How do you feel about winter?

How do you feel about Winter?

  • YAY! It is great. Bring on the snow! WhooHoo!

  • Winter SUCKS! I hate it and should move somewhere where I never see snow again!

  • I don't care

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Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
I hate winter! It sucks! And unfortunately, it is coming again. :(

How about you?
I love it just do not get much here in Texas, so we alway head to it during the holidays.
now is icky and cold nad bad all the way around....and my guy wants me to move to alaska!
I like and love snow. I just don't like getting cold. If I am dressed warmly enough, then yeah! Let it snow! Let it snow!

- Ceicei
I love the wintertime. I love playing in the snow. :) I just hate driving in it.
Winter winter winter winter winter winter!!!!!!!!!

More people come to sparring class in the winter.

And it doesnt feel as disgusting to get really really really really sweaty because you can go out the back door for a second in sparring to cool off.
I am a perpetual furnace(i.e. I am always hot), so cold weather for me!
Often times I wear shorts all year round...
I like the snow alright, but don't care for the cold.

There, any confusion as to how I feel about it??

I love summer, I love fall, I HATE winter, and I only tolerate spring because summer comes next. Spring is still cold, mushy, muddy, no leaves on the trees until everything blooms in about a 2 week period before summer. No thanks.

There, any confusion as to how I feel about it??

I love summer, I love fall, I HATE winter, and I only tolerate spring because summer comes next. Spring is still cold, mushy, muddy, no leaves on the trees until everything blooms in about a 2 week period before summer. No thanks.

Jade I have never known you to be so relactant about answering a thread PLEASE tell us how you feel really
I had to pick the winter SUCKS option because there was no option that voiced the deeply ingrained hatred for winter I really feel, so sucks is close enough I guess. I think snow should come around 11:50 P.M. Christmas eve, then be gone again by 5:00 P.M. Christmas Day. That way there is snow for Christmas, but be gone before the "beauty, and purity" of it wears off. I suppose if I lived in a climate where it wasn't on the ground 6 months of the year, and cold as the stones on a brass monkey the majority of the time, my view of winter wouldn't be so jaded. -50F even for a couple of days is still too long, -30F for weeks on end is WAYYYYYYYY too long. My .02 :vu:
Me? I love winter: from the snowy risky driving to the gentle falls in the early evening to the crisp clear nights where the moon glistens off of the snow.

Plus, I LOVE to sled ride...still :)
I love winter and all that it entails. I would miss seeing the change of any season. Winter is a time to enjoy being outdoors and do different things like sledding, skiing, snow angles, snow ball fights and driving on scary roads! (that last one is a joke : ) )

However I love seeing the first snow and then seeing the snow disappear when spring comes around.

There, any confusion as to how I feel about it??

I love summer, I love fall, I HATE winter, and I only tolerate spring because summer comes next. Spring is still cold, mushy, muddy, no leaves on the trees until everything blooms in about a 2 week period before summer. No thanks.

Soooooo I take it you like winter then?
I hate winter! It sucks! And unfortunately, it is coming again. :(

How about you?
Must've had their first snow.

The surprising thing is that winter and snow is all Lisa's fault.


There, any confusion as to how I feel about it??

I love summer, I love fall, I HATE winter, and I only tolerate spring because summer comes next. Spring is still cold, mushy, muddy, no leaves on the trees until everything blooms in about a 2 week period before summer. No thanks.

How can you hate winter?
I like winter... winter in Denver is so different from winter in Milwaukee when I was a kid - the whole idea that snow melts so quickly here still fascinates me, after growing in Milwaukee, where it stayed on the ground from Halloween to Easter. Also, I get hot easily, and I can always put on more clothes... there comes a point where there's nothing left to take off!
Ive never seen snow. We have just come through our dryest hottest winter since records were kept. Our winter rainfall was 2.0 ml and our average daytime temperature was around 25C (I think that is around 77F).
We are dreading our summer.

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