Ali was being a snot


Also Daniel poured water on Johnny at the party that led to the fight.

That was uncalled for, although the Cobra Kai were out of line to chase him down.

And an Mr miyagi assaulted minors

Nope, that was self defense, they attacked him.

And besides as I said in another thread I seriously doubt the courts would buy into five big teenagers being taken down by an old man.
If she dumped him, she should’ve given him the courtesy of a reason why. Sure he was a little rude about it, but put yourself in his shoes. And at 18 years old. We’d all want answers.

According to the movie script Johnny was 17 not 18, Ali must've been around the same age, and at least according to the novel Daniel was 15 at the start of the movie and the birthday he had with Miyagi was his 16th birthday.
According to the movie script Johnny was 17 not 18, Ali must've been around the same age, and at least according to the novel Daniel was 15 at the start of the movie and the birthday he had with Miyagi was his 16th birthday.
Even better.

Why was she too good to tell Johnny why she dumped him?

Why did she keep pursuing Daniel when he said he didn’t want to get in the middle of things (remember the scene in the cafeteria)? Because she wanted the drama of two guys fighting over her. Further evidenced by her involvement at the All Valley tournament.

Ali was the real villain in the whole thing. Sure Daniel was a bully too. Johnny’s the real victim. He got it from Ali and Daniel.

Kreese tried to help Johnny save his dignity. Johnny was too immature to see it and forced Kreese to get violent about it in the parking lot. They edited out Johnny not listening to what Kreese had to say, instead just showing Kreese restraining him. When it comes to life, second place isn’t good enough. You don’t let a girl play you like that, let a guy bully you repeatedly and take your girl, have an old man beat you up, then happily settle for second place in the whole thing. Kreese was right, he was acting like a loser. He just just trying to knock some sense into him and teach him to never settle. Kreese was telling him what he needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. That’s what a true mentor is supposed to do - demand the very best from your students and never accept mediocrity, let alone watch them get walked over.

Kreese returning at the end of Season 1 is the best thing that could happen to Johnny. Finally there’s a voice around to remind him to suck it up and be a man. Against, what he needs to hear instead of what he wants to hear. He said it best “you did what I always knew you could do.” That’s exactly what a mentor is supposed to do when his student triumphs and gets redemption.

Funny, I don’t recall Miyagi praising Daniel’s win. In fact, he wanted to hold Daniel down. When Daniel asked for career advice, Miyagi told him early retirement.” Jealous?
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So asking the love of your life why she dumped you without giving you any reason would be asking for too much?

I don’t know about anyone else, but if my wife ups and leaves, I’ll certainly want to know why. I don’t think asking her what she’s thinking would be asking for too much.

He just wanted to know why, but she couldn’t be bothered to give him the time of day. He could’ve been nicer about it and/or picked a better time and place, but no one’s perfect.
Dude, life is too short to get worked up over what somebody says on an internet post.
He only wanted to talk, he wasn't asking for fifty million dollars or anything in that nature.

he is not owed a conversation.

he is not entitled to a conversation.

I know, glorious olden days, but nope.
Still not entitled.
So asking the love of your life why she dumped you without giving you any reason would be asking for too much?

I don’t know about anyone else, but if my wife ups and leaves, I’ll certainly want to know why. I don’t think asking her what she’s thinking would be asking for too much.

He just wanted to know why, but she couldn’t be bothered to give him the time of day. He could’ve been nicer about it and/or picked a better time and place, but no one’s perfect.
SHe turns and walks, damn straight you lost.
Nope, you are not owed an explanation.
Love of your life or one night stand.

I know, the glorious rape culture of the 80s....16 candles, etc....

Or let me rephrase this:
back then it was a valid plot point for a fun kids movie.

30 years later we know better.
No means no.
Go home, drink yourself in a stupor, and cry into your pillow.

And that is why Johnny was the bad guy in the movie.
I forgot all about Arnold’s.

I’m pretty sure he caught onto Daniel’s douchebaggery, hence not teaching him everything he knew and teaching Hillary Swank instead.

The Fonz obviously taught Miagi.