American Kick Association


Orange Belt
Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
England, United Kingdom
Hi, does anyone have any info on the American Kick Association, particularly which flavour of TKD and which forms they teach? Their url is:
American Kick Association Martial Arts Online School
They offer online tuition, which I realise may be contentious, but I do not wish to make waves - as a full-time carer with my own medical issues, distance learning is the only realistic option for me. I would just appreciate any info so I know what to expect and bone up on.
Thanks and respect ☺
To be honest, with medical issues I really would look to have proper instruction from an instructor because I feel that you could hurt yourself if you try to train through distance learning. You would have no way of making sure your posture, stances and techniques were correct. A great many techniques rely on having your body in the correct position otherwise you risk damaging yourself. I know this isn't what you want to hear but I have to be honest, it is almost impossible to learn martial arts without hands on instruction. Sorry.
Thanks for your replies. I do have nearly 40 years' experience in MA including TKD and karate, so at least I have some idea of correct/safe stances, techniques, and stepping/transitional moves....
I have always believed in trawling the local clubs, and cross-training, but as I said that is currently not feasible....I am currently only able to view the beginners' material on the website for the American Kick Association, as I am waiting for a plain black dobok to suit their grading requirements, but the material appears to fit what I know of traditional Taekwondo standards, and I am very excited about this, as it should provide me with a structured incentive and syllabus.
I posted this thread simply because the Association is not affiliated to any others, and I like to know what to expect!
Thanks again ☺
Welcome to MT, bro.

I don't have any experience with them, but hope it works out well for you. Keep us posted.
Thanks for your replies. I do have nearly 40 years' experience in MA including TKD and karate, so at least I have some idea of correct/safe stances, techniques, and stepping/transitional moves....
I have always believed in trawling the local clubs, and cross-training, but as I said that is currently not feasible....I am currently only able to view the beginners' material on the website for the American Kick Association, as I am waiting for a plain black dobok to suit their grading requirements, but the material appears to fit what I know of traditional Taekwondo standards, and I am very excited about this, as it should provide me with a structured incentive and syllabus.
I posted this thread simply because the Association is not affiliated to any others, and I like to know what to expect!
Thanks again ☺

This leaves me a bit confused, with 40 years experience why would you want to 'learn online' and go through the grading system? Would it not be better to save money, time and energy and just find a suitable training partner to train as and when you can? If you know what you are doing why not just train by yourself? Do you feel you need an online instructor to tell you you've passed your grading because the chances are it is about the money with them because why else sell the course.
I am aware there are many belt factories/McDonald's out there, and also that I can train by myself (I have been doing that), but I work better with the incentive of a syllabus, and as I love TKD, but reached higher rank due to life's twists and turns in karate, it seems a good fit for me in my present condition and circumstances. As I said, I am really only interested in any further info on this Association and its teaching, good or bad ☺
Not that I'm advocating online training (though I know that sometimes it's the only option), but here's a FREE alternative curriculum for Kukkiwon/WTF-style teakwondo, if you're interested:

Taekwondo Wikia Online Training WTF - Taekwondo Wiki

(I put that together myself, and as always I'm open to suggestions for improvement. The reason I put it together is: There are so many good FREE videos on YouTube nowadays that it seems a shame to pay somebody for videos. For people who are bound-and-determined to do online training, I figured it's better to put something out there than to have them pay for something they can get for free anyway.)
Many thanks. Yes, I have seen your Wiki, and it is great - that will be my fall-back position should the AKA not work for me ☺
From their website, it sounds like the couple who own this online school have moved around a lot and studied a bit of KKW-style TKD, a bit of ITF, a bit of ATA, and a bit of some other non-TKD styles. I'm guessing they're just teaching a kind of pan-TKD mish-mash of stuff, and any belt you get will only be recognized by them.

If you have a lot of experience but are basically stuck at home as a caregiver, I think you'd be better off finding a training partner that can come over to your house and you guys can train together for an hour a week in the yard or something like that.
From their website, it sounds like the couple who own this online school have moved around a lot and studied a bit of KKW-style TKD, a bit of ITF, a bit of ATA, and a bit of some other non-TKD styles. I'm guessing they're just teaching a kind of pan-TKD mish-mash of stuff, and any belt you get will only be recognized by them.

If you have a lot of experience but are basically stuck at home as a caregiver, I think you'd be better off finding a training partner that can come over to your house and you guys can train together for an hour a week in the yard or something like that.

Watergal, many thanks for taking the time to look and consider. Strangely,
I had not considered that they might teach a hybridised version, although perhaps I should have done! The recognition thing is not very important to me any more, I was really looking for the discipline of being instructed rather than bumbling along on my own, which has been the case for a while now....
Watergal, many thanks for taking the time to look and consider. Strangely,
I had not considered that they might teach a hybridised version, although perhaps I should have done! The recognition thing is not very important to me any more, I was really looking for the discipline of being instructed rather than bumbling along on my own, which has been the case for a while now....

You're not going to be instructed with that program. You're going to watch videos and do what you think is right.
That's not instruction.
Having just found their content on YouTube, they teach the old forms, Chon Ji, etc - this is what I started out in back in the 70's....☺
Having just found their content on YouTube, they teach the old forms, Chon Ji, etc - this is what I started out in back in the 70's....☺

The Chang Hon forms are not "old"... The "old" forms would be the pinan forms used in some Tang Soo Do schools. The Chang Hon, Palgwae, and Taegeuk forms were all developed after 1950. That's hardly "old", in this context.
Also, if you don't feel like paying for an online course, the Chang Hon forms too are on the wiki, complete with instructions, videos, and diagrams...for free. It's not constructed as a curriculum like the Kukkiwon/WTF curriculum on the wiki, but one could certainly build an online curriculum around these pages.

Chon-Ji - Taekwondo Wiki