Does God Hate Shrimp?

Only if the bacon cheeseburger is on a bun. Otherwise, it's perfectly acceptable for some of us.
kenpo tiger said:
I will vouch for Ms. Mouse!

And, I don't think that was an attack on you, Feisty. We're just hypersensitive at times because there are so few of us and there are those who'd love to see us disappear...
KT - you rock my little world. :D

And I understand. Sometimes I take it for granted that other people grew up with Jewish friends, around lots of Jewish folks (from whatever denomination of Judaism)....
Feisty Mouse said:
Sometimes I take it for granted that other people grew up with Jewish friends, around lots of Jewish folks (from whatever denomination of Judaism)....
Difficult to grow up around Jewish friends if you're enrolled in a christian private school.

Feisty, you're so cute - I just wanna scoop you up and give you a big hug!
Feisty Mouse said:
KT - you rock my little world. :D

And I understand. Sometimes I take it for granted that other people grew up with Jewish friends, around lots of Jewish folks (from whatever denomination of Judaism)....
No, not the case usually. Even living here I didn't grow up with a large immediate Jewish population. There are towns here which are predominantly Jewish, but that's like, as SheSulsa pointed out in a slightly different manner, going to a yeshiva and never getting to meet non-Jews.

You mean there's some of us in Indiana???!!!
shesulsa said:
Dang! :fanboy: Am I invited?
"Ya missed it! All the chicken breast and shrimp are all gone. There's still a little garlic bread and cheesy potatoes left though. Veggies are gone as well.
Aw, that's okay. Today was hubby's b'day and we had barbecued steak, garlic mashed potatoes, veggies and home-baked birthday cake, finished off with homemade red wine.


Glad you feasted on crustaceans, though! They are the cockroaches of the ocean and should be fed upon so they don't overtake the world after nuclear disaster!

shesulsa - go right ahead! :D

KT - lol - I grew up in the Northeast, so there was a bit more mix to the population. Although there is a very nice temple here in town, too. I have not been there yet, but I will be there in about a month for a friend's daughter's bat mitzvah.

I can't wait - the dancing is going to be so much fun!
Feisty Mouse said:
shesulsa - go right ahead! :D

KT - lol - I grew up in the Northeast, so there was a bit more mix to the population. Although there is a very nice temple here in town, too. I have not been there yet, but I will be there in about a month for a friend's daughter's bat mitzvah.

I can't wait - the dancing is going to be so much fun!
Yes, I remembered that after I posted, but figured you'd set me straight. Had a lot of friends from your neck of the woods when I was growing up - but saw them only during the summer at camp. My mom wouldn't drive me to see them during the year -- can you imagine???
kenpo tiger said:
Yes, I remembered that after I posted, but figured you'd set me straight. Had a lot of friends from your neck of the woods when I was growing up - but saw them only during the summer at camp. My mom wouldn't drive me to see them during the year -- can you imagine???
???? That's odd... was it just a long drive?

Ah, parents - always slightly a mystery to their kids!
Feisty Mouse said:
shesulsa - go right ahead! :D

KT - lol - I grew up in the Northeast, so there was a bit more mix to the population. Although there is a very nice temple here in town, too. I have not been there yet, but I will be there in about a month for a friend's daughter's bat mitzvah.

I can't wait - the dancing is going to be so much fun!

I'll be there, too. My third bar/bat mitzvah. And yes, KT, there are a number of you'ns down here.

The temple, Beth Shalom is indeed very nice, Feisty. A stock broker making a cold call called there some years ago requesting to speak with "Beth Shalom." She was unavailable.

By the way, Jews in Hawaii greet each other by saying "Shaloha." Bet you didn't know that. This of course has nothing to do with anything, but I lived there once, and can report that as an almost fact.

Can you imagine going to a luau and not being able to eat the roast pig?


Huli-Huli chicken is awesome. We could use that for a substitute.

Shesulsa, as Seig mentioned you can get a Torah at a local synagogue. That's where we got ours. I see them all the time at the local Borders Books and Barnes and Noble in the religion section. You can also order them on-line from Amazon, I'm sure. No doubt there's an e-version where you could peruse it on-line as well.

Be prepared to read it backwards. Well, not backwards backwards...but cover to cover backwards.


Thanks, Steve. The last time I looked for Torah at B & N they were new in our area and did not have it. I'll look again. Thanks!
hardheadjarhead said:
By the way, Jews in Hawaii greet each other by saying "Shaloha." Bet you didn't know that.
I don't know why I think that's so fabulous.