Does God Hate Shrimp?

So much for the "moral authority of the Bible" in the gay marriage issue. I think this very much points out the prejudice inherit in the hard right concerning homosexuals...otherwise they wouldn't be eating shrimp.

There are only six references in many popular versions of the bible that "claim" homosexuality is bad. I wonder how many references we can dig up regarding shrimp?

Or perhaps this explain why krill are dying by the droves in the southern hemisphere...
I had no idea I was going to hell for eating shrimp. Other stuff, yeah, but not eating shrimp. It's an abomination!
Well, if the old law was abolished, then surely Christ's exhortation to love each other as our own self would mean we should:

1) allow gay couples to marry/have civil unions
2) fund better education, Head Start, and welfare
3) support unions
4) stop supporting companies that use sweatshop labor
5) end the death penalty

...etc etc etc.

Most folks who quote the "old law" from the Old Testament want to punish or limit other folks. I think it's really funny that they should also be avoiding shellfish if they really believe the other things that get quoted and bandied about.
When one thinks about it the "old law" made sense considering the time that it was made. Pork and "creatures that dwell on the bottom of the seas" basically lived, ate, slept in the filth of their own (and others). I mean when a free swimming fish produced waste where does it go... to the bottom and lobsters, crabs, shellfish and shrimp (some species) lived on the bottom feeding off the bodies of dead fish and etc and likewise the organic material that settled there.
Same with pigs/swine which wallowed in thier own flith ("sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I wouldn't eat the filithy mother, pigs sleep and eat in their own **** that's a filthy animal" Jules from Pulp Fiction). Folks back then didn't have the cleaning technology to make these creatures healthy to eat. Actually that technology probably didn't come about til the 19th century or later. Still it was about staying healthy and eating foods that were more healthy for the Jews.

... at least that's what I heard anyway from a friend of mine who is of the Jewish persuasion while having a marvelous dinner at the Chesapeake Bay Seafood Resturant in Maryland. Yummy stuff and all you can eat. SIGH! Ah jes :inlove: :inlove:
LOOOOVVVE Seafood man!

Fiesty Mouse said:
Well, if the old law was abolished, then surely Christ's exhortation to love each other as our own self would mean we should:

1) allow gay couples to marry/have civil unions
2) fund better education, Head Start, and welfare
3) support unions
4) stop supporting companies that use sweatshop labor
5) end the death penalty
Well I'll be for three out of those five the middle three and not the first and last one of those. :D
Feisty Mouse said:
Well, if the old law was abolished, then surely Christ's exhortation to love each other as our own self would mean we should:

1) allow gay couples to marry/have civil unions
2) fund better education, Head Start, and welfare
3) support unions
4) stop supporting companies that use sweatshop labor
5) end the death penalty

...etc etc etc.

Most folks who quote the "old law" from the Old Testament want to punish or limit other folks. I think it's really funny that they should also be avoiding shellfish if they really believe the other things that get quoted and bandied about.

I'm not getting the same inferrences you are, but I do not think it means we should acknowledge "bad" behavior as "good," just should still love one another.
Most folks who quote the "old law" from the Old Testament want to punish or limit other folks. I think it's really funny that they should also be avoiding shellfish if they really believe the other things that get quoted and bandied about.

And you wonder why we (Jewish) have problems in trying to discuss issues with others with statements like this. I have found that if you give someone enough time and space most people in the Christian mindset. The disdain for anything from the Torah will come bubbling up to the surface.

It saddens me but expected.
Mark Weiser said:
Most folks who quote the "old law" from the Old Testament want to punish or limit other folks. I think it's really funny that they should also be avoiding shellfish if they really believe the other things that get quoted and bandied about.

And you wonder why we (Jewish) have problems in trying to discuss issues with others with statements like this. I have found that if you give someone enough time and space most people in the Christian mindset. The disdain for anything from the Torah will come bubbling up to the surface.

It saddens me but expected.
I don't have distain for the Torah - the people I have had quoting Old Testament lines to me are evangelical Protestants who generally take a single phrase out of context and then proceed to repeat it in the face of all opposing arguments.

I have yet to meet a Jewish person who does this, at least to me. I was not referring to anyone of the Jewish faith - I apologize if that was the impression.
See? I knew this would start a spirited discussion.

I feel so warm and fuzzy inside knowing my thread bore fruit.



There really are not any cleaning technologies for shellfish. Refrigeration has allowed them to be kept longer but preparing for cooking has not really changed much over the years.

I think in honor of this tread I am going to my deep freeze and take out a few lobster for dinner.

The only people required to eat or keep a Kosher Diet is Jewish People. Everyone else enjoy the seafood.
Well, he must hate them, because the krill shrimp pop. in the antarctic area is at an alltime low and dropping. While no one wants to believe that it stems from global climate change root caused by pollution, it is perfectly logical that God just hates shrimp, and all the things that eat them, and all the things that eat the things that eat them, . . . . and all the things that eat the things. . .
Just out of curiousity... Why would God create a Abomination?

Or are we to assume that the devil created shrimp, as a way to lure people into eating them, which would corrupt them...?

Here is my guess, God like shrimp, but doesn't like to share. He's hogging them all for himself.

So following that If I sacriifice a plate of shrimp to God, maybe I can win a lotto or something :D
OULobo said:
Well, he must hate them, because the krill shrimp pop. in the antarctic area is at an alltime low and dropping. While no one wants to believe that it stems from global climate change root caused by pollution, it is perfectly logical that God just hates shrimp, and all the things that eat them, and all the things that eat the things that eat them, . . . . and all the things that eat the things. . .

Damn, god hates a lot of mutha******!!!!

Mark - I don't think anybody is trying to dis judaism. I think they are trying to point out the contradictions on the christian right regarding their position on gay marriage.

Anybody got some more things that should be banned if homosexuality makes the list?
upnorthkyosa said:
Anybody got some more things that should be banned if homosexuality makes the list?

How about a ban on proselytizing? Or at least making it legal kill people who show up unsolicited on your doorstep before 10 am on a Saturday?

I find that to be far more of an abomination than letting homosexual unions have legal status.
Zepp said:
How about a ban on proselytizing? Or at least making it legal kill people who show up unsolicited on your doorstep before 10 am on a Saturday?

I find that to be far more of an abomination than letting homosexual unions have legal status.

hmmm, I was thinking more along lines of sacrificing a bull when your women are in mensus...yes, I did say women...

And that is another can of worms altogether...
So the hard bodies on crustaceans aren't scales? Well then I'm doomed.
But if you read on we can eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper. bleah! I vote for shrimp, crab and lobster instead, life is short. TW
TigerWoman said: is short...

(thunder and lightning rolls ominously)

...and hell is forever...

(more thunder and lightning accompanied by wolf howls)

You know, I read about how you're not supposed to eat the crustacean and the split hoofed animal ..... blah .... blah.... blah.... I'll eat them and I actually have 3 bags of frozen shrimp in the freezer. Plus I have some ham in the fridge. :idunno: