Ankle Injury


White Belt
Sep 17, 2009
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About a month ago I went over on my ankle. Wa sore at the time but managed to finish my training session. I iced it, took anti-inflammatory tablet for the swelling etc.

My problem is that it does not seem to be clearing up. When doing roundhouse kicks and certain stances its painful Anyone had a similar injury and any advice as to how to get over it?
get xrays and see a doctor.
might have broken something (which is better than a sprain)
I had grade 3 sprains on both of my ankles (outer lig). there pretty much isnt anything holding them anymore. Been told I need surgery to fix. alternative was to strengthen the surounding muscles and deal with it. But every now and then either i step wrong or something and it rolls. almost doesnt hurt anymore

once or twice I stepped on the edge of the side walk not paying attention and down to the ground i went. yeah real smooth like:rofl:

see a doc.
Yes, see a doc
If it is sprained or strained it will take a loooong time before it feels 100%.
I severly sprained an ankle 10 years ago and it took a year before it felt good and still bothers me at time.
It seems even minor sprains take a long time to heal (especially when we continue to pivot on it). Keep up with the ice and see your doctor.
if a condition lasts longer than a couple of days, it's time to see the doctor.

I do believe I heard some place that soft tissue injuries can take quiet a while to heal...
yep, see a doctor. Get some x-rays. and DON"T train until given the go ahead to do so. Worse things you can do is make matters worse by training.

I did the same thing recently adn Im still having issues, I did see my dr and he said it seems the sprain I had was healed but since I still had pain with stances as well he told me it was most likely soft tissue dammage, and yes those DO take time to heal, just be careful and if it hurts do NOT do it because you are straining too much and can keep reinjuring it, but to be ont he safe side, yes get xrays done too!
Seen the Doc and had x-ray. Soft tisuse damage apparently. Would heal faster if it had been broken apparently. Not happy.....
I badly sprained mine (tore ligaments on both sides somehow--not sure how that's possible, but I did it) last Christmas. 11 months later, it rarely hurts, but still has some instability and occasionally puffs up a little bit. It takes a looooong time for this sort of thing to stop hurting.
Seen the Doc and had x-ray. Soft tisuse damage apparently. Would heal faster if it had been broken apparently. Not happy.....

Yup, breaks heal easier than soft tissue because of blood supply. Always a frustrating thing to hear. Take care of it, see if you can get some physical therapy for it, and look for a good ankle brace. I have one that I think is great- it allows for great range of motion for kicking (although anymore I only wear it when we are doing a lot of jumping techniques), gives good stability on the outside (do you know if your sprain is from inversion?) and it works great with no sock or shoe. Let me know if you want more info on it.
Take it easy, be patient, and good luck!

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