Cell Phones


2nd Black Belt
Jan 2, 2006
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I saw some threads on iPods, so hopefully this isn't too far off base for a computer forum.

So what kind of cell phone do you use and what features are important to you?

I am thinking of getting one (OK, another - I've had them before) but there are so many options nowadays.

I want a cheap plan, like 39.99 a month, but like the ability of email, a camera and maybe text messages. Then there's these whole Bluetooth and Blackberry options. Anyone use these?

Also, I like the Windows Mobile OS since it looks like some phones can have full QWERTY keyboards and let you synch up Word docs and Contact lists. I love gadgets, but just don't want to get roped into some expensive plan to use all the features.

Ug - too much to choose from...
I am an 'old fuddy duddy'. I want a telephone with a rotary dial on it, hell, even the hand crank would be fine by me.

My cell phone must do three things ... .

1. Make telephone calls.
2. Store phone numbers.
3. Have an alarm clock.

I do quite a bit of travelling for business, and it is much nicer to rely on my cell phone as an alarm clock, than a wake-up call, or the clock in the hotel room.

Some of my colleagues use the crackberry, but, I would rather open up my laptop, and have all the tools available on it. I do have wireless internet access from my laptop.

My newest cell phone was the LG-VX3300. (Isn't it odd, that in five years, I have had three cell phones ... what a waste). This phone is cheap, and small, and meets all three of my requirements.
For starters, you may want to ask around to find out which carrier has the best service in your area. For example, Verizon has a large dead spot in the city I live in ("Can you hear me now? Hello? Hello?").
You may also want to look into a Palm device for your PDA needs. Sprint carries the Treo, which will do all that you're looking for (there's an app for the Palm called Documents To Go that lets you share Office docs between your PDA and desktop).
You can pretty much forget about all but basic service for $39.99. Any type of data plan will have to be included in your plan at a higher cost, or purchased ad hoc.
I'm with michaeledward. I use my Palm for a few non-PDA tasks (grocery list, spreadsheet for bowling scores, golf scorecard, a few games); but if I need more horsepower, I'll bring my laptop.
Monadnock said:
Thanks! I have been scoping out the Treo's. They look pretty nice. I also like the grocery list idea - hah! I usually forget about 3 things by the time I get home.
If you decide to go with a Treo, check out an app called HandyShopper. That's what I use. It allows you to create your own lists, sort by aisle/store. There's also a user group on Yahoo where you can download user-created lists, even for specific stores in some cities.
I have a Treo 650 with Sprint PCS. But my monthly fee is not $39.95. :( Figure nearly 2 times that. However, I have unlimited data (means I can be online 24/7). I use a bluetooth headset the Motorola HS850. It is nice, I got it for Christmas. Although it is a little hard to hear in my Jeep Wrangler at highway speeds.

If you get the Treo 650, get PocketTunes Deluxe if you are interested in playing MP3s. It is awesome!
Kreth said:
The Treo comes with Docs To Go, doesn't it?

Yes it does. Also, Adobe Acrobat makes a PalmOS version of their reader so reading company PDFs are great. I use the Docs To Go for the spreadsheet capability. However you can create as well as read Word Docs, Excel spreadsheets, and I think Power Point presentations.

It is very handy. If a person uses a Palm handheld, an iPod, and a cell phone, then buying a Treo 650 will consolidate all three so you only have to carry one device.
I almost went with a Treo when I replaced my ailing Samsung A620 a few months ago. However, I was getting the serious evil-eye from my gf, so I caved and got another Samsung, the A840.
Bigshadow said:
Now that is some intimidation! :rofl: They are getting cheaper, tho. ;)
Yeah, for some reason, she didn't buy the argument that if I got the Treo, I wouldn't have to carry a phone and my Tungsten. :idunno:
Sometimes I feel like Batman. Depending on the office I'm in, I may have my Tungsten, my cell, and the wireless headset for my desk phone on me...
If you're looking at any type of smartphone, particularly something like a Treo or Blackberry, $39.99 probably won't be possible. Not only will you have to pay for the voice plan, but you'll probably need to pay for a data plan in addition.

Depending on where you work, your company may have a deal that offers significant discounts in plans and phones. My company does, but I've to to wait out my current contract until I can take advantage of it :(

Just to give you an idea of how much.... I have SprintPCS and my monthly bill is around $60. I have extra stuff so it could be a few less, but Private message me if you are interested in details.
David, I'm blaming you, as this thread got me reconsidering the Treo. :) I'm seriously considering taking the ultra-geek step. One of my concerns is the size of the Treo. Do you wear yours on your belt, and if so, how bulky is it? I know even with my A840, I have to be aware of how I sit either in my car (seatbelt) or in a chair with arms (have gone through a couple of belt clips by just dropping into a chair).
Don't have a cell phone and never have...some computer geek I am...

I like to be able to "unplug"
Kreth said:
David, I'm blaming you, as this thread got me reconsidering the Treo. :)
It gets better! Just yesterday I learned how to rip DVDs to fit on the Treo. I have The Last Samurai down to 257MB. Fits nicely on my 1GB SD card and looks and sounds (with stereo headset) awesome! :) That was just a test to see how to do it. It is really cool to be able to watch a movie(s) or listen to MP3s when your bored. I know it is a geek thing... LOL

Kreth said:
I'm seriously considering taking the ultra-geek step. One of my concerns is the size of the Treo. Do you wear yours on your belt, and if so, how bulky is it?
I wear mine on my belt. It really isn't bulky, of course I make up for THAT. LOL You should go down to a local provider store and look at it. I use a leather case with swivel style clip. I haven't had a problem with it. Although, if I keep a wired headset plugged in, I will invariably snag the cord and I worry about breaking something. So I don't wear the wired headset, I have a bluetooth headset (no wires YAY!).

I am considering switching to the Seidio snap in holster. The phone snaps face in (to protect the screen). The phone pops in and out with a thumb tab. The reason for this change is that the leather cases that have the plastic see-thru facing, cause problems when using the stylus, especially close to the edges of the screen, since they don't form fit to the face of the phone. Having a screen protector on it should be good enough with a face in holster.

Kreth said:
I know even with my A840, I have to be aware of how I sit either in my car (seatbelt) or in a chair with arms (have gone through a couple of belt clips by just dropping into a chair).
Well, that would depend on where you are sitting and the width of your bottom :rofl: Although, I *normally* don't have a problem, I can wear it in my jeep or my wifes car, and most places at the office. But some of the conference room chairs are a little snug for the phone. So I usually just take it off before I sit (I usually use it to take notes anyways, or play games :EG:). When you do get one, and I am sure you will :D be sure to get a protection plan on it. I have SprintPCS and for like $5 a month, if it gets damaged, stolen or whatever, I only have to shell out $50 to get a new phone, not $400 or whatever they will be if that happens.
Bigshadow said:
I know it is a geek thing... LOL

I couldn't do it...personally. I was looking at the Samsung and the Treo and...then decided to get what I really wanted.

I went with a Nokia phone that's just a phone.

and the verizon wireless internet card for the laptop.

Broadband at home, broadband in the car, broadband at work that the network nazis can't see...broadband wherever I go...It's a geek thing :D
lady_kaur said:
and the verizon wireless internet card for the laptop.

Broadband at home, broadband in the car, broadband at work that the network nazis can't see...broadband wherever I go...It's a geek thing :D
The Treo 700 is equipped with the EVDO (sp?) which provides broadband speeds. For now it works with CDMA networks, and Verizon is the only one carrying it. Rumor on the street is that SprintPCS will be getting it this spring. If so, then I can have broadband speed when browsing the net, or checking email with my phone, also chatting. The Treo 650 and 700 both have Dial-Up-Networking(DUN) via bluetooth. What this means is you can abandon the wireless internet card and use the Treo as your network card for the laptop. Can you do that with the Nokia? ;)

I like to be connected wherever I go, too. :D
Bigshadow said:
Can you do that with the Nokia? ;)

Eeegads, I think I'm out-geeked! :D :asian:
So, I've come to the conclusion that all Sprint employees are ****ing morons. Last night, I went to our local Sprint affiliate (Radio Shack). Of course, they don't have any Treos in stock. This morning, I make a phone call to the closest "real" Sprint store, which is about an hour away. They assure me that they do have Treos in stock. I make the drive down there, only to find out that the "tech" I spoke to was mistaken. They offered to order one for me, but I decided that after wasting gas, I'd be damned if they were going to make a commission from me.
At this point, I think I'll be ordering a Treo from Ebay, and accessories from everythingtreo.com.