I just noticed

Xue Sheng said:
I am a master Black belt now on MT; does this mean I can teach Martial Arts Talk style now? :)
Congratulations mister Xue Cheng!! it is evident that you are a very knowledgeable person and this is well deserved..

..and I think with this rank you are now entitled to free ice cream at the concession stall at the interlude.. :D

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Xue Sheng said:
I am a master Black belt now on MT; does this mean I can teach Martial Arts Talk style now? :)

Congrats on 1000 posts... and I don't know abotu teaching MT style now - but I'd love to see the manual!
Xue Sheng said:
I am a master Black belt now on MT; does this mean I can teach Martial Arts Talk style now? :)

It sure does!

But only in your virtual dojo here on MT :D

:ducking for cover:
Hello, Your journey had begun with the first posting...today you have travel very far....over 1000 posts.

Learning is never ending...sharing is never ending...Thank-you for the support for MT. ..........Aloha

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