Are ninja's real or just japanese urban legends

Why do I get the feeling I'm banging my head against a brick wall?

Given that my rage levels are already at a stratospheric high from three days of trying to fix an intractible problem at work, I think that rather than try again to cast a little historical illumination on this issue I'll just leave it.

Eradicating sneaky-ninja and noble-samurai mythology would seem to be as fruitless a task as trying to get rid of bindweed - you can treat it with weedkiller and hoe it out as much as you like and it'll just keep coming back.

It could be that dull thud followed by intense pain in the skull you're experiencing.
Plant Jerusalem Artichokes. Bindweed grows up em then dies off, forever.
No idea why or how, but it works.
Don't expect that'll work with Ninja mythos though.
Maybe worth trying, but where to begin?
I always thought that they were considered as cowardly assassins and terrorists. Usually resorting to poisoning their enemies or stabbing them in the back.. Just that Hollywood made them out to be some sort of superheroes.
There is very little evidence to support the myth that ninja were assassins. Ninjutsu is a martial skill focusing on espionage and guerilla warfare. Many ninja were samurai, some were sleeper agents recruited for spy networks. Combat was the least important aspect in ninjutsu most of a ninja's fighting skill would be derived from the samurai martial traditions.
The correct answer is yes to both.

Ninjas existed, but they were more like spies than the Hollywood depiction of the black-uniformed killers. They lived their lives practicing misdirection; Yoshi the blacksmith that everyone knew might well have been a ninja, spying on the lord of the castle, for example.
yes they existed and were spys, so you could argue that Japanese Intelligence agency's are all ninja.
yes they existed and were spys, so you could argue that Japanese Intelligence agency's are all ninja.

No, you could only argue that if you didn't understand what either are/were, really. There's a connection, but it's not the same as them being "modern" ninja at all.

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