Aaron Cook #1 Welterweight in the World!


Master of Arts
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Las Vegas

That first head shot looks very similar (not exact) to the head shot that Knocked Out Steven Lopez.

Also Aaron is fighting at his National Open! Unlike some of our "great" Competitors. Throw us a Bone Steven and fight at the US Open this year! How about you Mark?

Diana did in 2010!!!!
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Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla, you know that cannot be right? We all know who is the best welterwieght in the world is? Why should he fight? He has done enough fighting and you know certain people are just going to get this thread closed down again because the rankings are always wrong. By the way that does look like the same kick I have seen elsewhere just cannot remember.

Aaron Cook talks about his respect for Steven Lopez and even compares him to Ali (Ali Fought Thou). He talks about the KO and his Olympic dream seems like a very classy kid!!!

19 Years Old!!!

BTW Mr. Cook fought at the US Open and beat Sebastion Michaud for a Gold Medal. Steve did a great job of hocking products and watching the fight.

BTW Steven the US Open is in Texas. It will be a strong division. Great Reason(Texas) to fight and a GREAT tune up for the Olympic Qualifying Event!
I am just awe'd by how professional their open looks. TV broadcast with commentary, raised ring with fans in stands and no one on the floor.

Have someone blind fold you and bring you to the US Open and take off the blind fold and you would think you are just at any other tournament. Fighters, coaches, relatives, and the homeless all over the arena floor. Just a world of difference.

This looks like something that should be on TV. Fighters become more focused as they know all eyes are on them. The U.S. better get it together.
I am just awe'd by how professional their open looks. TV broadcast with commentary, raised ring with fans in stands and no one on the floor.

Have someone blind fold you and bring you to the US Open and take off the blind fold and you would think you are just at any other tournament. Fighters, coaches, relatives, and the homeless all over the arena floor. Just a world of difference.

This looks like something that should be on TV. Fighters become more focused as they know all eyes are on them. The U.S. better get it together.

TV is a lot easier to do now than it was even last decade. Start with a basic podcast, ramp up the production values as the subscribers (and the funds) roll in :)
Gorila very nice video infact I saw the final match too and wasn't as especatcular as the semifinal you linked us.

These are the TKD combats I like to see, lot's of good kicks some outstanding ones and minimal clinch.

Aaron Cook deserves all my respect, hes a very talented kid and Steven Lopez is a good fighter too however I don't like he's cocky way so the brothers Lopez too but that's only my way of thinking.


you mean its NOT Manny Pacquiao???????:shrug:

Steven Lopez is a good fighter too however I don't like he's cocky

Oh gosh. Don't believe what you read on the internet. I don't know where this idea that Steven is cocky came from. Mark, hell yes. Jean, absolutely. Diana, a little. But Steven? Not at all. Oh gosh the ignorance

That first head shot looks very similar (not exact) to the head shot that Knocked Out Steven Lopez.

Also Aaron is fighting at his National Open! Unlike some of our "great" Competitors. Throw us a Bone Steven and fight at the US Open this year! How about you Mark?

Diana did in 2010!!!!

I wonder. Are you rallying behind Aaron because you really are in love with his fighting, or is it just that you hate Steven Lopez so much, anyone who can seemingly dethrone him is your new hero?

Aaron Cook talks about his respect for Steven Lopez and even compares him to Ali (Ali Fought Thou). He talks about the KO and his Olympic dream seems like a very classy kid!!!

I don't know how you can watch Cook's sloppy *** footwork at 0:30 - 0:38 and say this guy is anything but clownish compared to Steven Lopez. He pulls his feet in together before he throws a cut kick. Every single time. But he is young, and has plenty of time to learn what he needs to fix before 2012 comes around. Maybe he will even medal at the Olympics this time around.
This is the most hype I have heard over a competitor who hasn't won anything since Levent Tuncat.

Please keep the conversation civil, and on-topic.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
I don't know how you can watch Cook's sloppy *** footwork at 0:30 - 0:38 and say this guy is anything but clownish...
I don't think those are cut kicks. Those look more like front leg round kicks with slide off counters after that. Cut kicks would stab out more, and would be practiced more off of a shield and not a focus target, although you could use a focus taget to practice them. However the combanation that he is doing would be more of a front leg round to slide bada rear leg round kick.

So when doing the front leg round you would pull the rear leg in slightly to close a small gap. The front leg round is used to attack. The combo he is doing it to attack the counter the presieved counter of he opponent. Very common basic setup.
One of my all-time Taekwondo favorites is the no-flash rock steady Hadi Saei of Iran and I was disappointed he and Steve Lopez never got to duke it out at the Beijing Olympics, in what I think would have been a fantastic bout, loaded with lots of diplomatic tension and intrigue. What do you folks think would have been the outcome of a final between the two? How would have Saei -- in his prime -- performed against Cook?
I wonder. Are you rallying behind Aaron because you really are in love with his fighting, or is it just that you hate Steven Lopez so much, anyone who can seemingly dethrone him is your new hero?

I don't hate Steven Lopez...I respect his ability...I question the fact that he rarely fights...and I beleive that in this juncture in his career Aaron Cook is better
Oh gosh. Don't believe what you read on the internet. I don't know where this idea that Steven is cocky came from. Mark, hell yes. Jean, absolutely. Diana, a little. But Steven? Not at all. Oh gosh the ignorance

Steven is Arrogant and Cocky...He is Smart enough not to get quoted...He is very good at public relations...I applaud him for being able to manage his image...
This is the most hype I have heard over a competitor who hasn't won anything since Levent Tuncat.
Another great fighter Love Levent Tuncat!!!!

Don't be disingenuous...I have listed in other threads Aaron Cooks accomplishments...I know that you know them and have read them...They both have won allot!!!!
I don't hate Steven Lopez...I respect his ability...I question the fact that he rarely fights...and I beleive that in this juncture in his career Aaron Cook is better

But you do resent the fact that he wins so much.
I am just awe'd by how professional their open looks. TV broadcast with commentary, raised ring with fans in stands and no one on the floor.

Have someone blind fold you and bring you to the US Open and take off the blind fold and you would think you are just at any other tournament. Fighters, coaches, relatives, and the homeless all over the arena floor. Just a world of difference.

This looks like something that should be on TV. Fighters become more focused as they know all eyes are on them. The U.S. better get it together.


This was shown on Sky TV here.

Most comps whether in Judo, karate, TKD, BJJ are like this.

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