Any pie fans?

Given a choice, I choose:

  • Pie! Mmmmmm!

  • Cake

  • neither! I am a sick freak who doesn't like sweet things!

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Senior Master
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, pie. I love pie. And I mean the kind of pie you eat, not pi used in math for circles.

Chocolate cream, coconut cream, key lime, pecan, cherry (a la mode) — I love 'em all.

I am hard pressed to come up with a pie type that I DON'T like.

I prefer pie to cake.

What about ya'll?
Actually no, I'm weird and don't eat pie. Drives my Mother nuts, always has! Love cake though! Chocolate Cake, white cake, Lemon cake, cake and icecream, angle food cake!

Cake yes, pie... not so much.
But that's just me and I'm weird, just ask mom. :uhyeah:
I'm the sick freak ;)
Sweets are my downfall. I like almost any kind of sweet there is, and pie is no exception! I think my top two favorites are- coconut cream and french silk chocolate.

What I won't, can't, or hate are: Shoofly (not sure on the spelling), peanutbutter (too much p.b makes me gag), and that's all I can think of right now.
Yes, pie. I love pie. And I mean the kind of pie you eat, not pi used in math for circles.

*pout* *pout* but...but...but...I love pi. I celebrate Pi Day on March 14th. You know.... 3.14. C'mon...its every engineer's favorite number...

(sigh...more proof that I have NO life :rofl:)
*pout* *pout* but...but...but...I love pi. I celebrate Pi Day on March 14th. You know.... 3.14. C'mon...its every engineer's favorite number...

(sigh...more proof that I have NO life :rofl:)

Move down here- it's hard telling what you'd get into...
Pumpkin Pie ( homemade only) slightly warmed with a touch of whipped cream...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby...
I'm torn... the only pie I really like is Chocolate PIe. I like cake, but only w/ tons of icing. good stuff!

I like Salmon pie, but I don't think thats what you were looking for LOL
Mmmm.... pie... chocolate silk is good, I agree - but I really like piping hot, fresh, home-made apple pie with crumble crust (mostly sugar, brown sugar, and butter)... mmm... now I'm hungry!
Move down here- it's hard telling what you'd get into...

Yes, to tkdgirl you listen..Did a show down at a mall in West VA...What a time I had..Fun place...
I like Strawberry Pie.
Yes, to tkdgirl you listen..Did a show down at a mall in West VA...What a time I had..Fun place...

Sorry to get a little off topic...

And to think- a lot of people think we're just a bunch of country bumpkins, that sit around and watch the grass grow for fun.

Ok- I'm done...
Shoo-fly pie rocks!
The P.A. Dutch are good with food, if you can stand all of the butter...
I prefer steak....

Although I like Chocolote Pie from "The Pie Shoppe" in Ligonier, PA and I will eat the OCCASSIONAL Apple pie. Other than that, I hate ice cream, don't like chocolate much.....

But I just ate 3 hot dogs, 3 smoked sausages, and a hamburger!!!