Credentials and exposure - Was: Is MT friendly as in the TIN?

Exactly how "Friendly" do you feel MT is?

  • Same as usual

  • Not Very Friendly

  • Fairly Friendly with a few arguments

  • Very Friendly!

  • There has been a dramatic change lately

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Master of Blades

I'm a bit dissapointed in this place lately and noticed that a lot of people have mixed feelings about the recent happenings on Martial Talk.

We have had insessive fraud busting....People challenging other people....People argueing over this......people disrespecting that. I know that IMO this isnt what I call friendly......I also know a lot of people agree.

A lot of the time, the arguments around here just start out innocently and stay that way. Recently they grow into rude uneeded comments by both partys. I've also noticed that a lot more threads have been locked recently then in the whole time I have been here. And heck, call it a "coincidense" but the post count has DROPPED since all the arguments started.

The point to this post is there is none.....I'm just looking to see how "Friendly" everyone feels this place is these days.....:shrug:



When we voted this place into the number one position, we attracted a contingent of "less than honest" folk from some of the other's just a speed bump.

Well all I know is my ignore list has grown by leaps and bounds, due to certain parties' endless bullshooting. I'm not interested in some self-important uber-sensei posting at tremendous length about- hell, I can't even think of what has been contributed lately by these jokers.

Those who get singled out as irritable, complusive fraud-busters have been the same people to provide me personally with just the kind of info I'm looking for to advance my own practice. Coincidence?

This is supposed to be a friendly place, and Kaith has stated his position on the matter in no uncertain terms. I wish to respect that.

Don't ask me what the answer is- my mother would say just ignore the jerks and they will go away. My father taught me something else completely. I guess we have to accept that everyone has the right to be wrong, and hope they don't pick up too many disciples along the way.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I'm a bit dissapointed in this place lately and noticed that a lot of people have mixed feelings about the recent happenings on Martial Talk.

Originally posted by Master of Blades
We have had insessive fraud busting....People challenging other people....People argueing over this......people disrespecting that. I know that IMO this isnt what I call friendly......I also know a lot of people agree.

Fraud busting:
Would you rather have frauds, known plagiarists, & liars running around on this board shoveling out copious amounts of BS for the uninitiated to ingest?
I for one have no need for friends like that nor do I want to be “friendly” towards them.

Challenging People:
Happens on every board.

People arguing:

They say you can’t talk about religion or politics for very long without having an argument……… you can add martial arts to that list.

Originally posted by Master of Blades
And heck, call it a "coincidense" but the post count has DROPPED since all the arguments started.

Dropped? Really?
I started a thread about claims on the Internet that had 444 replies and 4451 views, which is one of the highest replied and viewed threads in the last couple of months.

As for the total post count dropping........would you rather have quality or quantity?

Maybe the reason is the "BS artists" are getting the message from the "martial artists" and are leaving..........
There's been a couple of times I almost commented negatively
to the fraud busters, because lets face it, they're good at it! The
thing that's stopped me from commenting? rec.martialarts! It's
polluted with 21 yr old Grandmasters of scratchmybutt-do or
big-ego-ryu. Many of them have went and got yellow belts in
12 arts and think that's what Bruce Lee's message was :rolleyes:
Then they try to dish out information like they're some kind of
expert. That place makes me puke, and honestly, if it turns into
that here .. I won't be showing up. I personally don't know of
a resolve to this.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Dropped? Really?
I started a thread about claims on the Internet that had 444 replies and 4451 views, which is one of the highest replied and viewed threads in the last couple of months.

Yes, but there was a small handful of members participating :(
I think post counts have dropped too .... at least by a large
handful of members.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Fraud busting:
Would you rather have frauds, known plagiarists, & liars running around on this board shoveling out copious amounts of BS for the uninitiated to ingest?
I for one don’t have no need for friends like that nor do I want to be “friendly” towards them.

Challenging People:
Happens on every board.

People arguing:

They say you can’t talk about religion or politics for very long without having an argument……… you can add martial arts to that list.

Somehow I knew you would challenge this the most LOL! :D

As for Frauds.....Heck I dont want them on the board.....But damn does it have to go on AND ON AND ON. And if you notice my first post was about The ONE of Martial Talk......They are just examples of the less friendly tone that has been loitering around here as of late.

Make no post is not trying to protect the frauds or anything like that. Lets be honest......Those threads that have gone on and on is because they are not friendly and respectful to everyones views......Both sides go on and on and on trying to put there views across.

As for the challenging......It may happen on everyboard.....But Martial Talk is not EVERY board....It really is unique and in my opinion a HELL of a lot better then any other I have been to. I would expect that elsewhere....But the only reason I stayed here is because of the level headed people and because there seemed like there wouldnt be a challenge because someones ego has been damaged or the honour insulted or whatever.

And last but not least the Argueing....They may SAY....But if you read the God thread i think you will find that we have proved that statement wrong. Also check nearly all the posts on Martial Talk and you will find that statement wrong as well :D

I'm not gonna get into a heated discussion over this....I'm not here to argue....I just want view points :asian:

And also this is not a attack on the Moderation of MT.....Heck you guys are great! :D
Originally posted by Kirk
There's been a couple of times I almost commented negatively
to the fraud busters, because lets face it, they're good at it! The
thing that's stopped me from commenting? rec.martialarts! It's
polluted with 21 yr old Grandmasters of scratchmybutt-do or
big-ego-ryu. Many of them have went and got yellow belts in
12 arts and think that's what Bruce Lee's message was :rolleyes:
Then they try to dish out information like they're some kind of
expert. That place makes me puke, and honestly, if it turns into
that here .. I won't be showing up. I personally don't know of
a resolve to this.

We lost Mike Clarke (a well respected Gojuist that lived and trained in Okinawa, as well as being a published author and a hell of a nice guy) because there were too many childish Sokes and Uber Sensei running around this board propagating their own myths.
It doesn't seem all that negative to me, but I'm new here so I have little against which to compare things.

I do have an opinion on a few things, however:

ARGUEMENTS- Heated, intellegent discourse on a variety of topics seems to be inevitable whenever people gather to talk. Name calling, challenges, and non-friendly swearing:p seem to be out of place and add little to the discussion.

FRAUD BUSTING- Bravo,BRAVO, to all who expose the lice who seek to defraud the unsuspecting and gullable. If you can prove it, there should be no problem with showing it.

That's my opinion, for what it's worth.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Somehow I knew you would challenge this the most LOL! :D

I am not challenging it……….just trying to show you the alternative.

Originally posted by Master of Blades
As for Frauds.....Heck I dont want them on the board.....But damn does it have to go on AND ON AND ON.

Hey, if it was my BBs I wouldn’t let anyone on that had “Soke” next to their rank post.
Then there would need to be this topic…….let alone this thread.
Giving people a right to speak their mind on a forum isn’t really a “right” it’s a privilege and if people think they can come and post a bunch of BS to perpetuate their myths then they abuse that privilege.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
I am not challenging it……….just trying to show you the alternative.

Hey, if it was my BBs I wouldn’t let anyone on that had “Soke” next to their rank post.
Then there would need to be this topic…….let alone this thread.
Giving people a right to speak their mind on a forum isn’t really a “right” it’s a privilege and if people think they can come and post a bunch of BS to perpetuate their myths then they abuse that privilege.

Again it seems my point has been missed.....All I'm saying is you can do it in a friendly tone, there is no need for the rudeness (Yes I have seen some of the emails to certain "Frauds")

I am not challenging you and your hobby.......Just trying to show YOU and all your friends an alternative :asian:
This is a quote from Patrick McCarthy that I think is useful here:

“To merely “ignore” him as you suggest is to condone his despicable actions and indirectly helps propagate his lies”

So to ignore or do nothing these "frauds" actions on this board only helps them in the long run.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
This is a quote from Patrick McCarthy that I think is useful here:

“To merely “ignore” him as you suggest is to condone his despicable actions and indirectly helps propagate his lies”

So to ignore or do nothing these "frauds" actions on this board only helps them in the long run.

*sigh* Its about respect! There is a way to go about things and there is a way to not. Your way kinda reminds me of Joseph McCarthy and his witch hunts.

I am in the chatroom right now if you wish to discuss this with me further.....But right now I dont think we are getting through to each other so I suggest we just stop :asian:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Again it seems my point has been missed.....All I'm saying is you can do it in a friendly tone, there is no need for the rudeness (Yes I have seen some of the emails to certain "Frauds")

Not missed at all.
How do you expose someone on the Internet in a “friendly tone”.
What do you say..…..”Sorry old boy I do believe you are a total fraud and an intellectual property thief……don’t get upset because I am being friendly about this”
And how is it those emails have any relevance to what is posted on MT…….other than 2 people from MT were emailing each other………they were not posted publicly……..

Originally posted by Master of Blades
I am not challenging you and your hobby.......Just trying to show YOU and all your friends an alternative :asian:

It’s not my “Hobby”.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
*sigh* Its about respect! There is a way to go about things and there is a way to not. Your way kinda reminds me of Joseph McCarthy and his witch hunts.

I am in the chatroom right now if you wish to discuss this with me further.....But right now I dont think we are getting through to each other so I suggest we just stop :asian:

Sorry.........gotta sxxx, shower and shave then go to work.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Not missed at all.
How do you expose someone on the Internet in a “friendly tone”.
What do you say..…..”Sorry old boy I do believe you are a total fraud and an intellectual property thief……don’t get upset because I am being friendly about this”
And how is it those emails have any relevance to what is posted on MT…….other than 2 people from MT were emailing each other………they were not posted publicly……..

It’s not my “Hobby”.

But that leads me back to my original post and the Non Friendly tone this site seems to have got stuck with now days! I believe if you cant do it in a friendly tone then take it to PM.....Cuz I dont wanna read 30 pages of you argueing over someones rank. If you can bust them....then do it....But cant you do it like a REAL superhero and do it at night when no one will know you have done it but the Fraud rate on Martial Talk will slowly go down.

And Im willing to bet that a lot of the new members take one look at the insessive argueing and run for the hills....And as someone stated before about the post count thing....If you notice your thread with so and so replys and so and so views was maintained by about 4 or 5 members :shrug:

As for the hobby thing.....its called a sense of humour.....:p
Originally posted by Master of Blades

As for Frauds.....Heck I dont want them on the board.....But damn does it have to go on AND ON AND ON.

For awhile there bro, you weren't going anywhere near a thread
discussing martial arts at all. As much as I like ya, I really got
tired of checking out all the new posts for the last few hours,
and seeing only threads such as "yo' momma jokes", "What...",
"Post every time you look" and "Word Association". Notice my
participation stopped there some time ago. They're fine, if you
also get what you came here for ... but when that's all that's
happening ... it gets quite pathetic ... but that tide changed once
again, and we're talking martial arts in various threads. It was
a phase in the evolution of this board ... just like what's going
on right now, that you don't like. Just give it time, it'll settle down.
Just a short note.... I've had an, 'interesting' week, and do not feel ready to comment on most of the points in here.

1 point - slow down in posting. The majority of our users are in the US and Canada, where its starting to be warm and sunny. This weekend in particular is a big US holiday. The summer tends to be slower than winter...with big slowdowns at major warm-spells. I'm not worried about the traffic...its following the same patter it has for the last 2 years.

The rest will be addressed -very- shortly. We do hear you and see whats happening.... We are going to be doing a few things differently in the near future. I expect some will like it, and some will not. Before I say more, we want to be certain we say it correctly.

Please...add your concerns here. We will address them.
A few people have emailed and PMed me. I am working through them.

I've sadly been, preoccupied on some pressing personal matters.

My thanks on your patience.
Originally posted by Kirk
For awhile there bro, you weren't going anywhere near a thread
discussing martial arts at all. As much as I like ya, I really got
tired of checking out all the new posts for the last few hours,
and seeing only threads such as "yo' momma jokes", "What...",
"Post every time you look" and "Word Association". Notice my
participation stopped there some time ago. They're fine, if you
also get what you came here for ... but when that's all that's
happening ... it gets quite pathetic ... but that tide changed once
again, and we're talking martial arts in various threads. It was
a phase in the evolution of this board ... just like what's going
on right now, that you don't like. Just give it time, it'll settle down.

If you care to notice my participation in those threads has slimmed down a hell of a lot too. And although a lot of it was blamed on me, I wasnt the only one. I stopped, and to be honest....thats the kinda guy I am. Also I feel its going a bit too far saying thats was the ONLY thing that was happening. And I apoligise but Im really stressed out at the moment with exams and family and girlfriend and all and this place really isnt helping.
As with the spamming and the "pointless" just for fun threads......I addressed them in a thread and got some very vaired points of views.....After that the spamming slowed down to almost a stop nowdays.

That is all I am doing now.....adressing it in a hope it will slow down to stop :asian: