Censorship, Moderation and MartialTalk

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Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by GouRonin
All lies!

...can I highjack a thread or what?

Do you think we have abused, the no touch policy of this thread set up by Kaith?

Things that make you go HMMMM?

:asian: * To Gou Ronin


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
I believe I have answered all my PMs. Sometimes I get double-digits of them per day and it's possible I miss some--I know this has happened to me in e-mail, though I don't know of any Martialtalk-related e-mail I've missed. I try to be careful but due to work I sometimes must compartmentalize when I work on what, and when I do that it's possible I miss something. Please, resend if I don't respond.

As to the chat: You were gently warned for a previous comment, by me and by another mod. who was present. You continued along the same lines. Three mods. were present by that time. After consultation by private chat with one of the other mods. present it was agreed that you went too far and I'd send a warning. (I believe the other mod. present came independently to the same conclusion, but my memory may be incorrect on this point.) I sent the warning. Here it is from the logs (where I've edited in {NAME} in place of the name of a MartialTalk member as it isn't clear to me that she cares to be drawn into this):

22:31:18 [arnisador]>[kenpo_kirk] Kirk, this is too far: "see how much {NAME} was talking, when I was moisturizing her tatas?"

22:31:27 [arnisador]>[kenpo_kirk] This is a warning.

22:31:35 [kenpo_kirk] k .. later

22:31:37 kenpo_kirk exits from this room

The notation makes it clear that this warning was sent by PM, so only you and I saw it; no one else who was present would have seen it. The quoted material I repeated to you was a cut-and-paste of your sentence.

We are still finding our way on chat. But as you were advised earlier that:

22:03:07 [kenpo_kirk] * kenpo_kirk opens up {NAME}'s gi, puts hot oil all over her and starts rubbing it in. he looks at the mods and says, "Can I do THIS?!?"

...was too far, I am not sure why you were offended by the later private warning. I really don't understand this.

The pictures and comments were indeed deleted from the Shaolin Do? thread--we still have them in storage. (Mods. can find them here but others won't be able to view them.) I see three posts by you in there. The number of deleted posts is 13 in total.

-MT Admin-


Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Do you think we have abused, the no touch policy of this thread set up by Kaith?

It's too late now! Forget it! It's "Chinatown!"



Originally posted by arnisador
I believe I have answered all my PMs. Sometimes I get double-digits of them per day and it's possible I miss some--I know this has happened to me in e-mail, though I don't know of any Martialtalk-related e-mail I've missed. I try to be careful but due to work I sometimes must compartmentalize when I work on what, and when I do that it's possible I miss something. Please, resend if I don't respond.

As to the chat: You were gently warned for a previous comment, by me and by another mod. who was present. You continued along the same lines. Three mods. were present by that time. After consultation by private chat with one of the other mods. present it was agreed that you went too far and I'd send a warning. (I believe the other mod. present came independently to the same conclusion, but my memory may be incorrect on this point.) I sent the warning. Here it is from the logs (where I've edited in {NAME} in place of the name of a MartialTalk member as it isn't clear to me that she cares to be drawn into this):

The notation makes it clear that this warning was sent by PM, so only you and I saw it; no one else who was present would have seen it. The quoted material I repeated to you was a cut-and-paste of your sentence.

We are still finding our way on chat. But as you were advised earlier that:

...was too far, I am not sure why you were offended by the later private warning. I really don't understand this.

The pictures and comments were indeed deleted from the Shaolin Do? thread--we still have them in storage. (Mods. can find them here but others won't be able to view them.) I see three posts by you in there. The number of deleted posts is 13 in total.

-MT Admin-

If that's what you believe, then fine. I posted on THE "offensive
thread" asking what was so wrong with what was posted, and
YOU locked the thread. It's open now, and no post where it
says that the thread was locked. I KNOW that's what happened.
Why else would the other thread discussing it exist?

What you post is true. The problem I have and still have with it
are 1) far worse exist on this board, and 2) far worse went on,
and is STILL going on in the chat.

IMO I also feel that it's too G rated. I have no problems with the
subject matter, or comments made .. I do have a problem with
the lack of consistency. {name} was all talkative, until I was
put on a leash. No kids were in the chat at the time. I'd met
{name} at the Huk seminar, and based an opinion on what she'd
find funny judging from my personal impression of her, and her
posts. {name} didn't say much after that, did she?

The underlying theme is consistency. I don't enjoy getting
warned when others say far worse. And I don't enjoy getting
pot shots taken at me, or my friends, while you're not allowing
others. I've said it like 10 times in this thread and in PM's. The
whole reason this thread exists is because I took a pot shot at
all of you. YOU didn't like it, Cthulhu didn't like it, Kaith didn't
like it. Yet my question regarding it went unanswered, and any
comments about it didn't exist. If you feel that they should go
unaddressed .. then simply say so! When it was stated in the
forum .. a mod ONLY said "take it elsewhere" or somethign to that
effect. When THIS FORUM was used as the vehicle for the
attack? Do you feel that's right?


Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Its been brought to my attention that a few folks have problems with the way we run MartialTalk.

We've been called 'censors', 'nazis', 'facists' and 'communists'. We've been told we take too long to stop a flame, or jump in too early. I've been told we ignore complaints. It was mentioned that we are 'biased' in how we moderate, going 'easy' on some, and 'hard' on others. That we 'lock threads for no reason other than to stifle discussion'.

Well....enough already.

I'm tired of putting in 30, 40+ hours a week, hundreds of dollars of my own cash, to deal with back stabbing, back room muttering, and the slings and arrows of cowards.

Heres your chance.

This thread is for an open discusion of what a vocal few seem to find so very wrong with this forum. You have a problem? Let us know here.

We cant fix it if we dont know its broken.

To those who have worked with us, I apologize for this outburst. I take the shots personally.

And to those who have been muttering, PMing, emailing each other....its time to put up, or shut up n move out.

Any wanker can sit there and *****, but it takes an adult to build a sollution.

As I said before...if anyone has a problem, I'm always here, and open to discussion. In the end, I will do what I think is right for this forum, not me and not you.

The floor is yours folks.


Note to all MartialTalk Staff - hands off this thread. If this turns into a huge flamefest, then, that just shows the true color of those who flame. No posts are to be tossed, edited, or locked in this thread. No warnings or other action is to be taken against anyone for comments made in -this- thread.

Uhhhhhhh, I thought you were on vacation? :confused:

Time to call the "Hit Squad" from Buffalo!

I got nothing bad to say, I don't wanna be evicted, I like it here. It's rent free!:)


Originally posted by GouRonin
I just wish he'd just stop pawing at me like I'm an object. I have feelings you know. I'm not just an object for his lust. I have feelings!

What's a guy got to do to get a hug around here?!

I'm sorry, Lord Ronin, I broke it off with you a long time ago, and now you want a hug?:rolleyes:


Master of Arts
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
The woods of Marin County, California, USA
To Kaith and all the Mods,

Just thought I'd let you guys know that I have no complaints at all about how you guys run the board. I've seen plenty of other forums that were run horribly (not all dealing with martial arts), either because the moderators were asleep at the wheel, or because they really were chat nazis. I think you guys have a good balance here.

If I did have a particular complaint, rest assured, you would hear from me. I think any major changes in the way this board was run might make me complain.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Kirk

What you post is true. The problem I have and still have with it
are 1) far worse exist on this board, and 2) far worse went on,
and is STILL going on in the chat.


Chat is NEW!

Currently Kaith, Arnisador, and Myself (* Rich in Chat *) are looking for more good people to be Chat Mods (* if tehre are moe I am not aware of hem as of yet *) . As of right now, the rules are kind of loose yet being polite is the main rule.

I apologize for any inconsistent actions in the Chat room while I am there. I am still feeling it out. I am trying to not act like the Chat Nazi and have it all my way etc., ..., .

Please PM me or other Mods with your chat concerns or issues.



Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Chat is NEW!

Currently Kaith, Arnisador, and Myself (* Rich in Chat *) are looking for more good people to be Chat Mods (* if tehre are moe I am not aware of hem as of yet *) . As of right now, the rules are kind of loose yet being polite is the main rule.

I apologize for any inconsistent actions in the Chat room while I am there. I am still feeling it out. I am trying to not act like the Chat Nazi and have it all my way etc., ..., .

Please PM me or other Mods with your chat concerns or issues.


PM is fine and dandy, but it doesn't allow for consistancy. I know
a thread exists for the discussion of that, but there should be
some rules for us to follow, or no warnings. if the rules there,
are the same as here, then making it an even slate should be
a goal.
Bob Hubbard

Bob Hubbard

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short msg here...I'm too tired to go in detail....

G-Rated - we're more PG. In -my- opinion, alot of comments (mostly on the humor side) have crossed into more of an R rating. I dont have a -personal- problem with them (Hell, I got alot worse on my other forum) , but not here, in public. We have several members under the age of 15...including at least 2 12 year olds. Many of you are parents...take a step back and answer this one honestly - Do you want your kid reading MartialTalk?

'Missing' Posts. - Folks...I dont know the time frame for some things, but please remember, we have had a few technical hiccups, most recently back in December where I believe we lost over a weeks posts. Theres alot more to that story than we've let on. It aint pretty, and a few folks know what really happened. Well, enough: We got attacked. Not MartialTalk, my entire business. Over 100+ websites were blown to hell, including tape backups. MartialTalk's offsite backup was about a week old...thats why we only lost a week. My other forum was 100% lost. ****, I almost lost my whole business. I went for almost 3 days without sleep trying to get things back up. I almost didn't put MT back up.

Some people think this is so easy.

Running this site has cost me quality time with my friends, my girlfriend, my family. Its taken -serious- time away from my business, my training, hell, even time I could be using to read a book! Money spent on keeping this site running could fund a hell of a nice week long vacation...

Tell me again why I put myself thru all this grief?

Heres a link : http://vbulletin.com go there, buy the software, find a host and put your board up. Now...go learn some basic programming skills so you can install the 50+ modifications we've got running here. Oh wait, they upgraded. Ok, uninstall all the mods, upgrade software, reinstall mods, then, debug! Well, there went your weekend. Oh ****! they patched the upgrade...there goes wed and thurday. ok, everythings stable...time to check the competition n see whats cool there, n check to see what other new toys we can add...Ah, a cool one...lets install...no good, the makes everything crash...time to back it out...ok, everythings fixed, oh crap! internet brownout, cant reach the server to put the file up! Race for a work around cuz times ticking and the boards offline. Yup, ICQ lighting up with the "is the site down" msgs. Yup, phones ringing off the hook "whats borked bob?" up, email too....christ,, I got a meeting with a client in 6 hours...I need sleep....but the boards down.....ahh, finally, get the file in, grab a 2 hr nap, race to a meeting, race back, oh joy, its an email 'fix the ****** board asswipe'. Someone shoot me.

Yeah...this is easy... Just like getting a black belt is easy.
Go look at the other boards that are either so anal they want 'real names only', every T dotted and every I crossed. Go look at the other ones that are so laid back that some 'LEET DUDE' is the 'power user'. Or so dead that they only get 1 new post a day.

I do this because you folks enjoy this board. I do it for the personal satisfaction of seeing ones creation exceed ones expectations. Martialtalk is a community. One that I'm very proud of. 1 that I'm happy to put in my time, blood, sweat and tears to make sure it is -the- best out there. I sure as hell aint doing it for the relaxation and positive cash flow. I'd make more money selling ice to escimos.

Heres something we can do...charge admission. $5/person/year.
I'd get $50 and a dead board. We can lock off an area thats 'opt-in' for the 'adult' stuff. But, I need some reliable way to verify those asking for admission are adults...not kids lying about their ages. (Quick, without cutting him in half, someone tell me how old JudoKid is?..are you sure? Show me proof. Ya can't? Well, neither can I.)

Regarding content not specificly covered in the rules, the main rule is in effect: If its against the overall spirit of this site, its against the rules. Do we have to have a 40 page lawbook covering every possible issue? I tried to keep them simple, and we've gone 3-9 pages deep I think at this point....how many folks have read -all- of them?

You have issues? Fine. Someone start a 'Suggestion Box' thread in the 'Support Forum' and start posting 'improvement' ideas there. 1 central location where we can provide checks and balances to each other. I get busy, threads get buried, stuff gets forgotten. Help me to help you.

Now...I'm gonna get some sleep....

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Kirk
PM is fine and dandy, but it doesn't allow for consistancy. I know
a thread exists for the discussion of that, but there should be
some rules for us to follow, or no warnings. if the rules there,
are the same as here, then making it an even slate should be
a goal.

Well what I meant was that you suggestions could be PM'd to me and others, so we could discuss it.

Or post it here for discussion, I just offered the PM so if someone wanted to remain behind the scenes and still input they could.


Master of Arts
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles suburbs, Cali. USA
Ahh, enough, you guyz do a good job, much better than some of the other crappy Martial Arts NG sites out here on the 'net. That's why I keep coming back. :asian:

If I kiss your *** some more will that give me a free pass from getting suspended or banned... :confused:


I've posted two R rated jokes...Sorry!
But they DARED me...

I'll try and keep future posts at the eighth grade level.

BTW, overall, you guys do a very good job...
The few times I questioned decisions made, I chalked it up to, "I don't have all of the facts."

But, I still think that a biased decision was made regarding RSK and the "worm."



consistency! consistency! consistency

My last attempt at communicating it. I'm done with this thread.
My point goes either ignored, or not stated well enough.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Originally posted by Kirk
What you post is true. The problem I have and still have with it
are 1) far worse exist on this board, and 2) far worse went on,
and is STILL going on in the chat.

We strive for consistency, but it isn't always going to happen. We'd like to have it but we're only human. Suggestions as to how to achieve greater consitency would be more helpful than assertions that it's desirable--coming out in favor of consistency is like coming out against crime. How about some ideas?

IMO I also feel that it's too G rated. I have no problems with the
subject matter, or comments made .. I do have a problem with
the lack of consistency. {name} was all talkative, until I was
put on a leash. No kids were in the chat at the time. I'd met
{name} at the Huk seminar, and based an opinion on what she'd
find funny judging from my personal impression of her, and her
posts. {name} didn't say much after that, did she?

As to the rating for chat, we are still feeling our way. Chat is a different medium--more ephemeral and more spontaneous--and we expect it'll be looser in chat. As to whether kids were present--and there have been minors on our chat board frequently, though I don't believe any were present at the time--and the consensual nature of the discussion, I still feel you're contradicting yourself: Surely no one in the thread that contained the references to fellatio were offended by the language. Yet, you seem to feel it either justifies your use of comparable language elsewhere, or that it's otherwise in need of being handled for consistency's sake. It's the same argument: People will see what you're saying, not realize that you know the other person, and think that that's OK for chat. Remember also, the transcripts are there for 12 hours, and the /last n command repeats the last n lines for people to read. We simply don't want that kind of atmosphere.

When it was stated in the
forum .. a mod ONLY said "take it elsewhere" or somethign to that
effect. When THIS FORUM was used as the vehicle for the
attack? Do you feel that's right?

Yes. It doesn't matter who started what--MartialTalk is not Iraq, and one can't simply start a war here whenever one wants to. If someone starts something here, that's bad. But it doesn't create a right for anyone else to finish it here. We just don't want it here. Please continue to report problems of this sort to us. We'll continue to try to handle them.

-MT Admin-
Bob Hubbard

Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
I'll be upfront...there are valid claims in there...

I've never denied that..

What I'm asking for is patience while we work to resolve the problems. Things can't change overnight. We have addapted internal policies to hopefully combat any bias' that may exist. We have improved out own lines of communication so that we dont have to wait 3 days for everyone to log on. etc. We will be bringing on board additional staff to help keep things running smoothly. We are adding in more features as well.

I am dedicated to constant improvement of this site. But I need everyones help to do it. I can't work in a vaccume.

If 1 person tells me I'm FOS, I figure, 'eh, its their opinion'.
If 20 do, well, I figure they may be onto something.

The reason why this forum got as far as it has if because of the feedback from its members. Keep the feedback coming. If we don't know theres a problem or a need, we don't have any way to work on it. We aint going to make everyone happy, but I'll try for a high majority.

heh..free pass....cali you're too funny. :)


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Kirk, I missed the post where you apologized to Kaith for being 100% wrong for haranguing him about this:

there are no rules governing the slamming of others in a signature, or title, or avatar

Could you point it out to me?


Originally posted by RCastillo
I'm sorry, Lord Ronin, I broke it off with you a long time ago, and now you want a hug?:rolleyes:

Indian giver!


Master of Blades

Originally posted by GouRonin
All lies!

...can I highjack a thread or what?

Your still not quite as good as me :asian:

Master of Blades

Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin

If I kiss your *** some more will that give me a free pass from getting suspended or banned... :confused:

Hey if he gets one I want one!!!! :rolleyes:
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