Break Dancing Robot - CREEPY! Video

Probably... what is scary, creepy about this is the continual advancement of these MACHINES and their increasing flexibility and ability to mimic human movement and inevitably their inclusion into our homes and our lives and our work environments. Probably starting out as helpers for severely disabled individuals and then lesser disabled and then going on to help regular folk like maids or janitorial servants and so on... My job as a tour guide could easily be done by a robot and with the right programming could infuse the humor and ability to answer random questions like I do.
Maybe I'm getting too paranoid and read too much Bradbury (I-Robot) and watched too many James Cameron movies (Terminator series) but we keep going this way... well... it could very well happen. Of course not with self-aware cpu's and etc. but maliciously programmed robot cpu's run by one person or group. True it would take TONS of money to make an army of these things but ... still... I can't shake the feeling off no matter how I try to say I'm being paranoid.
Could people be obsolete someday??
I'll take three of them. I'd like a regular one, then I'd like a larger one that is big enough to change the catbox, then I'd like a third that's dexterous enough to code Perl scripts for me. Do you take paypal?
Nah, that's not creepy.

CREEPY = Robot technology + Realdolls

;) :)

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