Do You Choon It?


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
This is what I read on this today, could be old or new, but the music never is. Hence I would like your views on this. For me personally, one of my unfortunate traits is still hyperactivity, although more up stairs these days. As such I listen to high energy dance music. I was lucky enough to grow up into the Goa Trance scene, at least from a armchair if you will. Went from that and through the harder edge of dance music, I guess rather lamely it can also be classed as Club Music. Anyway, do you train to music. Always thought Floyd would be good with Yoga.
i dont know what music does in ma, ive heard people playing music in certain forms, ive only heard it a few times. dont know what kind of music people pick. never did any forms with music, unless you count the sound effects your partner makes when you do a technique right :EG:

good luck with your music deciding!
i dont know what music does in ma, ive heard people playing music in certain forms, ive only heard it a few times. dont know what kind of music people pick. never did any forms with music, unless you count the sound effects your partner makes when you do a technique right :EG:

good luck with your music deciding!

Yeah :D Music though is a medium that a lot of people do not explore enough. It not about bunging on some Fleetwood Mac just for relaxation or a hard days chill out, it is about including sound in everyday life. Most people want to, or just think they do, listen to the intrinsic stuff of life. I have been lucky that I found music early in my life, I know the differing vibes even before I select a CD for example, knowing what I need to hear in that given moment. I used to be a bedroom mixer, so perhaps the mechanics come easier, but no less valid. Music man, give it try when you practice forms or whatever and see how you feel :)
i feel pain :lfao: , the instructor comes in sees everybody dancing. you better run! ::uhoh: its not going to be pretty :tantrum::knight2::matrix:

but joking aside// that does sound like a good idea
We usually have music playing at my gym, but more often than not it's something I just have to tune out.

I do appreciate having something with a danceable beat when I'm sparring or grappling - it gives me energy to keep moving.
When I was training Kenpo we would crank music up when doing some line drills. The music was kind of fun for the drills....but it was even better for when we weren't actually executing the drills. Our instructor would always push us to run in place while we were waiting in line for our next chance, the music definitely helped keep me moving.

I don't mind club, dance, trance, electronica much as long as it isn't screechy. But I'm a metalhead at heart so if I'm doing my HIIT rounds, then I'm probably listening to Slayer :D
But I'm a metalhead at heart so if I'm doing my HIIT rounds, then I'm probably listening to Slayer :D

A lot of guys at my gym play stuff like that. It just tires me out if I pay attention to it. I need something with some swing and a backbeat to keep me moving.
When I was training Kenpo we would crank music up when doing some line drills. The music was kind of fun for the drills....but it was even better for when we weren't actually executing the drills. Our instructor would always push us to run in place while we were waiting in line for our next chance, the music definitely helped keep me moving.

I don't mind club, dance, trance, electronica much as long as it isn't screechy. But I'm a metalhead at heart so if I'm doing my HIIT rounds, then I'm probably listening to Slayer :D

Used to be one myself, but then got converted with Anthrax and Public Enemy. Moved on through there. Marshall Jefferson pretty much validated that. American House and Garage, still the coolest :)

Guess I must add the end being Trance. Try a HITT round with some NRG stuff. Not the usual euro pop stuff, but some proper Trance!!
Used to be one myself, but then got converted with Anthrax and Public Enemy. Moved on through there. Marshall Jefferson pretty much validated that. American House and Garage, still the coolest :)

Guess I must add the end being Trance. Try a HITT round with some NRG stuff. Not the usual euro pop stuff, but some proper Trance!!

I'll give it a shot, I love checking out different types of music. Any artists you recommend? :)
I'll give it a shot, I love checking out different types of music. Any artists you recommend? :)

Oh blimey, yeah so many. Okay, the best start I can offer is here as this is some of the stuff I hit my bag with. This is my flavour, but you may not like it and probaly a littel hardcore. One artist I would recommend is Peter Adamski - Instrumental Core. Dub Step with a grand melody, film type stuff. Good for the lazy type of home workout :)

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