying his blows with the other arm.

gee, if we're not waiting to see what the person does as he approaches, why not a "double tap":jediduel: