GOP may have Rush, Hannity and Levin moderate debates...

Actually, no--the courts have ruled and creationism/ID can't be taught in science classes. The matter has been settled.

Same courts that decided a kid had to change his name right because they are never wrong right?
Most people who are religious but not Jewish/Christian/Muslim/Mormon believe that there god(s) are different from yours. What's the basis for teaching your view--Christianity is right and all other religions are misinterpretations of it? How could that possibly be constitutional? Or fair?

I didnt say we had to only teach my view. I said pick a few of the top views. You could never teach them all so you have to draw the line at some point
Frankly, I'm positively amazed that some of you manage to tie your shoelaces without your momma's help,

I'm not at all surprised at those who cannot comprehend my "wisdom." :lfao:
Must be tough being the smartest man in the room all the time huh

In any case-as I said, the mere fact of arguments like these is enough to demonstrate the bankruptcy of the Republican party-as well as the schism within it; of course, we have "tea Party" Republicans to shout down any voices of reason or moderation within the party-to the point where some would even support a Democrat over the candidate of their own party, for being a so-called "RINO," when such a candidate might represent the best chance for the party to regain the presidency..

I mean, just how moderate a moderator is Rush Gasbag going to actually be towards a Chris Christie-and how likely are he and his cohort to fawn over the utter lameness and unelectability of a Bachmann, a Palin or even a Paul?

(Oh, BTW, pray for Jeb Bush to change his mind....)

See the real issue should be why do moderators get to play a role at all. The job of a moderator is to just ask the question and make sure people dont go over the time limit. The fact that its even an issue it whats kinda silly. If the moderator has such a big role then get rid of them and just give everyone 10 min to talk and be done with it.
Callit a leap of faith if you like, but are science and religion different subjects, or did the Catholic Church put a man on the moon?
No but the church has been responsible for a lot of advances
Nah. We're in different rooms.

(Arnie's alone in his....:lfao: )

And we're not girls......guess we know who isn't the smartest one in the room, wherever he is....:lfao:
Yeah but boy fight sounded silly
again prove it

pick up any college level biology text, even a general biology text, and it will be crammed full of evidence upon which scientists - legitimate scientists - base their judgements on this issue. It's not difficult to find this stuff. Search Amazon, for starters. College terms are starting, you could probably go to your nearest college or university, walk into the bookstore, and buy a used one and take a good look.

Or you can manufacture a reason to not look at any of this, and just insist on believing what is comfortable for you.

Point is we have NO IDEA where we came from. We both take a leap of faith yours says we came from a goo farm mine says we came from God

well no, some of us have a pretty good idea where we came from, at least the part that is observable and measurable. That's the science part. The other part, the part that relies on the existence of a supreme being, well that's not observable, not measurable, not provable, and is outside the realm of science. So keep it outside the science classroom.

I was the same way at one time I rejected religion actually my whole family rejects religion. Im the only one that currently believes. It took me many years and my position "evolved" to what it is now. The point still the same and you said it there is much science doesnt know and may never know. So how can you say its evolution and thats it no ifs ands or buts. We cant but my faith is stupid and your faith is science?

because the evolution is observable and measurable. That's what science deals with. That's not what religion deals with.

And no, I don't say your faith is stupid, or at least my personal feelings about it are not what matters. However, your faith has its proper place within the educational system, and that is within a theology or religions class. Not in a science class.

But I like my gas hog SUV so Im not goign to get rid of it. Sorry

If you refuse to even consider where you might pollute less in your own life, then you are part of the problem.
No but the church has been responsible for a lot of advances

Dude. Seriously? They tortured scientists until they eventually had no choice but to admit they were wrong centuries later. They supported and engaged in all sorts of corruption. They were a horror in Africa. What advances have they made other than their own belated ones?
pick any college level biology text, even a general biology text, and it will be crammed full of evidence upon which scientists - legitimate scientists - base their judgements on this issue. It's not dult to find this stuff. Search Amazon, for starters. College terms are starting, you could probably go to your nearest college or university, walk into the bookstore, and buy a used one and take a good look.

Or you can manufacture a reason to not look at any of this, and just insist on believing what is comfortable for you.

Its not proof. We don't know where we came from. That whole missing link thing and all. If science can prove where we came from then show me. I'll make it easy. Forget showing me where humans came from. Where did the cell come from. One single cell. Where did the first one come from?
well no, some of us have a pretty good idea where we came from, at least the part that is observable and measurable. That's the science part. The other part, the part that relies on the existence of a supreme being, well that's not observable, not measurable, not provable, and is outside the realm of science. So keep it outside the science classroom.
So whats the answer then where did we come from?

because the evolution is observable and measurable. That's what science deals with. That's not what religion deals with.
Unless eveloution is part of Gods plan
And no, I don't say your faith is stupid, or at least my personal feelings about it are not what matters. However, your faith has its proper place within the educational system, and that is within a theology or religions class. Not in a science class.
I dont agree

If you refuse to even consider where you might pollute less in your own life, then you are part of the problem.
Intentionally as well. I like big old trucks with big old gas guzzling motors. I like buying them restoring them and selling them to others to keep then alive and then buy more and sell more. Its great fun. Maybe you should buy a bike and pedal to work to offset my footprint.
Dude. Seriously? They tortured scientists until they eventually had no choice but to admit they were wrong centuries later. They supported and engaged in all sorts of corruption. They were a horror in Africa. What advances have they made other than their own belated ones?
Dude seriously. in the debate style of flying crane buy a book and look it up. Ill give you a hint however start in the fields of medicine and catholic hospitals or

During the Middle Ages, the Church founded Europe's first universities, producing scholars like Robert Grosseteste, Albert the Great, Roger Bacon and Thomas Aquinas who helped establish scientific method. During this period, the Church was also a great patron of engineering for the construction of elaborate cathedrals. Since the Renaissance, Catholic scientists have been credited as fathers of a diverse range of scientific fields: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) prefigured the theory of evolution with Lamarkism; Friar Gregor Mendel (1822-84) pioneered genetics and Fr Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) proposed the Big Bang cosmological model. The Jesuits have been particularly active, particularly in astronomy. Church patronage of sciences continues through elite institutions like the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Vatican Observatory.
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