Do you consider street fighting a martial art

No and here is why.
Main Entry: martial art Function: noun Date: 1928 : any of several arts of combat and self defense (as karate and judo) that are widely practiced as sport

A good amount of dictionary do use the Oriental when describing martial arts but I think it does not justify the wide range of martial arts.

Street fighting does not have same structure you find in any of the martial art styles or systems. In fact street fighting is more of a primitive instinctive mode of combat and is devoid of a structure.
Would you care to elaborate a little more as to what your premise is and what angle you are looking to explore, suicide?

After all, a soundbite and a smiley are hardly an enticing missive.

When I picture "streetfighting" I think of school yard brawls or fights in the city.
Plain and simple no.

No structure, no learning, nothing but instinct. You can't LEARN to street fight, you just do it, and hope you come out alive.
The street fighters themselves might think there is an art to sucker punching and stomping, for the most part, innocent people that didn't want to fight in the first place. I saw a lot of these types come through the dojo thinking they could run over some of the higher belts, only to get their butts handed right back to them. The ones that hung in there did become good karate-ka, I will say, once they lost the attitude.
the art of street fighting %-}

No. Most 'streetfighters' probably don't have any real martial arts training. However, depending on how the martial artist trains, the streetfighter could get the upper hand. I attribute the SF almost on the same level as a newbie martial arts student. When the trained martial artist is demoing something, he usually uses another trained MAist. They both know what the other is going to do whereas the newbie probably wont move, punch, kick, etc. in the same fashion, making them unpredictable. The SF will most likely get his 'skills' from repeated fights on the street. He fights dirty, with no rules.

Of course, this doesnt mean that the SF will always get the upper hand, and I say this for this reason...go to youtube and type in streetfights. I've done this and there has been more than one time when I saw 2 people throwing sloppy, half *** punches. Against a trained MAist, the SF would probably get his rear handed to him.
I want to play devil's advocate, but I just can't.

I will say no. Street fighting is kinda like a tournement, it is where you use what you have learned. You can learn thing from street fighting, but it is not like learnining MA in a school.
Hello, Remember there are all kinds of levels of "Street Fighter" as well as "Black belts."

The number one thing for any fighter train in martial arts or not? CONIDITION! technique's base on reaction...which one learns thru repetitions, can be only learn by experiences' and training.

A street fighter who does alot of fights will learn what works and what doesn't same for martial artist.

A martial artist who never was in any real fights? ...vs fighting a street fighter who fought alot on streets? MY money will be on the street fighter...

The gangs in Honolulu? ...the few guys I met....I wouldn't want to fight them? ...because killing or destroying you is there style of fighting...anything goes...pipes,knifes,guns, glass bottles...they use everything around them will be use against you....

and if you are not train or prepare for this type of fighting? will lose..

ONE technique they use when there are losing? ....OK, I quit, I gave soon as you drop your guard? better run...because he will use the rest time to recoup himself..look for things for weapons and RE-attack again and again...(coming from gang members who always talk about there fights and how to win!)

Is Street fighting a martial arts? there world of fighting is base on experiences......of actully fighting.....the answer is "YES"

Aloha, Learn to run...faster than anyone!

PS: You can be training for 5 or more years....if you have NO condition? You will lose....( test- run 50 yard sprints-full speed) you can throw full power kicks and punches for one minute? ....than you have conditions that will help you survive a real fight? way to measure condition..
No and here is why.
Main Entry: martial art Function: noun Date: 1928 : any of several arts of combat and self defense (as karate and judo) that are widely practiced as sport

A pretty limited definition. A lot of TMA schools are not widely practiced as sport, neither is military combatives. May have a small sports curriculum but many of the members are not practicing for sports purposes.

Hello, Remember there are all kinds of levels of "Street Fighter" as well as "Black belts."

The number one thing for any fighter train in martial arts or not? CONIDITION! technique's base on reaction...which one learns thru repetitions, can be only learn by experiences' and training.

A street fighter who does alot of fights will learn what works and what doesn't same for martial artist.
Gotta agree with that. The human body only moves in so many ways, and anyone who has engaged in enough combat or even contact sports is going to know efficient ways to harm others.
However I don't consider street fighting itself to be an actual martial arts. Martial arts are structured to teach a hierarchy of techniques. So while a street fighter may be able to fight or may even study martial arts, the term "street fighter" is not itself something that can be used to describe a martial art. Any more than terms such as "free sparring" or "sports combat" can be used to donate a martial art.
By your reasoning, still learning, a street fighter can only advance so far.

Think of it like this, the street fighter has been fighting for years and has a certain throw that has always worked. Then the street fighter comes into a scuffle with a martial artist of an undefined rank who manages to counter the throw, something that has never been done before. Because of this, and by your reasoning, the street fighter dubs that this throw "does not work" and proceeds to move into another technique, which the martial artist also counters.

After using all of the techniques, the street fighter finds that all of his techniques "do not work" and never uses them again, again by your reasoning.
The fact is, a street fighter does not use what he knows works, but rather what has worked. A street fighter and a martial artist differ in that a martial artist is flowing, he strives to find newer techniques and can, under pressure, modify existing techniques to work to his situation. This can, of course, be true for the street fighter as well, however you have to remember that on the street, if you find that you have techniques that don't work, you're probably about to die.

A martial artist flows, and flows through continuing to live.
A street fighter is lucky to be alive and eventually luck has to run out.
I would say no it's not an art because they did not learn a set curriculum with structure.

That being said, I would NEVER want to get into a street fight in the Philippines or Malaysia. Heck no!
A pretty limited definition. A lot of TMA schools are not widely practiced as sport, neither is military combatives. May have a small sports curriculum but many of the members are not practicing for sports purposes.
You forgot to include this part:

A good amount of dictionary do use the Oriental when describing martial arts but I think it does not justify the wide range of martial arts.
If you feel the defination is limited and have issues with it then take it up with Webster not me I did not define it. Here you can contact them here:
Hello, Remember there are all kinds of levels of "Street Fighter" as well as "Black belts."

The number one thing for any fighter train in martial arts or not? CONIDITION! technique's base on reaction...which one learns thru repetitions, can be only learn by experiences' and training.

A street fighter who does alot of fights will learn what works and what doesn't same for martial artist.

A martial artist who never was in any real fights? ...vs fighting a street fighter who fought alot on streets? MY money will be on the street fighter...

The gangs in Honolulu? ...the few guys I met....I wouldn't want to fight them? ...because killing or destroying you is there style of fighting...anything goes...pipes,knifes,guns, glass bottles...they use everything around them will be use against you....

and if you are not train or prepare for this type of fighting? will lose..

ONE technique they use when there are losing? ....OK, I quit, I gave soon as you drop your guard? better run...because he will use the rest time to recoup himself..look for things for weapons and RE-attack again and again...(coming from gang members who always talk about there fights and how to win!)

Is Street fighting a martial arts? there world of fighting is base on experiences......of actully fighting.....the answer is "YES"

Aloha, Learn to run...faster than anyone!

PS: You can be training for 5 or more years....if you have NO condition? You will lose....( test- run 50 yard sprints-full speed) you can throw full power kicks and punches for one minute? ....than you have conditions that will help you survive a real fight? way to measure condition..

Still learning, I grew up in Hawaii, Ewa Beach to be exact, and the things about street fighting out there is that about 90% of the street fighters did have or are taking some sort of training. Now as far as meeting up with a little filipino with a knife at night, I'd run like hell!
i have a brother thats been in and out of jail since he was 13 he was in c.y.a. aka gladiator school from there he went to state prison , his fighting skills are excellent and to me it seems like he has his street fighting art or prison fighting art down packed it works for him , in life he has made alot of bad disicions i know if things would of been diffrent he would of been a great mma fighter ... who knows :flame:
By your reasoning, still learning, a street fighter can only advance so far.

Think of it like this, the street fighter has been fighting for years and has a certain throw that has always worked. Then the street fighter comes into a scuffle with a martial artist of an undefined rank who manages to counter the throw, something that has never been done before. Because of this, and by your reasoning, the street fighter dubs that this throw "does not work" and proceeds to move into another technique, which the martial artist also counters.

After using all of the techniques, the street fighter finds that all of his techniques "do not work" and never uses them again, again by your reasoning.
The fact is, a street fighter does not use what he knows works, but rather what has worked. A street fighter and a martial artist differ in that a martial artist is flowing, he strives to find newer techniques and can, under pressure, modify existing techniques to work to his situation. This can, of course, be true for the street fighter as well, however you have to remember that on the street, if you find that you have techniques that don't work, you're probably about to die.

A martial artist flows, and flows through continuing to live.
A street fighter is lucky to be alive and eventually luck has to run out.

You're looking at the street fighter like he's some mindless thug who engages in life or death struggles every time he fights. However, shift your thinking in the following manner.
1. A street fighter, like any human being isn't going to give up on something because it has failed once. He is going to give up on it because it has failed consistently. No fighter gives up on a high percentage move simply because one guy who was much more skilled was able to counter that move.
2. Depending on how you define a street fight, not all such fights are life and death. Have you ever been in a pub brawl or other free for all? People do get hurt, but death is a very rare occurrence. It's not like the Highlander where there can be "only one". So even after losing, a street fighter get's the opportunity to learn.

You forgot to include this part:
If you feel the defination is limited and have issues with it then take it up with Webster not me I did not define it. Here you can contact them here:

I wasn't critiquing you, just the main definition. The extra stuff you added wasn't in the body of the passage you quoted.

Still learning, I grew up in Hawaii, Ewa Beach to be exact, and the things about street fighting out there is that about 90% of the street fighters did have or are taking some sort of training. Now as far as meeting up with a little filipino with a knife at night, I'd run like hell!

That's pretty much what I've seen with most street fighters. They are learning or have learnt some form of MA or other supervised combat instruction. I think people forget that street fighters, like most people, are smart enough to realize that if you get into a lot of fights, learning better fight skills is a must.
You also gotta think about natural talent. Any of us can throw a ball, some might be able to throw it well. It takes a coach and a system to focus that raw talent into a world class pitcher though. Street fighting is the same way.
I think for something to be considered a martial art, there needs to be a sucession line i.e people learning it and people teaching it as a system. Without these it is just one person's method of fighting based on his insticts and natural abilities.

Plus anything that can be "learned" from street fighting can be learned better through actual martial arts training. IMO.

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