Black # 1 (no, not belt)


Black Belt
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ponca City, Oklahoma
After 3 years of practice I got it finally...and I am cherishing it: my first black eye! Too good of an attack from Sensei or I was too soft or whatever...thing is, it's here with me now :)
A valuable lesson in the importance of blending and a proper attack :D
Sorry about your eye, but HURRAY!!! :partyon:
I understand how you feel. First time I got injured in class (not serious), I felt so proud because I felt like I was a true member of the club. Funny how it works. :D

Robyn :bangahead:
Sorry about your eye, but HURRAY!!! :partyon:
I understand how you feel. First time I got injured in class (not serious), I felt so proud because I felt like I was a true member of the club. Funny how it works. :D

Robyn :bangahead:
Exactly. I sprained by ankle during a yellow belt test while doing a very high chicken snap kick. My shihan told me it was the best he saw during that test before escorting me to the front desk to get an ice pack. :ultracool It felt good lol
Beautiful! Black eyes are great conversation starters... and so are broken noses and busted lips and... well, you get the picture. ;) I'm glad you're stoked about it instead of upset. Shows true spirit.
Sweet. Hope you got a polaroid and an autograph. That is sweeetttt.
This first nasty bruises are always fun. The first broken bones...not so much.
Welcome to the club...