I Have a Question ...


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
... what do the politically active people here on the MT fora think of Glenn Beck?

I have heard the odd comment and reference to him over the years here and, from what I heard others say (and some snippets of his that I have read), garnered the perception that he was some Far Right, wanna-be Theocrat nutter hell bent {yeah, religious reference pun attack! :D} on dragging America back into some nightmare where the Religious Right ruled eternal.

Then I watched the first couple of minutes of this piece, because I wanted to hear what Penn had to say about Libertarianism and I have to say that I do not disagree with what Mr. Beck explained about the political spectrum (as applied to what is happening in the US). I am confused ... please help me :D.

He is bat crazy and I think you will find that sane Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and Republicans all feel that way!

Still his shows are train wrecks and people love that! ;)
LOL :) An Englishman admitting that Americans confuse him! Regardless, thanks for posting the show. I thoroughly enjoyed the arguments and I find his theory quite interesting. It puts a different perspective on the US political machinations and the perpetual false choices we seem to get on election day.
He's an entertainer. he gets paid to attract fans and he's good at it. He started his own subscription based internet TV station and it seems to be doing OK. One of my favorite radio hosts Andrew Wilkow has a show on Becks station. I don't really listen to Beck but have considered subscribing to see Wilkow.
I don't care for him myself. No particular reason, just not a fan. I think he's more entertainer/wanna be comedian than political commentor.
I listen to his radio show from time to time. I prefer to listen to Rush or Dennis Miller.

I would be interested in what you think of him Sukerkin. He is one of the guys the left really can't stand, so having a new person, somewhat unbiased about him, and from a foreign country, would be interesting. If you catch some more of his show let us know what you think. Keep in mind, he calls himself a libertarian now,I believe, and one of his good friends is Penn Gillete. ince that clip had Penn in it, perhaps that might encourage you to investigate him further

Keep in mind as well, the main stream media loves the occupy Wall Street movement, but really hates Glen Beck.

From past converstations and posts I don't think you will see eye to eye with him on Religion...but on most other things...let us know...
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... what do the politically active people here on the MT fora think of Glenn Beck?

I have heard the odd comment and reference to him over the years here and, from what I heard others say (and some snippets of his that I have read), garnered the perception that he was some Far Right, wanna-be Theocrat nutter hell bent {yeah, religious reference pun attack! :D} on dragging America back into some nightmare where the Religious Right ruled eternal.

Then I watched the first couple of minutes of this piece, because I wanted to hear what Penn had to say about Libertarianism and I have to say that I do not disagree with what Mr. Beck explained about the political spectrum (as applied to what is happening in the US). I am confused ... please help me :D.

I'm a libertarian (a very active one!) and also do not disagree with what Mr. Beck said about libertarianism, for the most part. As far as him being a far-right nut job, I believe very strongly in the adage of do not believe what they say, believe what they do. Further on in the video can solid reasons why. You can see Mr. Beck strongly committed to the notion that public property should be allowed to display Christian symbols, where Mr. Gillette disagrees rightly points out that this is a conservative problem, not a progressive one. A true Constitutionalist of the very sort that Mr. Beck was espousing in the opening minutes would not support the current conservative ideal of harnessing the power of government to support such a thing.

Towards the end, Mr. Beck posited the concept of being a Constitustionalist as being more important than other political notions, and supports the idea of opening up a conversation, knowing we (meaning: Mr. Beck, and his audience) will not necessarily agree on what is discussed. While that may sound like a throwaway line, I think Mr. Beck genuinely believes that, and I have tremendous respect for that. Even in my own small-but-influential-enough-to-make-international-news group of libertarians, I can see a wide range of viewpoints. Yet, somehow, we all get along...possibly because we all get that an overall commitment to liberty is more important than squabbling over minutiae. Of course, that doesn't stop some folks from squabbling anyway... :lol:
Beck is coming to understand Libertarianism. He seems crazy because he's got one foot in both camps. When he places both feet in the Libertarian camp, he will look more crazy because he truly has made a fundamental break with the predominate ideology.
Beck seems ok to me here. I Might be bias here since Marcus is my personal hero

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On the one hand, his view on Libertarianism seems to be evolving.

On the other, he's nuttier than a wagonload of pralines.:lfao: Makes it kind of hard to take anything he has to say seriously, even when I agree with him-especially when he's trying to "entertain," usually by crying rivers of tears over some contrived conspiracy theory where Barack Obama is an anti-Christ hellbent on world domination.....oh, wait-that's one of the things I agree with him about...:lfao:

No wonder you're confused....you're supposed to be. :idunno: :lfao:
Think televangelist, but political. I am pretty sure he patterns his format on those shows. Too many similarities to be an accident, IMO.

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He seems to be liked by alot of people: List of highest paid entertainers hes 3rd with 90 MILLION bucks last year.
In third place is another celebrity who doesn't worry much about being loved. Glenn Beck's whole career has been built on angering large portions of the American public in the interest of appealing to the right-wing fringe. Seeing that the group could earn him more money than he was making on FOX News, Beck took his act to the Internet in 2011 with The Blaze, a subscription website devoted to content from Beck and his fellow thinkers. His fans are happy to pay $100 per year for access to the site. We estimate that between June 2012 and June 2013 Beck earned $90 million.
On the one hand, his view on Libertarianism seems to be evolving.

On the other, he's nuttier than a wagonload of pralines.:lfao: Makes it kind of hard to take anything he has to say seriously, even when I agree with him-especially when he's trying to "entertain," usually by crying rivers of tears over some contrived conspiracy theory where Barack Obama is an anti-Christ hellbent on world domination.....oh, wait-that's one of the things I agree with him about...:lfao:

No wonder you're confused....you're supposed to be. :idunno: :lfao:

Didn't you once call him a stark raving moonbat?

I don't pay much attention to Glen Beck but I think I will go with...He's a stark raving moonbat
Didn't you once call him a stark raving moonbat?

I don't pay much attention to Glen Beck but I think I will go with...He's a stark raving moonbat
For 90 million bucks a year you can call me whatever you want.

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