How long have you been training in Taekwondo


Senior Master
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
Stevenage, Herts, UK
I wondered this from another thread where someone said they'd been training for 25 years and that was "a long time". So, here's a poll that you can choose to enter or not (it's not linked to martialtalk, so you can't be identified from your answer*) just so we can get a judge of how much experience is on this board.

* However, if you also want to reply in this thread with your experience for any discussion that results from it, feel free :)
I started over 35 years ago, but I did not train continuously for 35 years. Been back at it for about six years continuously after a fairly lengthy absense.

I started my martial art training back in 1980. I started my first Korean MA in 1984 (Tangsoodo) where we learned the Pinans and Palgues. I started my KKW TKD training in 1989 while stationed in Italy. So officially my KKW TKD training has been 22 years. My KMA training has been 27 years, my total MA training 31 years...well 31 years in October. :)
Seeing as others have posted theirs, I can't remember exactly when I started, I think it was just after the first term in my second year of senior school but I know I first graded in early 1987, so I guess October 1986. 24 years at the moment...
I've been training in Tae Kwon Do for almost 3 years now and look forward to many more years of training.
1966 - 1969
laid out for 18 years
1987 - present

So that's 27 years by my count.
Started in 1983 and was active till 1992 if I recall, then I got back in 2007 till these days... so we are talking about 13 years.

I have been training in Taekwondo for 9 years this may on average 4 days a week. I have loved and sometimes hated every minute of it and will continue to train till I'm not able any more.
This November will be 13 or 14 years since I started. Not sure. Took 2 or 3 years off in there somewhere.

I turn 19 in a few days.
Seeing as others have posted theirs, I can't remember exactly when I started, I think it was just after the first term in my second year of senior school but I know I first graded in early 1987, so I guess October 1986. 24 years at the moment...

Interesting. I started in November 1986, a day after I was jumped on by five thugs in Nairobi's Uhuru Park,
Off and on for about 35 years or so. I even found an old VHS clip of me at 16 doing some nunchucks and a few kicks. Showed it to my kids and they laughed at me. They were like "WHAT are you doing" and "WHAT were you waring". Plus I was skinny, really, really skinny. Even I did not remember being that skinny. But I was. Funny how we see ourselves.
only started TKD last october, i've been training in martial arts since i was 7 years old, only had a 11 month break when i quit my old Judo club and started TKD, i'm 25 this august so i make that 16/17 years.

I feel old....
Started October 1985, been training ever since. I've been fortunate to have been able to train under the same school system the entire time (Moo Duk Kwan Taekwondo). I've dabbled in other arts through friends and various contacts, but my foundation and passion lie within the Moo Duk Kwan.
I started in Feb. 1987 (24 years ago), under then II Dan (now VII Dan) Douglas Arnold, who is still my instructor today.
I think that training for "X" years does not neccessarily mean X years of experience. It could simply mean the same experience repeated innumerable times for X years.

Highlights of my training CV can be found at: http://371078645507472465-a-1802744...QAGfirNwDN8DTPn5XnKgGWACsiIw==&attredirects=0

Is there anyway for me to find those articles to read? Especially the 'Basic knife defence', 'Nam Tae Hi, Chung Do Kwan's Quiet Man', 'Loyalty and Cross training', and finally 'The Martial Question'?

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