Wing Chun Uk Self Defence

Just wondering if any member on MT belongs to the same schools?

Same schools? Well, no...being from the States and all, but from I see from your school's web page that your instructors are formerly from the EWTO, or for those here in the States unfamiliar with that organization, it's the European branch of Leung Ting's lineage.

Bu on the other hand, I was also originally a direct student of LT, and my current instructor received his training with both Leung Ting here and the EWTO in Germany, and then later, like so many others, broke out on his own. So in a sense, we share some of the same lineage. :)
Hey Transk, if you don't mind a little off-topic digression, I read on another thread that you had been diagnosed with spina bifida. That's rough. But check out this guy, Carlito Bonjoc who has struggled his whole life with a severe case of spina bifida which ultimately landed him in a wheel chair. I went to a seminar of his. Very impressive.

Same schools? Well, no...being from the States and all, but from I see from your school's web page that your instructors are formerly from the EWTO, or for those here in the States unfamiliar with that organization, it's the European branch of Leung Ting's lineage.

Bu on the other hand, I was also originally a direct student of LT, and my current instructor received his training with both Leung Ting here and the EWTO in Germany, and then later, like so many others, broke out on his own. So in a sense, we share some of the same lineage. :)

Yes that's cool with me :) A lot of the things that we learn in class and at seminars doesn't readily get passed on via video and such like. I do have some of me doing the first form (badly though lol) but I would have to ask permission to post,which I will ask Sifu. Yes, I was diagnosed with being hospitalised this summer. Long story short, I had two thoracic laminectomies, and I am suffering symptoms of Spida Bifiida with internal organs. Thankfully mine was on the lower scale, but it looks the spinal tethering I was possibly from birth. They don't want to do anything surgically if they can help it, but have to take 12 pills daily for pain management. Not ideal, but yes I will watch the vid :)
Hey Transk, if you don't mind a little off-topic digression, I read on another thread that you had been diagnosed with spina bifida. That's rough. But check out this guy, Carlito Bonjoc who has struggled his whole life with a severe case of spina bifida which ultimately landed him in a wheel chair. I went to a seminar of his. Very impressive.

Very interesting indeed.Thanks for sharing this :)
Will be going back in January to see how my body will cope. Had much trouble with my footwork after grading, then my health deterioration there after. Bummer really because i wanted to grade at least twice more this year. Here is me and my training partner in the first row. Managed to help him get more confidence about himself if a faced a threat on the street.
Well should be all set to return to full training next week. Now the prospect of having to go through a brain scan (sure I have one lol) as the Neurologist can't actually say why my inherent weakness down the left side as they put, is actually there in the first place. Was also hoping to return to full time work as well, but two more scans in other areas to go yet, so my birthday holiday in March, may well turn in to another fretting exercise. One recent scan was positive, also got the all clear on my prostate by proxy, but bad news is that my Kidneys could be responsible for the pain which I have to medicate myself for. Roughly worked out, the next big scan in February will be one year and four days since being under NHS care. Now as long as fatigue will allow, I will start back running as well. Oh well, on wards and upwards.