
My cat is staring at the parakeet right now ;)
My cat is staring at the parakeet right now ;)

She also has our cats living in mortal terror of her. If they get too close, she fluffs out all her feathers, opens her beak as wide as it will go, and charges straight at 'em. The cats scatter. :lol: Perhaps a new Kung Fu style - Striking Cockatoo? :ninja:
What I believe right now is that Empty Hands' parakeet is making me nervous staring like that.

You should be nervous. Cause she's a Cockatoo ('bout 20 times bigger than a parakeet). :D

And she currently loves Mommy more than Daddy, which is fantasic because I got sick of bloody hands. :ultracool
She also has our cats living in mortal terror of her. If they get too close, she fluffs out all her feathers, opens her beak as wide as it will go, and charges straight at 'em. The cats scatter. :lol: Perhaps a new Kung Fu style - Striking Cockatoo? :ninja:

Not a bad idea - there would be no defense for it. It's pretty hard bust out Delayed Sword on a parrot...
Altho' I was brought up in a strictly religious environment and have a definite 'spiritual' side (if I can call it that) I am most assuredly a fully paid-up member of the Agnostic camp.

As has been stated above, one reason for wanting a little supporting evidence for the existence of a creator is that all those devout individuals who proselytise in his/her name do seem to spend an awful lot of time killing each other - not a terribly good advert.

Also pivotal for my position is the explaination of how life came about. Neither the religionists nor the scientists have what are for me convincing arguments. So until proof comes along, I keep an open mind and keep listening to and reading about relevant ideas that crop up.

Maybe we don't have that long to wait for an answer given that many mystical/occult/tribal calendars and legends seem to point to 2012 as an important year :D.
Maybe we don't have that long to wait for an answer given that many mystical/occult/tribal calendars and legends seem to point to 2012 as an important year :D.

hmm, I wonder what is so important about 2012?
AH, im not too worried. The world was supposed to end in 2000 too.
You should be nervous. Cause she's a Cockatoo ('bout 20 times bigger than a parakeet). :D

And she currently loves Mommy more than Daddy, which is fantasic because I got sick of bloody hands. :ultracool

Sorry! Couldn't see the thingy on her head.
Any fellow Agnostic Martial Artists ???

Just checking to see if I am alone in that area here.

Tell you what. You define "God" for me and I'll tell you if I believe in him/her/it. :)
Also pivotal for my position is the explaination of how life came about. Neither the religionists nor the scientists have what are for me convincing arguments. So until proof comes along, I keep an open mind and keep listening to and reading about relevant ideas that crop up.

I should point out that a "[for me] convincing argument" and "proof" aren't the same thing. The evidence is there, in the form of the Urey-Miller experiments and similar studies. That you refuse to accept the evidence is your choice, of course, but it doesn't mean "proof" isn't already there.

Personally, I am much more interested in what happened before the Big Bang (i.e., "before" time itself). That is something science actually can't answer at this point.

Maybe we don't have that long to wait for an answer given that many mystical/occult/tribal calendars and legends seem to point to 2012 as an important year :D.

That "many" is less impressive when you realize that they all take them from the Aztecs. That's like arguing "many" religious groups think the number 666 is important. Well, yeah, but it all comes from one book (i.e., the Revelation of John). So, really, there's only one source for both speculations.

Tell you what. You define "God" for me and I'll tell you if I believe in him/her/it. :)

God, as in a higher power. Not nessicarily the Christian God. A creator of all life on earth and the universe, or more than one God responsible for the same thing.
God, as in a higher power. Not nessicarily the Christian God. A creator of all life on earth and the universe, or more than one God responsible for the same thing.

Sorry, Joshua, but this definition is too vague for me to answer your question satisfactorily. I can think of about five things your definition could feasibly apply to, perhaps the most interesting of which is an advanced alien civilization (whether in this universe or another).

I also don't think the "Christian God" is a helpful term, either. The "God" that mystics like St. John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart, or St. Gregory of Nyssa had in mind is definitely not the same "God" evangelicals like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have in mind. Yet, they're all "Christian".

I'm sorry that it was too vauge.
Sorry, Joshua, but this definition is too vague for me to answer your question satisfactorily. I can think of about five things your definition could feasibly apply to, perhaps the most interesting of which is an advanced alien civilization (whether in this universe or another).


Aliens notwishstanding ALL definitions are okay to go by. Any spiritual being that created the earth and the universe.
Aliens notwishstanding ALL definitions are okay to go by. Any spiritual being that created the earth and the universe.

Well, this definition still begs the question, so you'll have to forgive my Socratic method for the time being.

What is a "spiritual" being as opposed to a "non-spiritual" being? How do we know this "God" or "Creator" is "spiritual" as opposed to "non-spiritual"?? Are there any other "spiritual" beings besides "God"??

While I can respect agnositicism, I think it is important to figure out just what exactly you are agnostic about in the first place.

For what? To whom?

This makes no sense, praying to a non-existant being to remove my current sense of logic and rationality, so that I may believe in something I don't think exists?

Kind of like writing a letter to Santa when your 30, figuring if you right enough letters, he might suddenly exist again isn't it?

Sorry, but I have no problem with people believing in God, providing they still keep there head (ex - Not rejecting science in favour of religious doctrine, I'd rather not go back to the dark ages), but it is most definately not for me.

I am, and probably always will be a atheist, my belief in God dissapearred shortly after the tooth fairy and Santa.
Well, this definition still begs the question, so you'll have to forgive my Socratic method for the time being.

What is a "spiritual" being as opposed to a "non-spiritual" being? How do we know this "God" or "Creator" is "spiritual" as opposed to "non-spiritual"?? Are there any other "spiritual" beings besides "God"??

While I can respect agnositicism, I think it is important to figure out just what exactly you are agnostic about in the first place.

you're making something more complex than it has to be. I respect that you want to look deeply into things, but sometimes peoples beliefs, or non beliefs are simple. I know what im agnostic about, and exactly why. I've told you and you insist on coming up with definitions for everything. soon you will say, "what exactly do you mean by, air".. and to that I would say that which we breathe. yesss that could mean smog in LA, but we all have a pretty good idea what people mean when they say "air"

but i'm all for continuing this for purpose of conversation. by spiritual, I mean that which is not natural on earth. any greater being that which I cannot see or measure.
if you need me to further define what I believe, I will.

always respectfully,

Based on my limited experience I am not sure if I am or am not an agnostic :)

Sorry, couldn't resist

If you mean are there any agnostics based on the definition being
"A person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study"

I guess I am a martial arts agnostic, I do not believe anyone can know it all.