Wing Chun vs JKD.... Mook Yan Jong

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I was looking at a thread today "Which type of Wooden Dummy is the best?" and I have know for years that there are different types and that the Mook and that those generally associated with Wing Chun is different than the one associated with Jeet Kune Do and I never paid that much attention to it but today it hit me....why?

I'm specifically talking about the top of the Mook

Any one know why the Mook Yan Jong of Wing Chun is a little different than one associated with JKD?

Wing Chun Mook Yan Jong

Jeet Kune Do Mook Yan Jong


The two I found for examples I realize are different, they were chosen based solely on the size of the picture. I realize that there are multiple types of Mook, free standing, wall mountm big, little, partial
The trunk an a JKD dummy is taller, with the scalloped out section to represent a neck and make the trunk above it resemble a head. I never saw the point myself. I think the JKD guys have continued to do this just so it remains distinct from Wing Chun. It doesn't give any kind of advantage that I can tell.
Those are not good examples of a JKD dummy. A true JKD dummy has a much different leg. It comes out just below the lower arm and goes straight down. Having said that and owning both, choose the one for the art you practice. If you do wing chun, you will want a wing chun dummy as the leg position on a JKD dummy isn't conducive to doing the mook Jong form
Those are not good examples of a JKD dummy. A true JKD dummy has a much different leg. It comes out just below the lower arm and goes straight down. Having said that and owning both, choose the one for the art you practice. If you do wing chun, you will want a wing chun dummy as the leg position on a JKD dummy isn't conducive to doing the mook Jong form

Realize those are not prefect examples but I was trying to keep the size of the photos down.

I was simply wondering why the difference

I believe the JKD dummy has the carved out section to serve as a representation of someone's neck. I don't think it really makes any difference in that respect though, the dummy is still able to serve its intended purpose.

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