furious: damn showoffs



i was told by a friend who goes to a differnet school that his friend got into a fight with this "boxer". well my friends been to my gym a couple of time, and the guy who fought his friend had the same exact car as a guy at my gym has. well i asked the guy who got into the fight wat his name was, adn it was the same guy with the same car as the guy who got into the fight. well, i hear he got his *** kicked, and after hearing that, i felt.......

i cant describe, well this guy goes and tells everyone he's a martial artist and gets his *** kicked....he is representing our gym! i cant describe how i felt but it was a sort of dissapointment

What in blue blazes are you trying to say?:confused:
That sounds like an immaturity problem to me - either adolescent immaturity or MA immaturity (I can kick anyone's butt because I do an MA).
Realise that no-one in their right mind would look down on your gym, but that they would look down on the guy who said he does an MA - I doubt he would have said "I train at xyz, come face my fist of fury". People will just think the guy's a jackass.
You be responsible for how you represent your gym - you can't make others act any other way than how they want to. Every gym has it's resident try-hards, let him get whipped in a couple more fights and he'll get some humility.

Well, first of all, a) does your gym suck, b) does your fellow suck, or c) was the other guy just more experienced than your fellow? I've read a few of your posts, and you've let slide that you're a high school kid with only a few months training...is your fellow also a kid with a couple months? If so, and he was talking what we like to call "smack," then he deserved it. No offense, but I personally really enjoy spanking kids who come in, act all cocky, and tell me that they've had MT or BJJ training. Is this what happened?
True story: some punk came into the school asking about our style. After a few preliminary questions it became clear that he wasn't looking for a school, he was looking either for a fight, or more probably, someone to back down from a fight. So finally I couldn't take enough of this kid, and I said, okay, let's go hit the mats. He kind of looked fearful for a second, but no, he was sure his unbeatable whateveritwas would carry him through. So we went out to the mats, he started to try some poorly focused something or other, and I grabbed him by the family jewels and escorted him out the door, whereupom I gave him a firm talking to about a) not believing everything you hear, and b) not f***ing with strangers. Never saw him again...maybe he learned his lesson.
If this is the case with your fellow, I hope he does too.
Boxing is a martial art too. So that makes boxers martial artists.
"Oh, my kung fu is better than your kung fu! You want a the fight? I'll use my dragon fist! Oh, you done for now!"

"Your kung fu sucky-sucky! I'll use my monkey iron twilight fist! You will learn respect, punk!"

"Words are for sillies! Let's see you deal with wind-in-the-willows style!"

Look, it's all a bunch of crap, okay?

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