Quick Sand
Hi, I really don't know anything about Kempo other than stuff I read on some of the threads here. It sounds really interesting though and I'd like to know more.
One of my questions is about the sets you all seem to mention. Finger set, long form, kicking set etc. Are these like some kind of kata like thing? A set series of movements or are they completely different? Just curious.
Was the thing Jeff Speakman does at the very beginning of "Perfect Weapon" one of the sets of some kind?
Thanks guys. Unfortunately they don't off Kempo on my university campus so I can't try to study it yet but hopefully some day when I become a real person (read 'not a student') :asian:
One of my questions is about the sets you all seem to mention. Finger set, long form, kicking set etc. Are these like some kind of kata like thing? A set series of movements or are they completely different? Just curious.
Was the thing Jeff Speakman does at the very beginning of "Perfect Weapon" one of the sets of some kind?
Thanks guys. Unfortunately they don't off Kempo on my university campus so I can't try to study it yet but hopefully some day when I become a real person (read 'not a student') :asian: