Are women biologically programmed to reward cruelty, evil and domination?


White Belt
Jun 13, 2010
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Are women biologically programmed to reward cruelty, evil and domination?
Of course any complaints that girls go for bad boys and jerks instantly labels one a nice guy beta males. To the extent that it is possible, I actually consider myself somewhat of an impartial outside observer. I was an omega jerk in JR and high school, and to an extent my whole psycho personality, worked and I had girls literally chasing me. A lot of it might have been self-delusion but some measures were objective. After that I was in nearly complete isolation in college. So I've never played the role of the bitter nice guy. I have NEVER done anything nice for a girl or anyone my entire life! So I think I have some claim to impartiality, and my position that my deep depression and heart anguish is purely on a metaphysical level.

I read a lot of PUA seduction Game literature. At first my logic was it pays to learn all tools of rhetoric, persuasion and oratory even if I intended to put it to different uses than PUA.

Anyway to put it at its simplest. In cavemen times women were just plaything rape slaves for the strongest ape. And that is what evolutionary psychology in chimpanzee and gorilla behavior proves. Now there might have been some brave women who defended their freedom to the death, but their selfish genes were lost to history. And the genes that all modern women have inherited is those who submit to the cruelest caveman with biggest club.

I don't know for me it is pretty hellish to live in a world where all men are sadists and all women are masochists.

According to PUA science male physical attractiveness barely matters at all, the only thing women find attractive is brute domination and sadism.

For the last year I've completely cut myself off from humanity. Who wants to live in a world of pure evil? Only evil is rewarded! Cruelty is the only virtue. What good is morality and ethics?

So I'd like an outside opinion do you feel that women are biologically programmed to reward cruelty, evil and domination?

Does the dating world going back to the new paleolithic age make life worthless?
Murdoch's theoretical journal which is the official ideology of America and thus the entire world has endorsed the evopsych worldview: The New Dating Game | The Weekly Standard

Now I'm sure no one will believe me, but this is NOT about me being a single virgin loser guy who can't get a date. More its about what kind of world we live in where evil is always rewarded. I can't live in a universe like that. Why bother to get a job and support oneself and live in brutal ruthless dog eat dog world of evil? My parents are going to throw me out in August since I wont get a job or school.

Its true I've always been kind of an anti-sexual puritan but evopsych just makes it more vicious.

I feel nothing for disgust for humanity. But thats what the Darwinian struggle for existence. Brutality is the only virtue. I'm what the Nazis would call life unworthy of life. Even if your content to be a lifelong virgin girls rewarding "bad boy" traits still affects the world you live in. I could not be more repulsed by humanity which is why I have cut myself off in complete isolation for nearly a year now.

I don't understand how the rest of humanity can endure such a world and assume its because they must ALL be blood-thirsty vampires themselves.

Although why glorify women as the victims? According to evopsych even when given freedom they will reward cruelty.

So there are no victims in this monstrous world just wolves eating wolves.

How do you endure this world? And what is your advice for me?

The Darwinian-Nietzschean struggle for existence means eat or be eaten, kill or be killed, harm or be harmed. I wish simply to neither dominate nor be dominated. But that is far too much to ask in this world on both counts.

Well in essence this IS about relationships. That is where evolutionary psychology is most obvious in daily life. While it is true I have no human relations, I'm still affected by the sexual stock market, the same way someone who owns no stock can be ruined by a crash.

Psychologists are humans like the rest of us, driven by the reptilian urges for sex and power and domination. There career choice is just there way of gaining domination in the Darwinian game. So I don't see therapists as some elite priestly caste free from evopsych. I don't want to be "fixed" into better being able to play the evolutionary game.

Since everyone here accepts the basic premises of evopsych, I ask how do YOU folks deal with it? Or do you all just accept the game, and try to be the winner? IF thats the case, then maybe your right and there can not be any dialogue between me and humanity.

I have not harmed anyone, except maybe my parents. My dad says I should be "altrusitic" and recover for my mom's sake.

First off my parents committed a massive injustice on me by bringing me into this cruel world just to satisfy that monster gene- Moloch.

Second them keeping me alive, is just their genes following their selfish interest to reproduce. I represent a major investment in their genes survival. My fall means a major decrease in their genese reproducing. So that is all there is to their so-called generosity to me. The longer they keep me fed, the longer the opportunity there is for me to pass their genes on. Granted thats a pretty miniscule chance for grandkids hiding and crying in the basement, but its higher than the chances if I starved on the street.

So what gratitude should I have to the selfish gene? The "altruism" in feeding and housing me is just the flip side of the selfishness of birthing me into an incredibly hellish universe.

Humanity wants to drive itself off a cliff. I listed my objections. Much wiser men than me have listed them in thick textbooks. Humanity wont listen to the wise men and certainly not to me. So fine. I have said my peace. Let humanity drive off the cliff, but I want no part in the adventure.

What good would having a girlfriend do me? Is the chimpanzee in me supposed to rejoice that as low as I may be in the hierarchy, I still have someone below me who I can hurt, torment, dominate and abuse?

I have no problem being driven out of the sexual marketplace. The problem is what "service" are we competing for? And it seems in the sexual market it is who can be the most brutal and cruel. Evopsych says getting a girlfriend comes down to demonstrating cruelty, domination, brutality, and sadism.

That is all I see in male-female relations and PUa science backs up my personal observations.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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My whip or will you bring your own? ROFL, best funny post I've read for a while.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Yeeeaaaahhhhh....(backing slowly for the door)

You don't like toast? ah I see, you're a crumpet man (double entendre there, hint for non Brits lol)

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
How do you make it? Is it what we call eggy bread or is that something else?
Scramble some eggs in a wide pan, add secret seasonings(I could tell you, but, then I'd have to kill you) dip bread to coat thoroughly, place in preheated waffle iron with grilling plates, wait, eat, repeat. Using a skillet is for suckers, the waffle iron lends perfectly even cooking, and exact timing.
You call it eggy bread? Yeah, I guess something that tastes this good, you couldn't call French toast, with the history...


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Scramble some eggs in a wide pan, add secret seasonings(I could tell you, but, then I'd have to kill you) dip bread to coat thoroughly, place in preheated waffle iron with grilling plates, wait, eat, repeat. Using a skillet is for suckers, the waffle iron lends perfectly even cooking, and exact timing.
You call it eggy bread? Yeah, I guess something that tastes this good, you couldn't call French toast, with the history...[/quote]


Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
I still don't know why -we- call it French Toast. I mean, it has no snails nor garlic in it.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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I've often wondered when I've seen Americans order breakfast on films and tv shows about the pancakes and syrup with the bacon and eggs. Is it all on one plate? How does the sweetness go with the savoury of the bacon and egg? I've always liked though that you seem to get endless cups of coffee.

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
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People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
The one thing that raises us above the animals is our ability to realize we have programming and then choose to rise above it.

Some will say there's no point, that it's just "Human nature". Well, **** human nature. If you want to realize your full potential you must first be willing to rise above human nature.

And it's bacon with pancakes, sausage with eggs for me.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
I had Filipino chicken soup recently. It had a sliced, hard boiled egg in it. Was an interesting combination. Also, I learned that Southern Fried Chicken and Waffles is a popular dish in the South. Food combination's are, interesting and must be experienced. :)


Senior Master
Aug 30, 2006
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Olathe, KS
I've often wondered when I've seen Americans order breakfast on films and tv shows about the pancakes and syrup with the bacon and eggs. Is it all on one plate? How does the sweetness go with the savoury of the bacon and egg? I've always liked though that you seem to get endless cups of coffee.

My boy likes to pour syrup on his bacon, I like it on sausage. But the best mix for me is two eggs over easy mixed up with hash browns and liberally doused in Tabasco.


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
Enamdar, without wishing to sound in the least critical ... do you realise this is a Martial Arts site not a Marital Arts one?

It is recommended that you make you way over to the Meet & Greet thread and make a post introducing yourself to the forum before launching into something that will colour peoples perception of you from this point on.

A discourse on this point might be productive but kicking off your time here at MT in such a fashion is going to make it hard for readers to take your martial arts related opinions as seriously as they might deserve.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Oh, good godsdammit, for the love of all that is good and true and holy and pure in this and all other worlds, will anyone actually get this stuff right here?!?!

In short, no. You've read it all wrong. That is not what PUAs say, preach, teach, or anything other (with the possible exception of Gunwitch....), so stop thinking it. I'm not going into what it really is, though, because there are more than enough forums around for the community and these discussions (which if you are involved in you already know, so I don't really know why you're starting a conversation on it here), this, as Sukerin said, is a martial arts forum. While many other things can be and are discussed, the primary role for this site is the friendly and polite discussion of martial arts... so if you want to be taken seriously, I suggest you follow his advice and head over to the Meet and Greet forum, so we can get an idea of who you are. Right now you're starting with an out of place topic, which is rather badly approached honestly.

That said, a quick look at your profile lists your primary art as "ninjitsu". You really should be aware that that in and of itself is going to draw suspicious eyes (not least of all because it's the only detail you give... no rank, no time in system, no real name, no location etc), but also because it's not correct, and that particular spelling is typically used by people with no actual experience in Ninjutsu whatsoever.

But your PUA/Game ideas are way off. Trust me on this.


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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Yeeeaaaahhhhh....(backing slowly for the door)

I thought the same thing.

For some reason this rambling... monologue made me think about Mr. Teatime (The Hogfather, Terry Prattchet).


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
It is recommended that you make you way over to the Meet & Greet thread and make a post introducing yourself to the forum before launching into something that will colour peoples perception of you from this point on.

Too late :)

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