Another one for the good guys


Senior Master
Jan 24, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
Auto Zone employee looks out the window and sees two men "gearing up" to rob the place (putting on ski-masks, readying weapons, etc.). He waits and opens fire on them as soon as they walk in. Results: one bad guy dead, one on the run, good guy and innocents unharmed.

Good for him for getting the job done and not wasting time doing it.

link to story and vid
Auto Zone employee looks out the window and sees two men "gearing up" to rob the place (putting on ski-masks, readying weapons, etc.). He waits and opens fire on them as soon as they walk in. Results: one bad guy dead, one on the run, good guy and innocents unharmed.

Good for him for getting the job done and not wasting time doing it.

link to story and vid

Kudos to him for doing such a fine job and potentially saving many lives.
Fixed their little red waggon, he did!

If only more citizens stood up and did this, crime would drop like a rock.

From now on, I think I'll just add to this thread rather than starting a new one each time.

Here's one that I saw on another forum, it was posted by an officer who responded to the call.

The Chaves County sheriff says a 15-year-old girl may have saved her own life by jumping headfirst out of a vehicle's window to escape her kidnapper

Sheriff Rob Coon said the girl was checking the mail at her grandfather's house Wednesday when a 29-year-old registered sex offender, Mark Esquibel, robbed the man and demanded the girl get in his pickup truck

"She threw a knife and gun out of the pickup, and a short time later at about 40 miles an hour, she jumped out of the window headfirst," Coon said

Now what the article doesn't share (wonder why :rolleyes: ) is that when the police were chasing him with the girl still in the car, he was holding a gun to her head. She grabbed the knife off the seat and started carving on him. Unfortunately, she didn't kill him, but he did drop the gun. At that point, she tossed both the gun and the knife out the window and then jumped.

Hats off to her for her outstanding example of mindset and "never say die" attitude.
From now on, I think I'll just add to this thread rather than starting a new one each time.

Here's one that I saw on another forum, it was posted by an officer who responded to the call.

Now what the article doesn't share (wonder why :rolleyes: ) is that when the police were chasing him with the girl still in the car, he was holding a gun to her head. She grabbed the knife off the seat and started carving on him. Unfortunately, she didn't kill him, but he did drop the gun. At that point, she tossed both the gun and the knife out the window and then jumped.

Hats off to her for her outstanding example of mindset and "never say die" attitude.

Excellent job by this guy and the young lady. Quick thinking, that's what it's' about.

Duh to the morons putting on ski mask in the parking lot, I understand advertising and such, but that's just plain stupid.
Now what the article doesn't share (wonder why :rolleyes: ) is that when the police were chasing him with the girl still in the car, he was holding a gun to her head. She grabbed the knife off the seat and started carving on him. Unfortunately, she didn't kill him, but he did drop the gun. At that point, she tossed both the gun and the knife out the window and then jumped.

Maybe she will have some learning curve here and next time after carving him up, just throw HIM OUT THE WINDOW!

Yes good for her. No 15 year old ever needs to have such a thing happen but they say once you have prevailed in one encounter, your chances of surviving another one goes way up as you have shown you act in times of emergencies.

And guys, she isn't a survivor. She is a prevailer. A survivor, well just suvives, she prevailed. She beat the problem (or in this case knifed it) and overcame it.

One word for that criminal that tried the robbery and got shot. PWND !!!! HAHA I love when these a-holes get a taste of their own Karma.
Auto Zone employee looks out the window and sees two men "gearing up" to rob the place (putting on ski-masks, readying weapons, etc.). He waits and opens fire on them as soon as they walk in. Results: one bad guy dead, one on the run, good guy and innocents unharmed.

Good for him for getting the job done and not wasting time doing it.

link to story and vid

Too bad most of the "ban guns" crowd won't hear about this, they usually don't, the media makes sure of that.
My guess: Auto Zone employee will soon be looking for a new job. At least he made sure he will be around to look for that job. Someone my wife knew here in L.A. when she was managing Blockbusters got shot during a "routine" robbery. My wife missed those robberies by chance alone.
I'm betting that is probably the case.

I did a little research and found out the guy is probably going to get fired. But I did find a priceless comment.

"Had Auto Zone trained its employees properly he could have killed BOTH the robbers!"

If I owned a business, i'd put a sign up front that says:

'Not only are employees ARMED! But 2hrs out of every 40hrs a week are spent at the RANGE!'
Good on the two! I hope the girl comes through her head injuries all right.

after all gun control is being able to hit your target!! now good gun control would have been both robbers down!