WWE and UFC to Merge (Not an April Fool's Joke)

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I don't follow either one to be honest, but this popped up in my news feed this morning. After checking the date of the article to be sure it wasn't an April Fool's joke, it seems to me that UFC is finally admitting that they're really entertainment, not a martial arts competition. Feel free to disagree.
They've been leaning into the theatrics for several years. If serious, it's just a way for them to go all in, I guess.
finally admitting that they're really entertainment, not a martial arts competition
It's both. From a technical standpoint, the UFC is one of the highest level martial arts competitions in the world. From a business and money-making standpoint, entertaining the masses is what brings in the big bucks. If that means manufacturing drama leading up to the fights or pushing "exciting" fighters over "boring" fighters, then management will absolutely go that route.
It's disheartening, but not unexpected.

As Steve and Tony said, they've been going down that road of manufactured pro-wrestling trash talk for years. It's why I lost interest in the sport. It became all guys acting like angry teenagers rather than professional grown ups.

It looks like they're doubling down on becoming another version of WWE (where the only differences are a professed aversion to steroids, and where they don't just pretend to hit each other).
As Steve and Tony said, they've been going down that road of manufactured pro-wrestling trash talk for years. It's why I lost interest in the sport. It became all guys acting like angry teenagers rather than professional grown ups.
This is why I just watch the fights to learn from the fighters technical prowess and ignore all the coverage of the pre-fight trash talking.
Wow... but... what does this... ACTUALLY mean? Tried following the article and lots of words, but practically speaking will it change anything on the shows themselves, or purely a business alignment/arrangement for monetary/logistical purposes?
I think it's a golden opportunity for them to push for a new competition format.

First round: they pretend to fight each other pro-wrestling style.
Second round: it "gets out of hand" and turns into MMA.
Third round: they settle it once and for all with the slap thing.

I'd call it Ultimate Ultimate Fighting Entertainment with a Twist. Or UUFET. Which probably means something in Finnish.
Wow... but... what does this... ACTUALLY mean? Tried following the article and lots of words, but practically speaking will it change anything on the shows themselves, or purely a business alignment/arrangement for monetary/logistical purposes?
Good question. Typically business mergers end up doing something very different from what is announced. They'll claim X and do Y and they always intended it anyway. Often or usually, it will involve merging of infrastructure, which will mean layoffs of employees (not the 'talent' but the worker bees). Execs all get bonuses and there's lots of golden parachutes for any execs who are given the heave-ho, but the worker bees get a cup of dirt and a hearty high-o-silver. Just my bitter experience in 40+ years of living through mergers and lying executives.
I think it's a golden opportunity for them to push for a new competition format.

First round: they pretend to fight each other pro-wrestling style.
Second round: it "gets out of hand" and turns into MMA.
Third round: they settle it once and for all with the slap thing.

I'd call it Ultimate Ultimate Fighting Entertainment with a Twist. Or UUFET. Which probably means something in Finnish.
Add in the Fish Slapping Dance and I'll watch it.

I mean, UFC has been pretty garbage for a while with Dana White in charge. He doesnt select fair fights and will even prevent certain matchups so that whatever fighter he is milking and hyping at the time doesnt loose. It's all about padding his bank account.
From a business standpoint it makes sense. The same demographic that watches WWE is the same one that mainly watches the UFC also.

(That statistic is a bit old, not sure if it is the same in 2023 or not and to be honest, don't care enough to do the research).

With the MMA fighters who have gone over to WWE, why not bank in on that? It has nothing to do with a martial arts competition and all to do with entertainment value.

Dana White has made it very clear on how the UFC does match ups that it has to do more with his cash cows and potential money that finding out who is really the best, unless the two coincide.