Dealing with Power hitters

Originally posted by RCastillo
Try doing that to my "Pythons", and they'll bite back!:cool:

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

While I may not have knock out power...... I do know however that I can hit in many multiple combinations that work for me:eek: :eek: . Watch out for my ridge hand.:asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

While I may not have knock out power...... I do know however that I can hit in many multiple combinations that work for me:eek: :eek: . Watch out for my ridge hand.:asian:

I'll smother you like your favorite blanket! :p
I just realized that men and women are in the same locker room and not gawking. Its like Europe!
quote: Originally posted by RCastillo
I'll smother you like your favorite blanket

That is a good one!

I just realized that men and women are in the same locker room and not gawking. Its like Europe!

Just like alli mcbeal (ashamed i have watched that show).. Men and women share a bathroom.
Of sure that would end ALL inter-office mingling in the real world....Nothing like sitting down next to the hot receptionist and listening to her re-hash her Taco Bell from lunch!!!

wow..did this take a bad turn, or what?
Originally posted by progressivetactics
....Nothing like sitting down next to the hot receptionist and listening to her re-hash her Taco Bell from lunch!!!

:rofl: :rofl: ROTFLMFAO
sorry it got off on a bad note (toot) there!

I'll try to stick to the topic better!

sometimes, those over adreniline new kids make for great uke's too. (when i say kid, of course I mean 12 and up). Let them use their own force against them. Demonstrate how high blocks can actually be throws, etc... When they come at you full force.....yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sometimes, they slow down after landing on the ground a few times.
I simply stop them in the middle of sparring and give them a quick run down on self control, and inform them that sparring is not for maiming each other. That usually solves it, if it continues I just turn up the heat as much as I need to.

I've also found that most people new to the martial arts have a really difficult time with a sparring opponent that moves side to side on them alot, so usually when I spar a newbie they end up throwing dozens of kicks and punches at empty air, because I've already moved to their blind side. :)
What my sparring instructor used to tell me:

"worry about your accuracy first... think about correct stances and focus on your target. it doesn't matter how hard or fast you hit if you miss your target. slow down, relax, and learn the correct motions...

next, worry about your speed... it doesn't matter how accurate you are, or how hard you hit, if you're so slow that they can just move out of the way....

finally, worry about your power. with accuracy and speed come power. The harder you try to hit someone, the more likely you are to be off balance, or in an improper stance. make sure your power comes from the right places, not from sheer muscle, because there's always going to be someone out there who's stronger than you, so muscling through won't always work."

They need to learn that the martial arts is about more than just hitting hard. Its about developing proper body alignment and speed, and with the correct accuracy and speed, power will come.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Yeah!:D ,That's exactly what I'm talking about. After quite a few sidekicks to the bicep they tend to change sides. Then proceed to pound the other arm. Usually what I would get is "Hey would you quit kicking my arm". I would say "Would you calm down on the power".

That is the way to do it! Good to hear! :D
good answer.

We allow much more with our adult bb's as well. Except for the older ones. We let them chose the pace. I have 1 state trooper who is an excellent kicker and excellent grappler. He sometimes out-classes the older ones, and they dont want to work as hard as he 'needs' to, as his job requires more physicality then others.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
good answer.

We allow much more with our adult bb's as well. Except for the older ones. We let them chose the pace. I have 1 state trooper who is an excellent kicker and excellent grappler. He sometimes out-classes the older ones, and they dont want to work as hard as he 'needs' to, as his job requires more physicality then others.

We have some BB's from other systems who like to play hard.. and it's all in good fun .. When Stickdummy (BB -Filipino/Indonesian/Chinese/Japanese/Okinawan arts) and I get going..there's no rules.. same with Randy.. a Shorin Ryu BB who also has a background in ninjutsu, bojutsu, kenjutsu .. we may end up grappling or utilizing a full nelson.. etc ..
Stickdummy had set me up in one instance.. it was too good.. Grabbed his head and slammed it into my knee.. he looked up with a bloody nose.. ran and stuffed tissues up it.. and came back to finish the match :)
we 40 somethings are to be contended with ;)
no vanity at 40. You are there to work! Cool stuff.

I'll let you know when I get there!!!

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